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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars!

I spent the long holiday weekend in San Francisco with MJ. So I’ll start there, for those of you not hovering over twitter MJ and I started dating this weekend :) . MJ and me after fireworks on the 4th We’ve been close friends for years, and in spite of the distance this progression in […]

Sunny NYC

Yesterday I left home around 9AM to head over to New Jersey to meet up with my friend Mike who I was traveling up to New York City with. Plans to head up there came together when I learned my friend Wilmer of the Bitlbee project was going to be up there. Then learned via […]

Southeast LinuxFest!

This past weekend I rode down to the Southeast Linuxfest in Clemson South Carolina. I tagged along with Freenode reps Jonathan Simpson and Crissi, plus Andrew from the Pennsylvania Ubuntu LoCo team. I was able to take Friday off from work for the drive down to Charlotte, NC where we were staying, the drive down […]

Wallace and Gromit Exhibit at the Science Museum in London

This is my last post about England, I promise (until I go back! I can’t help myself, I loved it there). The day before I left we headed back into London to go to the opening day of Wallace & Gromit’s World of Cracking Ideas Exhibition. Wow! Opening day of a Wallace and Gromit exhibit! […]

UKUUG Spring 2009 Conference

On the 25th and 26th of March I attended the UKUUG Spring 2009 Conference. The first day I was a bit apprehensive, because of public transportation. Getting from Liverpool Street station to Great Portland Street on the tube turned out to be easy, and the conference really was right across the street from the station. […]

Another day in London and other things

On Thursday the 19th we headed down to London again for a day of walking around the city. The first stop was the Tower of London and Tower Bridge. Just prior to getting there we wandered past an ice cream truck and snagged a couple of 99 Flakes (ice cream on a cone w/ a […]

Visiting Stonehenge

On March 18th made the 1.5ish hour drove down to Stonehenge. We went on a Wednesday and it was still pretty busy (apparently weekends are really busy!). Even so, I was able to get a lot of photos of the stones that were relatively people-free. We arrived and parked in the available parking lot. There […]

Arrival in England and first day in London

I took a flight out of Philadelphia on the night of Saturday the 14th and arrived at Heathrow on Sunday morning. I tried to sleep on the plane, but a crying baby for most of the flight made that tricky. In spite of that, the flight was quite pleasant, I’ll certainly go with British Airways […]

Having a blast in England!

I arrived in England last Sunday morning. The week has been full of sight-seeing, relaxing (first week-long vacation for me in over 2 years!) and partaking in delicious English treats (fish ‘n chips, pie & mash, pub ale, Cadbury chocolates!). I can’t believe almost a week has gone by already. Houses of Parliament, seen from […]

Extending London trip for UKUUG Spring Conference!

As I’ve mentioned, earlier this year I decided to skip over to London for a week. After sorting out my plans to visit from March 14-22 I learned about the UKUUG Spring Conference from March 24-26, and perhaps more importantly, I learned about the conference bursaries. I put off ordering my plane tickets and checked […]