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Simcoe’s November Checkup

On November 24th we brought Simcoe in for her quarterly checkup, her last checkup had been on July 28th (I wrote about it here).

This visit was a few week later than quarterly due to our travel schedules, but she’s been doing very well with the CRF treatment. She has been more vocal lately, but I suspect that’s because she gets a bit upset with us traveling and working so much so we weren’t too concerned. The exam went well, her teeth look good and she’s even put on a several ounces since last time, She’s now 9.68 lbs (4.39 kg)!

On Tuesday the vet called us with her blood work:

BUN: 44 (normal range: 14-36)
CRE: 3.0 (normal range: .6-2.4)

BUN stayed pretty constant since last time (was 45) and CRE has gone up a tad, previously at 2.6. Her phosphorous levels remain within normal ranges and her red blood count looks good. The vet was happy with her status, saying that while her condition will continue progress, it certainly has slowed considerably.

We’ve stopped being able to give her the fish oils that were prescribed but the vet was OK with that. We stopped with the soft food too because she’s really doesn’t seem interested in it. On the bright side she is happily eating the dry prescription food (Hill’s Prescription Diet k/d Feline Renal Health) and rarely goes after Caligula’s food any more.

All good news! Even if she still doesn’t like going to the vet…

She’s much happier tonight, relaxing with me on the couch.

Holiday cards 2012!

Every year I send out a big batch of wintertime holiday cards to friends and acquaintances online.


Reading this? That means you! Even if you’re outside the United States!

Just drop me an email at lyz@princessleia.com with your postal address, please put “Holiday Card” in the subject so I can filter it appropriately. Please do this even if I’ve sent you a card in the past, I won’t be reusing the list from last year.

Typical disclaimer: I’m not religious and the cards will be secular in theme.

Time for a new challenge

I’ve been working for almost 6 years as a Linux Systems Administrator for a small technology services company based out of Philadelphia. What drew me to this job initially was their dedication to Open Source (particularly Debian) and the opportunity I’d have with them to not only grow my career as a Systems Administrator, but to work on Debian packages as a paid part of my role there.

Over the summer I came to the realization that it was time to move on. As much as I enjoy my job and the flexibility I was allowed to pursue my Open Source work, my role has become the most senior possible in the company and I have grown to handle a lot of company operations and management tasks. What I really want career-wise is to leverage my growing Systems Administrator skill set in a position that would allow me to tackle larger systems and solve more challenging problems. In August I approached the owner of the company to explain my intention to seek new opportunities and we’ve worked together to develop a transition plan to make sure my role could be sufficiently covered when I left. With this plan in place, I began my job search.

Now, there are no shortage of Linux Systems Administrator jobs here in San Francisco and I’ve had some great interviews with some interesting companies. I’ve spoken with a couple of start-ups who hoped to bring me on board to take over key portions of operations, but it quickly became apparent that, while satisfying my desire for a stronger technical role, the time involved working for these start-ups would be more than full time and would eat into the time I spend on Open Source. I’ve also had interviews with companies who have interesting roles but are completely indifferent to my work in Open Source and are strictly hiring standard Linux Systems Administrators. While such a traditional systems role remains a valid option that I’m still considering to satisfy my technical career goals, I may be disappointed to see my Open Source work largely ignored at a company like this.

Given that my Open Source work these days centers around Ubuntu projects related to the community, I looked into some Community Management roles. I’ve discovered that the vast majority of these roles, even in Open Source-focused companies, are very marketing-oriented and I was told directly by one hiring manager that my technical skills would be wasted in such a position at their company (she put me in touch with their Systems Engineer recruiter instead). I haven’t been able to find a position that mixes my technical prowess with my skills as a community organizer. The inability to find such a role, as yet, is unfortunate. When I talk to actual contributors from projects, they’ve expressed an interest in having a more technical person in place as the liaison between community and company.

So, my dream job? A position that values, and perhaps even leverages, my Open Source work as well as the systems work to which I am so dedicated in my career.

