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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

Nexus 10, various meetings and life things

I’ve had a very catch-up couple of weeks. MJ had a friend in town last week, so most nights they were out leaving me to my own devices. And devices are what I had! Last Wednesday I received my Nexus 10. This is my first tablet (welcome to 2012!). Aside from the expense, my reluctance […]

Solitary weekend

This past week was a tough one. I was ridiculously busy catching up with project work that has piled up while I was sick and then traveling. I had a few doses of disappointing personal news that really knocked me down energy-wise. I’m also seeking to handle some of the unsettling confirmed and proposed changes […]

Ghana presentation at BALUG, DVLUG interview, Mini 9 and off to SCaLE11x!

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of heading out to Chinatown for a Bay Area Linux Users Group to give a presentation on the work I did in Ghana with Computer Reach and Africa ICT Right. This was the first formal presentation I’ve done on the adventure, my previous two talks being a lightning talk […]

Some Partimus work, a space ship and the rest of September

September was quite the overwhelming month. In retrospect I really took on too much at once and then was slammed by timing of several things, including increased work-related activities, time crunch for some of the wedding planning, all my upcoming travel and the Jewish high holy days. I squeezed in some Partimus work this month, […]

San Francisco Tourist: September edition

A huge amount of my time lately has been spent preparing for upcoming travel and getting things in order on the work side. However, I’ve managed to sneak out for quick jaunts around the city, usually while doing other things. On the 18th we had some time to kill and decided to swing by the […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam Wrap-up

On Saturday the 8th I hosted an Ubuntu Global Jam focused on ISO testing over at the Wikimedia Foundation office in downtown San Francisco. Upon arrival I met Andrew White, our Wikimedia host, and he outlined a few options for setup. Given power requirements we ended up in a conference room and I was able […]

ISO Testing Jam Materials

On Saturday, September 8th, I’m hosting an Ubuntu Global Jam in downtown San Francisco focused on ISO testing, details about and signup for that event here: Ubuntu California San Francisco QA Jam As promised, here are the videos and documents I’ll be using during our jam: Videos: ISO Testing on Ubuntu using TestDrive Overview of […]

September 8th Ubuntu Global Jam at the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco

Last year, prior to the Natty release, I headed up to BerkeleyLUG to host an Ubuntu Global Jam event focused on testing, I wrote about it here: Berkeley Natty Global Jam. It was a lot of fun and at the time I was really just helping people go through some basic Xubuntu testing documents and […]

Some *nix events and an evening at the SF Zoo

While Matti was in town we ended up at brunch one morning talking some about Tom Limoncelli’s excellent Time Management for System Administrators book, so I ended up rereading it last week. I’ve actually adopted a lot of the things discussed in the book, but I still have work to do when it comes to […]

Outside Lands Festival 2012

This past weekend I took Friday off from work and MJ, his friend Matti who is in town visiting and I headed over to Outside Lands 2012 for the 3 day music festival. We took public transit most of the weekend, piling on to the overflowing MUNI Metro to get across town each day, so […]