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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Tourist in Perth

I wasn’t sure what to expect with Perth. To the best of my knowledge it was that odd city on the wrong side of Australia and I had vaguely heard that it had nice beaches and that it would be very hot. Now I’m happy to say that Perth is one of my favorite cities. […]

The adventures of 2013

I had a great year in 2012, but 2013 was really exceptional. Biggest news, on Sunday April 28th MJ and I were married in a ceremony just outside of Philadelphia! We also hosted a California reception in August. Second biggest news, in January I started my job with HP where I now get to work […]

Tidbits from December

December has flown by, and I’ve already written about much of it! But I do have a little catching up to do. On December 10th I met up with Benjamin Kerensa who gave me a tour of the Mozilla office here in San Francisco. I’ve walked by it plenty of times, but this was the […]

Life in November

I’ve been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with event and news posts here on my blog, but it’s been over a month since I’ve posted a “miscellaneous stuff” post. It’s great because it makes my life sound exciting! But in reality I’m somewhat a hermit on days that I don’t go out […]

Cinematic Titanic, classes & events and upcoming travel

It’s been a busy month. Fortunately in that time my ankle has pretty much healed from the sprain I got last month and I plan on heading back to the gym full force soon. I realized that I never mentioned it here, but I was interviewed on a podcast earlier in the month about Xubuntu, […]

Sharks, Androids and Debian

On October 10th of 2012 I embarked on my journey to Ghana. Today I was at the San Francisco airport for another trip, to Illinois, so I can speak at the ACM Projections | Reflections conference on my career in Free and Open Source. While it may not be as exotic as Africa, I am […]

32nd Birthday in Squaw Valley

On Friday MJ and I left to head toward Tahoe to spend the weekend at The Resort at Squaw Creek to celebrate my 32nd birthday on Sunday. With my still recovering sprained ankle I wasn’t as mobile as I generally like to be for a mountain adventure, but the weather was cooperating for some nice […]

A Cylinder and a Sprain

Saturday evening MJ and I spent a final meal together before my trip, breaking the fast following Yom Kippur. On Sunday we went to the Asian Art Museum to visit the Cyrus Cylinder and In The Moment exhibits. The Cyrus Cylinder exhibit was small and busy, but the history geek in me loved it. Accompanying […]

A Dragon and The Thinker, San Francisco style

On Labor Day I made my way over to the San Francisco Zoo to meet their latest resident: Big Daddy Bahasa, a 2 year old Komodo Dragon. His exhibit opened just days before so it was quite busy as I peered in to get my glimpse of the active little dragon. Jillian the “baby” tiger […]

Day of Rest, 5 months later

Back in April I wrote the blog post “Day of Rest” about my intention to take a day off from “things that feel like work” once a week. Since I’m studying Judaism and have joined a synagogue with MJ the logical selection for the day was Saturday. The following are some take-aways I’ve had since […]