At this point, I continue to work for my current employer and have begun this week to train my replacement. Now that I’ve wrapped up my major international travel for the year, I’m continuing to interview for roles both at companies here in the city of San Francisco and as well as remote opportunities. My primary focus remains systems administration positions, though I still hope to find the right fit and balance for my skill set.

Ubuntu Necklaces now available! $10 of each purchase supports Ubuntu in schools

Almost a year and a half ago, in June of 2011, I wrote about Ubuntu Earrings being sold by Boutique Academia in Gold plated and Rhodium plated (silver color, but doesn’t tarnish). They were so popular that they have sold out of them, but have more on order.

But not everyone wanted earrings! This week Boutique Academia started selling an Ubuntu Necklace!

And to show the size and that these too come in the Rhodium plated silver color:

Even better, $10 of each purchase goes directly to supporting Partimus, a non-profit in the San Francisco bay area that puts Ubuntu-based desktops and laptops into area schools.

I just bought one of each (and the Steel Pleiades necklace made it into my cart as well, this shop is too awesome).

Updates from the deployments in Ghana

I mentioned in my Ghana trip summary blog post that the deployment of and training for the 100 Edubuntu computers shipped over would be continued by volunteers from Africa ICT Right.

I’m happy to report that Daniel Kwaku Ganyoame has been keeping us updated with progress and has been sending photos!

On Tuesday, 30th Oct. 2012, Madina No.1 school pick up their computers from Pig Farm at 2pm.

On Wednesday, 31st Oct. 2012, Gomoa East also came for their computers from Pig Farm at 3:15pm.

On Thursday, 1st Nov. 2012, West Gonja also came for their computers from Pig Farm around 4:30pm.

We have been providing training for Jubilee Int. Church volunteers for the past three (3) days. The volunteers are 11 in number. We will conduct the last training for the Pig Farm site on Sunday from 1pm to 5pm.

Computers being picked up for shipment across the country

Classroom for training at Jubilee International

On Sunday 4th Nov., we organize our last training session in Pig farm with the support of two volunteers from the Accra Linux User Group.

Today, Monday 5th Nov., we donated 10 computers to Madina No.1 School and also set up their lab for them. We will start with the training from tomorrow.

Madina receives their computers!

We have so far train 13 teachers from Madina Demonstration JHS as well as 14 trainers from Jubilee International church.

We will be continuing with our training at Madina since the teachers have show more interest in the program.

Training at Madina

We were quite disappointed that the shipping issues caused us to be unable to be around to help on the ground with these deployments, so it’s really exciting to get these pictures and see things progressing well.

Travel wraps up with a visit to Philly

I left home on October 10th and went on a whirlwind tour that brought me to Accra, Copenhagen and finally Philadelphia – 3 continents!

The weekend I went from Copenhagen to Philadelphia was an extremely long one. I left Copenhagen on a 6AM flight on Saturday, connecting with a 3 hour layover in Frankfurt (my 4th stop in Frankfurt during this month of travel, for those who are counting). MJ picked me up at the San Francisco International Airport when my flight came in Saturday at 2PM California time. We went home, swapped my suitcases and got him packed for the trip, stopped for some lunch and to do some tidying around the condo to prepare for the pet sitter. Around 9PM we caught a cab with all our luggage for our 11PM redeye flight to Philadelphia. Thankfully I managed to sleep for much of this flight, and when we got to Philadelphia we were able to get a nap as soon as we settled in before meeting up with some of MJ’s relatives.

The trip to Philadelphia this past week was almost exclusively family-based, and the first I’d had with MJ this month. We were in town to coordinate a move for one of his relatives and that left time for little else. While my other trips this month certainly weren’t vacations, this one was even less so with mornings starting around 6AM each day so we could be on site to coordinate with packers, movers, storage considerations and more. Nights were also late, returning back at our place of lodging (we stayed 3 different places) after 9PM each night.

We were able to carve out some time for some fun though. When driving through Mt Airy one afternoon we passed the Trolley Car Diner where I had to stop and take pictures of a very familiar form – a PCC street car!

