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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

CloudCamp Hackathon and Ubuntu User Days

I’ve had a busy weekend! On Friday night I headed over to the San Francisco Hub for a CloudCamp Social Good Hackathon sponsored by HP Cloud (my employer) and Intel. The event kicked off with an introduction, including words from Dave Nielsen where he spoke about CloudCamps and touched upon how HP Cloud uses OpenStack […]

My pink WASD keyboard

I like the color pink. Over the years I’ve collected lots of pink electronics that have measured up to their non-pink counterparts, from pink ethernet cables (hey, that’s my photo on Gizmodo!) to my pink netbook that has traveled the world with me (frequently still seen at Ubuntu Hours, always came along to Ubuntu Developer […]

Linux Conf AU 2014 Continues!

After all of the OpenStack stuff I discussed in my last post, I presented two more times at linux.conf.au, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday morning the keynote by Kate Chapman on the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). I haven’t paid a lot of attention to OpenStreetMap over the years because there are only so many hours […]

December updates from Ubuntu California

Ubuntu-related events have been chugging along here in California. On Wednesday evening here in San Francisco I had the pleasure of hosting an Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner. Both events attracted new attendees, which was great to see during December, a month that’s historically pretty quiet for us. On Thursday night I joined […]

Skaggs Family Extreme Brownies

Every year I send out holiday cards by request. This year Ubuntu QA extraordinaire Nick Skaggs reciprocated in the most fantastic way – I received a Skaggs family card with a brownie recipe! Finding espresso powder took some doing, fortunately a specialty cooking store here in the city carries it. Tonight after class I was […]

Quotes for community.ubuntu.com

Earlier this year I worked with the team that launched our shiny new community.ubuntu.com site. Hooray! I had a couple of tasks aside from general review. The first was getting more images on the site prior to launch to make it more engaging to people. I reached out to LoCo teams and got a lot […]

Virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit 1311

As is tradition, this virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit kicked off with an introduction by Jono Bacon and keynote from Mark Shuttleworth. It was at 6AM my time, I shut off my 5:45AM alarm and proceeded to sleep until the first session I had to be at 8:05AM. Hah! Fortunately it was available on youtube immediately […]

Taming Lubuntu on my PowerBook G4

About a year ago I adopted a MacBook Pro and a PowerBook G4. The MacBook Pro now happily runs OSX, when we turn it on (mostly MJ uses it for photo processing). In spite of being quite the nice machine for 2004, the poor PowerBook G4 had been long abandoned by Apple due to it’s […]

Trusty attends first Ubuntu Hour

For each Ubuntu release I spend a little time finding a toy or other representation of the codename animal to use at booths, Ubuntu Hours and other events. See my previous posts about critters for K, L, M, N and O, Quetzals and Pangolins, Raring and Saucy Salamander. Trusty Tahr was tricky and took some […]

ZHackers in the Ubuntu Software Center

Last week I was approached by the author of the ZHackers series, David Jordan, to see if I wanted to review volumes 1 and 2 in preparation for the release of volume 2 in the Ubuntu Software Center. With his promise of “It’s got awesome geeks of both genders as well as downloading the linux […]