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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Vespa: My Pink Dell Mini9 w/ Ubuntu

I’ve wanted a pink laptop for ages, this Christmas a few of my friends got together and pitched in to buy me the pink Dell Mini9 I’d been drooling over for months. Wow! Thanks again guys, you rock. First off, here are the specs. Which makes it twice as powerful with many more features than […]

Upcoming Ubuntu Classroom Meeting

#ubuntu-classroom has been pretty quiet since Ubuntu Open Week earlier this month, so we’ve gone ahead and made plans for a team meeting next week, details have been posted to the fridge and I sent out an announcement this evening: Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-classroom Time: 2008-12-03 01:00 UTC (So that’s Tuesday evening for those of […]

Debian Installation Over SSH (Lenny RC1)

The Debian Installer lenny release candidate 1 was released on November 12th, which inspired me to check it out and give the installation over ssh a try. Installation over ssh has been supported since the Etch installer, but I embarrassingly have to admit that I didn’t know about it until just recently, and it was […]

Philadelphia Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Release Party! And how we almost got arrested

On Saturday the 1st the Philadelphia team of the Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo held our release party. Just like last year, we decided to celebrate the release with a Halloween influenced costume party at Drake Tavern in Jenkintown. Drake Tavern is quite the hospitable place for our events, it’s a pretty family-friendly environment (Zoe was our […]

Ubuntu-US-NJ LAN, PLUG Logo, FCM and LedgerSMB

Last weekend I attended the August 2008 LAN Party hosted by the Ubuntu NJ folks. There were two parties, one in North Jersey and the one I attended in Cherry Hill, across the bridge from Philadelphia. I got a bit lost on my way out (oops) but arrived shortly after 5 for BBQ and a […]

My Network! (and a little ledgersmb)

When I moved back into the house we decided to give me my own network (along with my own external IP address) – yippee! First thing I had to get? A spiffy reversal, as seen on R2D2’s hostname: -!- R2D2 [~astromech@alderaan.princessleia.com] has joined #rainwreck From there I built my network. R2A6: Laptop (Ubuntu Hardy) R2D2: […]

The Last HOPE

Last month I attended The Last HOPE with my friend Mike from New Jersey. It was a really fun weekend during which I took no pictures – so I sorted through Mike’s photos and am posting them to pass them off as my own. In spite of waiting years to go (Mike’s bugged me last […]

Tell me about your smartphone

My cellphone contract runs out in November. I currently have a boring, basic old pink Razr that can make phone calls and do text messaging. My next phone will be smart! Requirements: Good broadband Good SSH application (included or addon) Good OS (lag and crashes suck) Physical qwerty keyboard (iPhone need not apply) Desirables: Good […]

New R2D2!

While at the Trenton Computer Festival this year, my festival-mate and I were snagged by a colo selling off a bunch of old and unused equipment – cheap. It was the last hour of the festival, so they were really trying to unload stuff, I admit to being the one who finally got suckered in. […]

Made the leap to flatpanel

As seen here, I was one of the last geeky holdouts I know to still have a CRT for daily, normal use. Well I, sorta on a whim, left that camp today and while at Micro Center picked myself up an Acer AL2216W flatpanel monitor. Boy does it shine! I’m very happy with my purchase. […]