Once the furniture part of the move was done, we had no where to sleep! So we made our way over to the Joseph Ambler Inn for a couple nights. Just a couple miles from the wedding venue, this is the inn where we’ll be staying during our wedding in April and have reserved a number of rooms for guests coming in from out of town. The visit gave us a nice opportunity to visit and check out the grounds, we hope to get a proper tour next time we’re in town as the one we had scheduled fell through due to scheduling issues. They had an amazing complimentary breakfast including pancakes and eggs and we were able to enjoy a great dinner one night while visiting with our friend Nita one evening.

Entrance to series of buildings at Joseph Ambler Inn

On Saturday I was able to meet up with Nita, Crissi and MJ’s cousins Ariel and Lauren to go wedding dress shopping! I was pretty apprehensive about this, dresses aren’t my thing and in spite of looking at some dress pictures these past few months, I still was completely clueless when it comes to dress styles and had no idea what would look good on me. I spent the next 90 minutes trying on 7 dresses and selected the 2nd one I tried on. I love it, it sure made this Leia feel like a Disney princess! I bought a tiara to go along with it.

Saturday night it was dinner with family and then back to finish the remaining portions of the move. After 3 hours of sleep, we were on the road again by 6:30AM on Sunday doing some final storage runs and spent the rest of the day packing and finishing last minute errands.

Sun rising as we drove over the bridge to New Jersey on Sunday morning

We made it to the airport pretty late, but thankfully Hertz does a courtesy drop off at ticketing when you have a lot of luggage in a rental car and we’re both enrolled in TSA Pre which allowed us to sail through security without a line and with our shoes on. We were able to grab a couple hoagies to eat on the plane and board as soon as we got to the gate. The flight home was uneventful and I was relieved when all of our luggage joined us at the end.

Some more photos of the trip are available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157631991639918/

I’m now trying to get unpacked and do laundry, adjust to the time zone and get a handle on my to do list before returning to work on Wednesday. I anticipate it taking some time for me to get back into the swing of things but it’s great to be home!

Tourist in Copenhagen

With the Ubuntu Developer Summit ending a day sooner than it has in the past, I decided to take the opportunity on Friday to do some touristing in downtown Copenhagen. I didn’t have many plans, but I did want to see The Little Mermaid statue and do a little shopping. The night before I sketched out a plan that would take Pasi Lallinaho and I through downtown and up to the mermaid. After breakfast in the hotel we were off.

A quick Metro ride put us in the city center. From there we walked north and quickly found ourselves in the central courtyard of the palaces of Amalienborg. From there we walked along the waterfront in my journey to see The Little Mermaid.

And I saw her!

Visiting the little mermaid!

Now, she is just a statue and even at 10AM there was a crowd snapping pictures. But I’m a shameless tourist and there is no disappointing me when it comes to visiting a famous landmark.

Once a sufficient number of photos were taken, we headed back south and started walking around about half of the huge Kastellet star fortress.

To warm up after the morning of walking we stopped for some drinks at a small cafe before heading over to the Design Museum. Half the museum tracked the long history of Danish classical design and then had some other exhibits of design from around the world. The last half was a lot of modern design. There were a lot of chairs (and other furniture), Danes really like designing chairs.

Furniture at the Design Museum

We stopped for a lunch of steaks on our way walking back to the city center. I got some of my shopping done and then were able to walk through the castle gardens of Rosenborg Castle. The castle itself was closed that day (sad!), but we did end up buying tickets to see the royal treasury and I paid the extra fee to be able to take pictures inside.

Crown of King Christian IV

From here we did a little more shopping and then went to another cafe where I enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate before heading back to the Metro so Pasi could get to the airport for his flight. I grabbed some dinner in the very expensive hotel restaurant and turned in early so I could be up at 3AM to make my 6AM flight.

I’ve uploaded photos from the Ubuntu Developer Summit as well as my tourist day here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157631927163838/

I wish I could have spent another day in the city, my guidebook was brimming with suggestions of things I wanted to see, including doing at least one of the palace tours, a river ferry ride, their lovely zoo with the huge elephant exhibit and a brewery tour at Carlsberg. Some day!

