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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category


I spent last weekend at the the Southern California Linux Expo. I flew down to Los Angeles Thursday evening. Friday morning I gave my Ubucon talk on Getting Involved with Ubuntu. To accompany this talk I had handouts that gave a bunch of URLs to resources within the project that I covered in the talk. […]

Thanksgiving weekend in Monterey

Last weekend MJ and I spent a beautiful weekend down in Monterey. It was a much-needed break, I pretty much ignored all obligations for the weekend (including over 24 hours without looking at IRC!) and soaked in the beautiful scenery. We drove down on Friday, had lunch in downtown Santa Cruz at Hoffman’s Bistro and […]

Cetacean Institute Earrings

I discovered back in May that the scenes with the Cetacean Institute in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home were filmed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Since we were in Monterey this past weekend I was finally able to see for myself! Monterey Bay Aquarium entrance from real life, 2011 Cetacean Institute entrance from Star […]

We went to Disney World!

Our visit to Disney World was wonderful. After waiting 17 years I was somewhat concerned that I had built myself up for something that would just be another amusement park so I was happy to learn that my fears were unfounded. Disney World really focuses on attractions and stories rather than thrill rides, every employee […]

“I’m going to Disney World!”

I am a Disney animated features fangirl. My bedroom growing up was full of Disney toys (ok, Star Wars too), every Christmas my parents would get me the latest Disney VHS and accompanying lithograph and watch from the Disney Store. In those days before the web, I once sent a letter to Disney asking for […]

Visit to Philadelphia

I took a sleepless redeye on Friday the 7th to get into Philadelphia at 6:30AM on Saturday the 8th. I had quite the public transit adventure as I took a shuttle bus from the airport, since the airport line train was unavailable due to work being done. From there I took a train two stops […]

Family trip to Phoenix

This past weekend MJ and I spent the weekend in Phoenix, Arizona for my Uncle Keith’s memorial service. On Friday night we took an ~8PM flight out of San Francisco to put us on the ground in Phoenix shortly after 10. We picked up our rental car and were checked into the Scottsdale Cottonwoods Resort […]

Labor Day Weekend in Phoenix

For Labor Day weekend I flew to Phoenix, Arizona to visit my Aunts Pam and Elaine. Unfortunately MJ couldn’t come along due to work obligations, but it was otherwise fortuitous timing as my cousin Chet, Elaine’s son, was about to launch his military career by heading out to Army boot camp on Tuesday. I was […]

Fosscon 2011

Before the sun came up on Friday the 22nd MJ and I were at the San Francisco airport waiting for the 6:15AM flight that would put us on the ground in Philadelphia shortly after 2:30PM that afternoon. Upon landing we stepped off the plane and were greeted by a wall of heat. As soon as […]

Engagement weekend

As I mentioned in my last post, we spent the weekend at The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa. We began our weekend Saturday morning with a shared room service order of crab eggs Benedict and a plate of smoked salmon with cream cheese and a bagel – yum! From there it was down to […]