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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Pink Sansa Fuze

About 3 years ago I got my first mp3 player, the Sansa e140. It was a decent little $80 player for the time, did basic things you need an mp3 player to do and was great for the gym. There really is nothing wrong with it even today, but the lack of features and some […]

Philadelphia Geeknic: Success!

The first Geeknic, right here near Philadelphia, took place yesterday at Betzwood Park. We topped out at around 30 people, we invited folks from Ubuntu Pennsylvania, Ubuntu New Jersey, PLUG, PhillyGeek, PASUG, PACS, Temple ACM, a few other nearby LUGs and through advertising in the Freenode motd (yes, some people do read those!). We even […]

Upcoming Linux events near Philadelphia

April 19, 2009: Philadelphia Geeknic 2009 @ Betzwood Park On March 31st PLUG member Jonathan Simpson and I had the following exchange: < JonathanD> pleia2: lets setup a geeknic < pleia2> geeknic? < JonathanD> geeknic < pleia2> define please < JonathanD> it’s a geeky picnic! < pleia2> oh :) The rest was history! I was […]

UKUUG Spring 2009 Conference

On the 25th and 26th of March I attended the UKUUG Spring 2009 Conference. The first day I was a bit apprehensive, because of public transportation. Getting from Liverpool Street station to Great Portland Street on the tube turned out to be easy, and the conference really was right across the street from the station. […]

Talking about the Lenny release in Linux Format

I received a direct message from RoboNuggie (thanks!) today letting me know that he’d seen me in a piece in the May issue of Linux Format Magazine discussing the Debian Lenny release. Very cool. Ok, so this didn’t come as a total surprise to me, as Juliet Kemp asked me a few questions (and for […]

Ubuntu Women Project Status – Early 2009

The last time I posted a status update on the project was June 2008. We just had a meeting on March 4th (minutes and log here) to discuss project status. It was really great to hear from some of the more active women within the Ubuntu community, and get their take on our goals and […]

Philadelphia Bug Jam!

On Saturday the Philadelphia team of Ubuntu US Pennsylvania hosted our BugJam. PLUG member Art Alexion graciously offered us space at Resources for Human Development in great room with wired connections for the event, and access to a kitchen for our goodies. People started arriving around noon and we got things set up, retrieved the […]

Extending London trip for UKUUG Spring Conference!

As I’ve mentioned, earlier this year I decided to skip over to London for a week. After sorting out my plans to visit from March 14-22 I learned about the UKUUG Spring Conference from March 24-26, and perhaps more importantly, I learned about the conference bursaries. I put off ordering my plane tickets and checked […]

UCP, US Teams, Ubuntu BugJam in Philly

As many of my local friends can attest, I spent much of my January as a bit of a hermit. I made it out for a PLUG North meeting (great talk on zsh by Paul Snyder), but otherwise spent a lot of time hanging in. February is shaping up to be a more active month. […]

Pink Electronics :)

Yesterday I headed down to Microcenter to pick up a new camera that I bought through their “buy online, pick up in store” option. I’ve had a 3 megapixel PowerShot A70 for ages, but these past few months it’s been dying, and now most photos end up with green lines or other issues. I was […]