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 4

Today was the last day of UDS. Ending a day sooner has been strange, but I’m spending my bonus day playing tourist tomorrow in Copenhagen.

– Community Roundtable –

We were able to have some web design folks from Canonical in the session so we could discuss the community page on Ubuntu.com. They were able to tell us that the ommunity can provide content and web team can handle design, but they weren’t able to commit to a timeframe to work on that. Instead, the proposal was made to create a separate site where community members can have access to editing and we will be creating a blueprint to spec this out. I’m really happy about going in this direction, onboarding new contributors is important and so I took a bunch of work here.

Community IRC Workshops and Classrooms

We have one of these sessions every cycle to sketch out the plans for the next Ubuntu Classroom events for the next cycle, paying close attention timing-wise for each event to the release cycle. Once those were sketched out, we also had some time to brainstorm what other classes outside of big events we’d like to have, including:

  • HaveLoCos come in and showcase some of their work
  • Session about the new localized ISO tracker
  • Bug squad sessions
  • QA/UTAH session (do this early in the cycle)
  • IRC Team “how-to” – team and channel structure, what channels we have, how they work (in user level)
  • Top 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu
  • Cloud/juju and charm school online
  • Enterprise-level sessions
  • Lightning talk session (like roundtables)

It would be great to see some of these happen during this cycle, the Classroom is so often empty between the major events.

Full notes from the session: community-r-irc-workshops

Xubuntu: General planning for R (II) –

In our second session of the week we spent a fair amount of time on how we would grow the core project community by continuing to reach out to our users. We also discussed some of the marketing initiatives, including some proposals for the formats of flyers we wish to design and some updates to the website. There was also some talk about artwork and it was generally agreed that while more default background options would be nice, if we wish to stay CD-sized space is precious and we probably don’t want to use it on those images.

Full notes here: community-r-xubuntu-planning-2

– Plenaries

Today was lightning talk day! I did a 5 minute roundup of the work we did in Ghana.

I uploaded the photos I used in the talk here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/ghana/

Other presentations included overlayroot demonstration, datamining in Ubuntu related to bug handling in launchpad: showing improvements, see chrisarges.net/papers.html for more, askubuntu review feature, kde home run, getting opengl code on mobile devices (see jogamp.org for more), testing competition testing and review of winners, tips on improving compiling speed: replace Make with Ninja, replace LD with Gold, use precompiled headers (see: voices.canonical.com/jussi.pakkanen), a couple fun apps: variety wallpaper changer and livewallpaper, the developer of gottengeography (which allows you to put photos on maps) talked about GExiv2 for Vala but with added python bindings with GObject Introspection, and wrapped up with a presentation on a juju charm to get a running steam server which games can then be deployed against.

– Ubuntu Women UDS-R Goals –

We’ve been having an Ubuntu Women session at UDS for a few years now. While we do eventually get work items and a blueprint speced out, these sessions tend to lean more toward a great opportunity to meet women who are at UDS and can bring some fresh ideas and perspectives to the project. The main thing that came out of this session is the desire to do another big event this cycle where we give out prizes and get people excited about the project.

Full notes from the session here: community-r-ubuntu-women-project-goals

– LoCo Council –

A team brought up an issue with re-approval troubles and a team asked whether it was OK if their team doesn’t grow – yes, not all teams grow all the time.

Talked about some ideas for checking in with teams, perhaps encouraging them by offering help and showcasing their work, events and photos on the LoCo Council blog. Talked some about how regions should be encouraged to collaborate (ie United States, Scandinavia). Also discussed the proposal for having more state-based LoCos beyond just the United States.

And with that – UDS sessions were done! The closing plenary was the last thing on the schedule where track leads talked about what decisions were made at UDS.

The closing party was at Rosie McGee’s and we got a fun photo of the Xubuntu team:

It’s after midnight now, off for tourist things in the morning!

