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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Heat, test server, vlc and thunderbird

Today was hot, it appeared to have peaked around 91F, matching the record set in this area 19 years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced 90F degree weather in April before, this is the second day of it and it looks to be lasting through Tuesday. My apartment is retrofitted for A/C, which means […]

“One’s never alone with a rubber duck”

I moved into this apartment about 6 months ago. I can’t say that I was ever particularly excited to be living alone, at first I was reeling from the divorce and coming to terms with living alone for the first time in my life. I’ve been able to enjoy the novelty of living alone during […]

This morning I had a bagel

My blog used to be much more “daily life” oriented. When things started getting tough life-wise I scaled back a lot from my near-daily entries and just posted about events. Then life got busier and I continued to not make blogging a priority, getting to the point where blogging is something that ends up on […]


I moved in to this apartment with a lot of books and stuff. I think the pack rat part of me took comfort in being surrounded by my things, especially now that I’m living alone for the first time. I moved three times last year with all of this stuff, never going through any of […]