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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Applying for Ubuntu Community Council?

On September 15th I sent out the call for nominations to the Community Council. Since then I’ve received questions from several folks in the community about the requirements, duties, responsibilities and time commitment of members of the Community Council. I figured it would be worthwhile to share some of these questions. What is the Community […]

User Days tomorrow!

I’ve been prepping for several weeks with Nigel Babu and this week we wrapped up the last loose ends for Ubuntu User Days tomorrow, Saturday 24th (and a couple hours into Sunday the 25th UTC)! User Days is a chat-based series of classes in #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net (#ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions). Classes will cover everything from […]

Sysadmin logs and Ubuntu talks at ITT Tech

As mentioned in my last post I kicked off the Ubuntu Women Career Days in Ubuntu Classroom bright and early (for me!) on Saturday the 17th. Logs from that session and an outline of key points that I covered are now up on the Ubuntu Women wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/CareerDays/LinuxSystemsAdministrator It was a really fun experience and […]

Ubuntu Women Career Days: Systems Administrator

On Saturday, September 17th at 16:00 UTC (that’s 9AM my time) I’ll be kicking off Ubuntu Women Career Days by running an IRC-based session in Ubuntu Classroom about my job as a Linux Systems Administrator specializing in Debian and Ubuntu. Date and Time: Saturday, September 17 at 16:00 UTC Location: #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net (#ubuntu-classroom-chat for […]

Ubuntu California at Solano Stroll 2011

It has become a an annual tradition, BerkeleyLUG teams up with Ubuntu California and the local non-profit Partimus to staff a booth at the Solano Stroll in Berkeley, California. From the Stroll website: Since 1974, The merchants, restaurants, and professionals, as well as the twin cities of Albany and Berkeley CA, have hosted the Solano […]

Ubuntu California at Picn*x 20 and Android cookies

This past week I worked with Jack Deslippe to get everything together for the 20th Linux Anniversary Linux Picn*x in Sunnyvale, California. Saturday morning we were ready for the picnic! We arrived around 11AM and got the table set up: It was the inaugural use of the Approved Team Gifts from Canonical (Ubuntu banner and […]

News is hard, but we’re making it easier

At the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) in Budapest in May there were several discussions about the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, the community-run newsletter for Ubuntu. As many people noticed, the newsletter went through a releaseless period from February through May due to changing obligations and life circumstances of the volunteers. By the time UDS came around […]

Partimus at KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy on Sunday

On Sunday I met up with fellow Partimus board members Christian Einfeldt and Grant Bowman and volunteers from Ubuntu California, San Francisco Linux Users Group and Bay Area Linux Users Group for a day of installation, triage and cable running at the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy. KIPP is among the highest performing middle schools […]

Ubuntu earrings – now in silver!

Back in June I wrote: Buy Ubuntu earrings and help schools using Ubuntu! Since then there have been several requests for a silver color and Maile Urbancic of Boutique Academia responded to those requests! The silver color Ubuntu earrings are now a reality, they are rhodium plated (rhodium is silver colored, but doesn’t tarnish like […]

Fosscon 2011

Before the sun came up on Friday the 22nd MJ and I were at the San Francisco airport waiting for the 6:15AM flight that would put us on the ground in Philadelphia shortly after 2:30PM that afternoon. Upon landing we stepped off the plane and were greeted by a wall of heat. As soon as […]