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 3

– Community Roundtable –

First up for the Community Roundtable today was a discussion about the /community page on ubuntu.com and possible redirect of /contribute to it see bug here. Tomorrow one of the website design folks from Canonical to talk with us about what we can do proposal-wise for improving it as we don’t want to ask people for mock-ups if they won’t be accepted.

The next topic was the ubuntuforums.org upgrade status. The OpenID plugin is done (thanks Kyle Baker!) and now it needs to be installed, tested and then hopefully deployed in the near future.

We then discussed some of the Ubuntu TV developments. This past cycle the community struggled somewhat with communication with Canonical as the project was back-burnered a bit for the 12.10 cycle with the dropping of Unity 2D (which the original prototype ran on). They confirmed that will have a PPA with a public prototype before a product launch which will be a good place for community to contribute, this is targeted for 13.04. It was also noted that the best places for community to keep up with the project are the #ubuntu-tv IRC channel, blog and the wiki.

Finally, we talked about how announcements in the community are done. If people aren’t following planet or ubuntu-dev – how will they know about important changes? It was generally agreed that the fridge should be used for this, but the fridge team itself isn’t always notified of things, encouraged more use of the ubuntu-news-team mailing list and informing volunteers in #ubuntu-news so that posts can be made. Volunteers are always welcome on this team, I’ll write a post about precisely what we need soon.

I then met up with Xubuntu project lead Pasi Lallinaho so we could talk about what he intended to include in the Xubuntu section of the flavors plenary after lunch. The Community Council then met to have a quick face-to-face discussion about the general community, and we got a photo!

Ubuntu App Review Board – Update and Planning for R cycle

One of the things the board wishes to do is streamline the approval process because the queue for reviews is growing faster than the review board itself can scale. Currently approval of a package by the ARB requires 3 members to review and approve the package. There was a proposal to allow any Ubuntu developer, beyond just ARB-contributors, do one of the reviews and just have a single ARB member required to approve it. They also discussed some more ways of automating tools to check things like licensing compliance and copyright. Full notes from the session here: appdev-r-arb-review


The plenaries for today began with presentations from the flavors.

Lubuntu – In the last cycle they created a new icon set, made look & feel improvements, new file manager, and managed to still fit the iso on the CD and keep the alternate installer and have builds on PowerPC and ARM. 13.04 they want more improvements to and additional icons (and other improvements with artwork), more testing and more devices (perhaps the Nexus 7?).

Kubuntu – Did a presentation introducing many of the Kubuntu developers who are attending UDS and the work they work on in Kubuntu. Lots of fun pictures of the Kubuntu folks!

Ubuntu Studio – Talked about the current state of Ubuntu Studio and the focus on multimedia creation with the Xfce desktop, low-latency kernel (required for audio) and is very workflow-oriented. Plans for the next cycle include recruiting more developers, improving team organization, collaborating with other flavors to improve developer docs and reach out more to the community through email, forums, social media and websites, settings GUI improvements, workflow manager and a system start-up script which does things like notify of bad settings (like ones which aren’t optimized for multimedia). They also wish to create a better user experience through more workflow-orientated documentation and videos.

Xubuntu – In the past cycle the strategy guide was completely rewritten, recruited members of the community to rewrite offline documentation, asked existing owners of social media outlets to make them “official” and on the dev side it now has Xfce 4.10, had to drop GIMP and Gnumeric to fit on the CD and dropped the alternate CDs. In 13.04 looking for more developers and keeping track of long-standing bugs to wish to polish up, improvements to documentation, a new and improved display dialog, replacing Alacarte with MenuLibre, introducing a dialog to control GTK theme colors and more. Finally, marketing materials, my stickers and case badges and of course the ping pong balls made with the eggbot!

Edubuntu – They win for brightest slides! Last cycle they decided to be more focused on long-term projects, reviving the Edubuntu Server project and seeing what they could do with tablets. They really are focused on LTS releases, so they’re aiming for these for landing the long-term projects.

Then it was on to talking about reliability and the reporting of crash bug reports from the desktop and encouraged more use of errors.ubuntu.com by developers who are looking to see that metric of how their programs are doing crash-wise. In 13.04 they are going to be extending this to recoverable errors so reports can be sent on those as well, like GPU hangs, debconf dialogs, kernel OOPSes, application hangs and installation failures. They’re always looking for contributors, more details about the project on their wiki page:

The last slot was reserved for the group UDS photo.

