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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

OSCON Tutorial Days

This is my second time attending OSCON, last year I was here for the last 2 days and this time I’m attending for the first 4. As such, this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to attend the tutorial days. The first day I ended up in Jono Bacon’s Community Management Training. I […]

Community Leadership Summit 2013

On Thursday I’m presenting on Code Review for Systems Administrators at OSCON, but was delighted to be able to to come up to Portland a couple days early to join my peers and colleagues at the Community Leadership Summit. Back in 2011 I attended a Community Leadership Summit West, but this was my first time […]

Midtown Manhattan

Last Sunday my friend Danita and I walked a total of 10 miles around midtown Manhattan. It wasn’t exactly walking weather, very humid and temperatures topping out in the mid 80s, but it was worth it :) First up on our list was to grab some bagels for breakfast, and then to use our tickets […]

Lower Manhattan

I grew up in a small tourist town in Maine. By default, I was pretty much afraid and apprehensive about the noise and chaos of cities. That began to change in 2009 when I started making more frequent trips to downtown Philadelphia and has evolved into loving cities since moving to San Francisco. There is […]

OpenStack Infrastructure Bootcamp in NYC

On Wednesday of last week I hopped on a flight to New York City for a meeting with several of my OpenStack Infrastructure colleagues and potential contributors for the first “Infrastructure Bootcamp” ever held! Thursday morning the bootcamp began with a quick overview of expectations and topics we wished to cover and then we went […]

Honeymoon week 2

The second half of our honeymoon was full of adventure (and ok, a bit more luxury). We decided to spend 5 days traveling through the Yucatan peninsula visiting Mayan ruins, cenotes and local cities. We wanted our visit to be stress-free so MJ did some research and found William Lawsons Personal Driving Service which would […]

Honeymoon week 1

On Tuesday the 30th we flew from Philadelphia to Cancun, Mexico. From there we took a shuttle south for about 40 minutes until we got to the Riviera Maya district and Grand Velas, the all-inclusive resort we had reservations at for the first week of our honeymoon. We then spent a much-needed week relaxing. We […]

OpenStack Design Summit days 3-4

Wednesday morning started off with a Women of OpenStack breakfast where I happened to sit down next to Leslie Hawthorn without realizing it until we introduced ourselves, so that was a pleasant surprise! We’d both been intending to meet for some time. The table we were at also had a couple engineers working on OpenStack […]

OpenStack Design Summit days 1-2

Since my new job is working with the OpenStack infrastructure team, I am able to attend the OpenStack Design Summit this week in Portland, Oregon! I woke up just before 4AM on Monday to take a 6:15AM flight to Portland, putting me in Portland shortly after 8AM and to the conference center around 9AM, at […]

Ubuntu at SCaLE11x

This year marked the 3rd Southern California Linux Expo I’ve attended, and once again it didn’t disappoint. The first year I gave a talk at the Ubucon and helped with the booth over the weekend, last year I gave a talk at Ubucon, one at the conference itself and then ran the Ubuntu booth, an […]