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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

LUG, LUG, LUG, LUG! Conference! LUG!

The first couple weeks I was living out here I took the time to get settled in and get a feel for the new place. Then it was off to checking out the local open source tech scene! I knew coming out here that there were a lot of tech groups in this area, especially […]

BerkeleyLUG Ubuntu Global Jam!

Two days after I left Pennsylvania the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team helped Bryan Behrenshausen of Millersville University host a successful Open Options: Remix Computing with Open Source Software event at the University, details and photos are over on the team blog: Millersville University Open Options Event – Success! It was a delight working with Bryan during […]

Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx – Dallas, Texas: Thursday and Friday

Yes, I’m trying to set a record for latest UDS wrap-up post! Finally, here’s the follow-up to my last post. UDS Day 4 – Encouraging A Diverse Community – This was a really interesting session as it focused less on tackling the diversity issue directly and instead focused on getting folks involved in general. Amber […]

Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx – Dallas, Texas: Tuesday and Wednesday

Last week I attended my first Ubuntu Developer Summit! It was a pleasure to be sponsored for this trip, so thanks again to Canonical for handling travel expenses, and to LinuxForce and my boss for allowing me to take the time off to attend. My flight came in Monday evening, grabbed a taxi and checked […]

Trip to New York for Ubuntu Release Event in Waterloo

This past weekend I drove up to Waterloo, New York with my friend Crissi to attend the New York Team‘s Ubuntu Release Event. We left Pennsylvania around 10AM on Saturday and headed out to NY, stopped at Friendly’s in Scraton for lunch and arrived in Seneca Falls, NY around 4PM. The weather driving up was […]

Ubuntu Pennsylvania – Philly Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) Release Party

Yesterday we held the Philadelphia Karmic Koala 9.10 Release/Halloween Party over at Manayunk Diner in Manayunk. We used this place for the Jaunty release party and once again it turned out to be a great venue, thanks again to Jim Fisher for securing it for us, even if he couldn’t make it out to the […]

Upcoming Ubuntu Release Parties: Philadelphia, PA and Waterloo, NY!

I’m all geared up for the Karmic release, and luckily my scheduled worked out so that it’s possible to attend two release parties, in two different states! First is the one at my beloved Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team on Halloween. Karmic! Costumes! Cake! Should be a lot of fun More information about the event is on […]

CPOSC 2009 wrap-up and an interview

On Saturday I attended the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference 2009 as a table sponsor (for Ubuntu Pennsylvania) and a speaker. We arrived at CPOSC around 8AM to meet up with Jonathan and Crissi Simpson who had also come up from Philly the evening before, and to finally meet Bret Fledderjohn! Bret did an amazing […]

Getting ready for CPOSC 2009

This evening MJ and I will be heading out to Harrisburg to spend the night out there prior to the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference (CPOSC). The Ubuntu Pennsylvania team has a table (eep, I need to do some handout printing!) so if you happen to attend, be sure to drop by and say Hi! […]

Ubuntu California, Birthday, RiffTrax Live

And now those things from the past few weeks that I didn’t manage to cover in my last post… Meeting the San Francisco Ubuntu California folks! What a treat. Grant Bowman arranged to meet up at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company which was about half a block from where I was staying. I was able to […]