Improving Communications Outward

The reason for this session: “As Ubuntu members (and contributors), we understand Ubuntu (culture, community, technology, project, etc). How can we communicate Ubuntu to others outside the project (especially journalists/media) in a way that makes things easy to understand and reduces the tendency on the non-Ubuntu-community to “get the story wrong” or to “spin” stories with a default negative bias.”

There were a lot of ideas during this session about how to deliver Ubuntu community-based responses to some of the more contentious news that has come out of the Ubuntu project, and the possibility of a team being built to develop and offer these responses rather than having people (and the press) rely upon clarification from Mark’s blog or are just left guessing. There is a proposal to form an “Ubuntu Evangelists” group to handle such responses, but there were some reservations about the team being seen as a “spin” team and not really being taken seriously. A couple representatives from LoCos also raised concerns about how they are asked by the press to speak on releases and other news, but they don’t have translated release notes or anything, highlighting even problems within the project with communication. Full notes from the session here: community-r-improving-communications-outward

– Nexus7 Q&A –

This was quite the well-attended session! Ubuntu has been put on the Nexus 7, so the team in this session was available to answer questions about it, explain the “plumbing” work that Canonical is working on and reach out to the community for other parts. They’ll be adding cleaned up FAQ from the session to the wiki, but for the impatient the session notes are here: nexus7-qa

After this session Laura let me borrow her Nexus 7 to play around with the install of Ubuntu on it. Very fun.

This evening Flavia Weisghizzi and Na’Tosha Bard organized an Ubuntu Women dinner in the city. I had a great time and it was very fun to get out and have dinner in the city and have some time to talk to Na’Tosha and her husband about the work they do developing the Unity Game Engine to Linux.

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Hard to believe tomorrow is our last day of UDS, I have a lot going on tomorrow though, second Xubuntu session at noon, planning on doing a lightning talk about my trip to Ghana, and the Ubuntu Women session at 3PM.

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 2

– Community Roundtable –

My day started off with the Community Roundtable where we first discussed the Code of Conduct draft and then scheduled time during Wednesday’s roundtable to invite discussion about it (here). The next topic was the Google Summer of Code, which a couple community members volunteered to lead up and work with the Canonical community team as needed.

Next was some discussion about how the members of the community can be supportive and factual about news around Ubuntu when there are news sites that thrive on sensational headlines to get page clicks. The creation of a FAQ was also proposed for journalists who tend to get facts about Ubuntu and Canonical wrong, but it seemed unclear how useful it would actually be.

UTAH School 1

I’ve been interested in and dabbling with testing for a few release cycles now, so I was interested to see the development of UTAH test automation harness since discussions at the last UDS. This was a hands on session where attendees could follow along writing some basic test cases in UTAH. For reference I put up notes for the first two here and the directory created so I could keep track of changes made to files in each step is here. The session resumed after a break but I had another session to attend and I really just wanted a glimpse at the progress of the tool anyway.

Ubuntu LoCo Best Practices, Tips, & Tricks

This session covered a few topics where representatives from several LoCos could weigh in on how their team handled them. Topics and suggestions included collaboration with non-profits and companies to handle money and materials and non-traditional locations for events and outreach to attract more interest in the team. There was also concern about LoCos feeling out of touch with news from Ubuntu due to communication and sometimes language barriers between Canonical and the teams, causing them to feel they can’t be authoritative, which we hope to discuss during an upcoming round table.

Full session notes here: community-r-ubuntuloco-best-practices

Xubuntu: General planning for R

Last cycle the Xubuntu team rewrote the offline documentation, but now it needs to be set up for translations, so that was one of the first action items of the meeting. The team would also like to get better about writing team reports, so hopefully we can get scripts to track Xubuntu packagesets bug changes so we have a script-able way to get a basic idea of what has been worked on in a given timeframe.

