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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

San Francisco Ubuntu 14.04 Release Party

On Thursday, April 24th, the Ubuntu California team celebrated the 14.04 release with a party in San Francisco. Our parties prior to this one had been more loosely organized, typically meeting up at a brewery or restaurant to just enjoy some food, drinks and the company of each other. This time, for the LTS, I […]

San Francisco 14.04 Release Party on April 24th

The release of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS is coming up on Thursday, April 17th! To celebrate, the Ubuntu California team in San Francisco will be hosting an Ubuntu release party at AdRoll! Huge thanks to them for offering us space for this event. AdRoll is located at 972 Mission Street in San Francisco. It’s […]

A Little San Francisco 13.10 Release Party

I was finally in my home city of San Francisco for an Ubuntu release (why are Octobers so crazy?) so I was able to put together a small event for the release of Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander). The night before I pulled out the nail polish and nail decals from System76 to get into the […]

Code Review for Sysadmins talk at BALUG

On the heels of my trip to Illinois to speak at ACM Reflections | Projections on building a career in open source, I had the opportunity on Tuesday to speak at the Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) on the system the OpenStack Infrastructure team uses to do systems administration. It was a happy coincidence […]

Sharks, Androids and Debian

On October 10th of 2012 I embarked on my journey to Ghana. Today I was at the San Francisco airport for another trip, to Illinois, so I can speak at the ACM Projections | Reflections conference on my career in Free and Open Source. While it may not be as exotic as Africa, I am […]

A Cylinder and a Sprain

Saturday evening MJ and I spent a final meal together before my trip, breaking the fast following Yom Kippur. On Sunday we went to the Asian Art Museum to visit the Cyrus Cylinder and In The Moment exhibits. The Cyrus Cylinder exhibit was small and busy, but the history geek in me loved it. Accompanying […]

A Dragon and The Thinker, San Francisco style

On Labor Day I made my way over to the San Francisco Zoo to meet their latest resident: Big Daddy Bahasa, a 2 year old Komodo Dragon. His exhibit opened just days before so it was quite busy as I peered in to get my glimpse of the active little dragon. Jillian the “baby” tiger […]

Miscellaneous life stuff from July and August

It’s been a crazy busy summer. Looking back through my blog, I see that for the past 2 months all my posts have somehow been event, open source or travel related. Crazy! I assure you, I have been doing normal life stuff as well, like… Doing laundry. Taking pictures of street cars as I wander […]

California Wedding Reception

Since we had our wedding on the east coast we decided to also host an event on the west coast for friends here, many of whom couldn’t make it across the country for the wedding itself. It took some time to plan, but last Saturday we finally had our event! We ended up going with […]

Breakfast with the Penguins at the San Francisco Zoo

This past weekend our friend Danita was in town visiting. To kick things off I dragged her and MJ out of bed at 7AM to head to the San Francisco Zoo! This year we missed the annual March of the Penguins where the new baby penguins of the year are introduced to the colony on […]