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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Review: ZaReason Strata Pro 15 Laptop

With the exception of my netbook, I have never owned a new laptop. In the recent past I’ve tinkered with the beloved old Pentium 2 Inspiron 7000 series laptops, of which I ended up with 3 of in varying states of disrepair, and my current laptop is a Pentium 3 Compaq Presario, which primarily runs […]

Partimus on TV and fundraiser

I was recently brought on the board of the non-profit Partimus, which provides repurposed computers running free software (currently Ubuntu and related apps) to students and schools which need them. The organization currently has six deployments across the Bay Area. Following a press release last month (Albert G. Stoll, Jr. | A Law Corp. partners […]

Computer Engineer Barbie has a penguin

I voted for it and I was pretty excited when I heard about Computer Engineer Barbie becoming a reality. I pre-ordered mine (product page here) as soon as I could and finally received it today! Unfortunately work tore me away from my new toy and I sat it next to my desk. Then, while doing […]

Pink laptop earrings

Behold, pink laptop earrings! But I can’t take credit for finding these goodies, when Melissa was visiting a couple weeks ago she picked up a pair at Claire’s at The Westfield Mall in San Francisco, when I saw them I knew I had to snag a pair for myself. I tend to describe Claire’s as […]

California Ubuntu Hour * 5 + Debian

This month the Ubuntu California team has really embraced the Ubuntu Hour, we have a whopping 5 planned across the state the next 10 days! Tomorrow night I’ll be hosting the San Francisco one. San Francisco Ubuntu Hour Time & Date: Wednesday, November 10th @ 6-7PM Location: The Roastery, 199 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco […]

November Bay Area Geeknic

Late last week Melissa Draper spent a couple nights at our home at the tail end of her visit to San Francisco. Friday evening we headed up to Ghirardelli Square for some ice cream sundaes. Then, having finished dessert, we headed back home to meet up with MJ to go out to dinner for a […]

It’s official, over 5% of Ubuntu Members are women!

Today I’m delighted to announce that it’s official: There are currently 625 Ubuntu Members and at least 32 of them are women, which means over 5% of Ubuntu Members are women! We hate turning people into numbers, but late last year it was decided by the Ubuntu Women Project that we’d start tracking metrics of […]

One Laptop per Child SF Community Summit 2010: Wrap-up

I’m happy to report that the OLPCSF Community Summit 2010 on Oct 22-24th was an outstanding success! We had an excellent team of volunteers whose skills in a variety of different areas really came together under Sameer Verma’s lead and the attendees of the summit itself brought energy to the event that was palpable. On […]

First Mountain View Ubuntu Hour

On Thursday evening I attended the first Mountain View Ubuntu Hour, where we had 13 attendees! This ended up being a bit of a combination Ubuntu Hour and release party for the folks in Mountain View, and I brought along a few of Ubuntu and Kubuntu 10.10 CDs for attendees. Thanks to nUboon2Age of Ubuntu […]

San Francisco Mayor Proclaims October 23, 2010 OLPC Day

Tonight we launch our One Laptop per Child San Francisco Community Summit 2010 with an opening reception at 5PM. I’m so excited! But the big announcement today was that the Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, has proclaimed that October 23, 2010 is One Laptop per Child Day in San Francisco! For more see the […]