There have been improvements to display dialog upstream in Xfce by Xubuntu contributors, which will be soon put into a PPA for testing, but some screenshots are available now:

After some discussion about possibly using gtk-theme-config and options for screen locking it was time for a team photo!

Xubuntu team at UDS: Elizabeth Krumbach, Pasi Lallinaho, Micah Gersten and Christian Dywan

We’ll be having another session on Thursday to cover Artwork, Marketing and other remaining topics.

– Plenaries –

Chris Kenyon, Canonical’s head of Sales presented on “Ubuntu Means Business” by showing off some of the diverse places where Ubuntu is used. Began by talking about how “The future is being built on open options” with examples of many start-ups and key businesses. He also highlighted how they now shipping on a great deal of hardware that is certified to work with Ubuntu, particularly in China, explaining that the important thing is not that you can go buy a computer at your local shop (you largely can’t) but that Canonical is working with OEMs and getting hardware supported with Linux. He then moved into the topic of gaming on Ubuntu and how important gaming engines are and introduced Na’Tosha Bard, as Software Developer on Unity gaming platform who announced that in Unity 4 and Unity 4 Pro there will be support for Linux. In the enterprise the most compelling arguments for open desktops are security, cost, flexibility and manageability. New trends include additional devices on networks (not just desktop and laptops) and that a lot of work has been pushed to the cloud. Then had David Barth demonstrated the remote login capabilities to get into remotely running desktop sessions (ie – on a server), also talked about plans to stream single applications from Windows to an Ubuntu desktop. On to Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu is at the heart of a lot of cloud technologies.

It was then to the HP Plenary by Paul Morgan to talk about HP innovations for low-power hyperscale computing. He spoke about the need for most effective data centers and HP Project Moonshot: The future of extreme low-energy servers. They’re predicting explosive growth in scale, cost and complexity given the amount of cloud-related data being used by consumers and in this space it’s essential to have low-powered servers. Paolo Faraboschi of HP labs then spoke about some of the major pain points that we’re approaching with new workloads, metrics, complexity and technology scaling rules. Also talked about some of HP’s work to innovate in new hardware technologies including use of photonics, memristors, nanostore.

– Leadership Mini-Summit –

The leadership mini-summit took up 3 sessions and covered:

  • Actively training successors and empowering contributors in your team
  • How to most effectively respond to the “How can I get involved?” question from new contributors
  • Encouraging people to apply for Ubuntu Membership once they have a proven record within a community
  • Usefulness of team reports (and how they can be improved) and whether communities were using blueprints, milestones and having check points

Detailed notes from the session available here: leadership-mini-summit

– Ubuntu Testing Extravaganza –

This was an evening event that kicked off with lightning talks. First up Martin Pitt talked about the Mock UPower python script to do mock testing of power settings, which can do a variety of tests with power like when it’s plugged in or when battery is critical without actually being in that state, he’s planning on having it packaged for inclusion in Raring. The next talk was about some tests in checkbox including create_connection which creates a connection in network-manager, network_reconnect_resume_time to see how much time was taken for wifi to resume (only works on some chips) and rotation_test which performs a full screen rotation using X (and it even worked on the projector!), auto_test and audio_settings for audio testing, removable_storage_watcher to detect USB changes and removable_storage_test for file transfer tests. Then there was a “Testing Rant” by Thomi Richards where he talked about what qualifies as a unit test: the test can only fail in one way, in addition to be easier to test, it also makes your code more modular and in general better. Stéphane Graber was next up to talk about LXE containers to quick and easy testing on pristine installs, and also showed off some of the functions in the new python-lxc module. Finally, Daniel Manrique made a proposal for centralized automated testing repository, he covered an example of how UTAH and Checkbox are pretty much doing the same thing and that duplication of work could be avoided if the repository of tests existed.

I ended up heading out after this to have dinner in the city with a bunch of Finns, Pasi Lallinaho, Jussi Kekkonen and Timo Jyrinki. We had beers and steak along with some great conversations before coming back to the hotel.

Now time to rest, on to day 3 tomorrow!