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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner Wrap-up

On Wednesday night I hosted an Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner in downtown San Francisco. We have our Ubuntu Hours here in San Francisco once a month, and it was November of 2010 that I decided to start tacking on a Bay Area Debian Dinner every other month at a restaurant across the street. Over […]

ACM Turing Centenary Celebration

On Friday and Saturday I had the exceptional opportunity to attend the ACM Turing Centenary Celebration. I’ll start right off by saying it was an exciting and deeply intimidating event to attend. The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is actually quite an academic-focused organization in general, and while I read their Communications of the ACM […]

Conservatory of Flowers, movies and computer-y events

This past Saturday was beautiful and the rest of this week hasn’t disappointed either. After services in the morning we ended up at The Elite Cafe on Fillmore for a great brunch. From there we headed to Golden Gate Park to visit the Conservatory of Flowers which we’d recently gotten a membership to. I have […]

Buckminster Fuller at SFMOMA and server reinstalls

My boss is a Buckminster Fuller enthusiast and over the years some of that has rubbed off in reading some of his essays and a renewed interest in geodesic dome structures. So when The Utopian Impulse: Buckminster Fuller and the Bay Area opened at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) I knew I […]

I’m an Ubuntu Developer Summit local!

I have been to four Ubuntu Developer Summits (UDS), and at all of them I found the advice of local Ubuntu contributors to be very valuable to my visit, the shining example of which was the culmination of being downtown in a city and having the support of the Hungarian LoCo team while we were […]

12.04 Release Party: San Francisco Edition

On Thursday night I hosted the typical Ubuntu California release party at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company in downtown San Francisco. We had… A thirsty pangolin! A hungry penguin! A guy in a Fedora shirt (hi Jeff!)! And lots of people having fun! All told we probably had 20 people who came and went throughout the […]

Orkney the Grey Seal

This morning I dropped MJ off at the airport. To cheer myself up and enjoy the beautiful weather I decided to take a detour on my way home to visit the San Francisco Zoo. If you read my blog you know that as a member I visit frequently. Took lots of pictures (set here) and […]

12.04 Presentation for Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) and upcoming SF Release Party

Last night, as announced here and mentioned here, Grant Bowman and I did a presentation for the Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). When I arrived a gentleman I’d been corresponding with over email had his netbook set up for me to look at. He couldn’t remember his password and […]

Northern California Ubuntu Hours and SF Release Dinner!

I was in Philadelphia for the actual release day of Ubuntu 11.10 so I went to the Pennsylvania team’s release party (congrats again on your reapproval!). In San Francisco I ended up postponing the regular monthly Ubuntu Hour a week and we held an Ubuntu Hour and then an 11.10 release dinner on Wednesday the […]

Snakes, Lizards and Bison

MJ’s friend Matti spent the week here with us. She arrived last Friday and on Saturday the three of us piled into the car and headed toward Golden Gate Park. We started with lunch at The Beach Chalet. We then heading over to The California Academy of Sciences, where I have a membership but it […]