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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

My friends at FOSSCON 2012

Last summer MJ and I flew to Philadelphia in the middle of the biggest heat wave of the year so I could give the keynote at FOSSCON, I wrote about it here. Unfortunately the timing didn’t sync up well for us this year and I won’t be able to make the trip back to attend. […]

Want some Xubuntu or Ubuntu Women stickers?

I have fallen in love with custom printing. Over the past several months I’ve been experimenting with several companies that do it, including CafePress, Zazzle, MOO and VistaPrint. Based on the product I want, I’ve had varied success with all of them, but for laptop stickers MOO has come out my favorite. As such, I […]

Quetzals and Pangolins

Last year I wrote Stuffed animal K, L, M, N, O… documenting the stuffed toys I had started collecting as LoCo booth/event decorations for each Ubuntu release. The stuffed animal tradition ended with P as I couldn’t find a stuffed toy pangolin, and I had similar trouble with our Quetzal. I ended up with the […]

UDS-Q in Oakland Day 5

Last day of the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Quantal! It’s always a bittersweet day, we’re all so terribly exhausted from the week but it’s also the last day for many of us to see people we only see once or twice a year. Like other days, my day started off with the Community Roundtable. – […]

UDS-Q in Oakland Day 4 and Ubuntu Women dinner

Phew, Thursday! I was moving a bit slower today due to not getting a whole lot of sleep last night, but it was quite the busy day for me. – Community Roundtable – We picked up discussion from the day before about announcements from Canonical, it was generally agreed that the community is less bothered […]

UDS-Q in Oakland Day 3 and SF Tourism!

Day 3! The plenaries from Tuesday are up now, see here. The flavors talks start at about 30 minutes into it with Kubuntu, then my Xubuntu bit and on from there. – Community Roundtable – We talked some about Ubuntu Membership with regard to expectations, members not being siloed in their communities, and better documenting […]

UDS-Q in Oakland Day 2

Day 2 of UDS! Mark’s keynote from yesterday is now up on youtube, you can view it here. – Community Roundtable – The session started off with some discussion around the use of Trello.com boards. Several teams have found them to be useful and we’ll likely continue use, we do want to be mindful that […]

UDS-Q in Oakland Day 1

Being local to the Ubuntu Developer Summit this time I had the pleasure of meeting up with several friends prior to the summit. Enjoying dinner in Oakland on Saturday evening, picking up a first time UDS attendee at the airport Saturday night after BART stopped running. Then on Sunday a lovely brunch at EPIC Roadhouse […]

I’m an Ubuntu Developer Summit local!

I have been to four Ubuntu Developer Summits (UDS), and at all of them I found the advice of local Ubuntu contributors to be very valuable to my visit, the shining example of which was the culmination of being downtown in a city and having the support of the Hungarian LoCo team while we were […]

12.04 Release Party: San Francisco Edition

On Thursday night I hosted the typical Ubuntu California release party at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company in downtown San Francisco. We had… A thirsty pangolin! A hungry penguin! A guy in a Fedora shirt (hi Jeff!)! And lots of people having fun! All told we probably had 20 people who came and went throughout the […]