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ACM Reflections | Projections Conference 2013 wrap-up

Last Thursday I flew out to Urbana-Champaign to speak at a conference put on by the ACM at the University of Illinois, Reflections | Projections.

On Thursday evening and Friday I was able to spend time catching up with my Ubuntu colleagues Nathan Handler, who was staff at the conference, and Paul Tagliamonte who was a fellow speaker. Friday evening wrapped up with a couple of talks.

Saturday was the big day of the conference for talks. The day started out by attending Paul Tagliamonte’s talk: Getting started with Debian development: The missing guide

It was a great exploration of some of the collective knowledge of folks in the Debian community that isn’t always fully communicated to newcomers, including exactly how the internals of uploading a package works with a look at different queues and paths in the system for finally delivering a newly uploaded package to a variety of different users.

Right after Paul’s talk I was up for my talk, A Career in Free and Open Source Software. I’m deeply passionate about open source and being able to do this for a living has made me quite happy, so I was excited about this talk and hope that my enthusiasm was recognized by the audience. Afterwards I had some great chats with attendees. There was also a section of my talk where I spoke about being shy and how important it was to attend and speak at conferences anyway, which I was delighted to hear really resonated with one of my fellow speakers.

Huge thanks to everyone who came out and also to those who asked questions throughout the talk, it’s always a pleasure to have such an engaging audience. Slides from my talk are available as .pdf here: ACM-Career_in_FOSS.pdf

After lunch we met up with a staff member to leave the conference area for a bit and head across town to visit Blue Waters, “the fastest supercomputer on a university campus anywhere in the world.” I love visiting datacenters, and visiting a supercomputer is extra fun. Most of the photos I ended up taking over the weekend were from our trip to this facility.

Meeting Blue Waters!

I was particularly impressed with their raised floor that gave staff a full 6 feet of room to work. It was also super cool to see that they were using Ubuntu in the control center:

I went to a couple more talks later in the afternoon before heading back to the hotel. The thing that really made my weekend was getting to hang out with Paul and Nathan, it was really great to see them both again and geek out over our current projects and work.

Nathan Handler, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph, Paul Tagliamonte

Sunday morning started off with a speakers brunch before we headed back over to the conference to watch the results of the MechMania coding competition and then a final talk by Peter Norvig on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data. I didn’t know what to expect from this talk, but was delighted as he dove into how they use data at Google to solve tough problems like identifying things (cats!) and people in photos and putting together “good enough to be very useful” translations and other tools.

As things wrapped up I was fortunate enough to be able to meet up with Wendy Edwards, who I virtually met years ago via Systers and who happens to work as a research programmer at the university. It was great to finally meet her in person and chat about our work and projects over coffee before taking a quick detour to a fantastic used book store on the way to the airport.

More photos from the weekend here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157636561910325/

Thanks again to the organizers of the conference for inviting me and putting on such a great conference.

Sharks, Androids and Debian

On October 10th of 2012 I embarked on my journey to Ghana. Today I was at the San Francisco airport for another trip, to Illinois, so I can speak at the ACM Projections | Reflections conference on my career in Free and Open Source. While it may not be as exotic as Africa, I am excited about this conference and my talk on Saturday.

Since the trip over my birthday weekend I’ve been keeping pretty busy. Last week a lot of Mozilla folks were in town for a Mozilla conference, so I was able to meet up with my friend Nigel Babu and convince him to get the iconic photo-with-cable-car.

I also attended my first NHL hockey game last week, on opening night for the San Jose Sharks! It was a fun evening, even if I was pretty clueless about hockey. Fortunately for me, the rules are pretty simple and the pace of the game keeps things interesting. I’d like to go again some time, but I still prefer baseball.

More photos from the game here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157636193528914/

After the game, we made a short detour to Google so I could see the latest addition to their Android sculpture garden, the Kit Kat!

It’s also been hot. October in San Francisco is pretty much when summer hits with 80 degree weather and all of our homes without air conditioning. It gets pretty hot in our condo on these days and the ceiling fan is of little use. The roof deck has been nice lately though, so I’ve been taking chunks of time between 3PM – 8PM, when it’s the hottest in the condo to head up to the roof and work from there. The view’s nice too.

On Sunday MJ headed off to a conference, so we made the most of the weekend with a couple of nice brunches on Saturday and Sunday and generally keeping things low key. I’ve kept myself busy this week in his absence after work each day by refining my talk for Projections | Reflections, undertaking a massive organization effort in the condo (it looks so much better!) and adding too many things to my todo list (wait, shouldn’t I have been taking them off?). On Wednesday night I also hosted an Ubuntu Hour and a Bay Area Debian Dinner.

And now I’m on my flight connecting in Chicago. I’ll be at this conference through Sunday, coming home pretty late Sunday night. By Tuesday I plan on being recovered enough from the trip to do my Code Review for Systems Administrators talk at BALUG. And then? That’s my last talk until participation at the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong in November!

Who is the Ubuntu Community Council?

As we come up on just a few more days left to submit nominations for the Ubuntu Community Council, I thought I’d take a few minutes to write about my experiences on the council for the past 4 years (and 2 more if you’ll have me!) and why I highly encourage others to nominate themselves of folks in the community who they feel are qualified.

First up, here’s the call for nominations, for context: Community Council Call for Nominations

For this nominations call I grabbed FAQ I received during the last nomination period 2 years ago and I am hopeful that it does a decent job of setting expectations.

The Ubuntu governance page gives this description of the Community Council:

The social structures and community processes of Ubuntu are supervised by the Ubuntu Community Council. It is the Community Council that handles appointments to and elections for official project boards and councils. The council is also responsible for the Code of Conduct and tasked with ensuring that community members follow its guidelines.

The council is ultimately responsible for dispute resolution, should it be required. For example, in the past, we have helped to resolve conflicts in LoCo teams and in the Ubuntu forums – both very important parts of the community that have their own leadership structures carrying authority delegated by the Community Council.

The Community Council meets every two weeks on Internet relay chat (IRC). You can propose an item for discussion at a council meeting on the Community Council Agenda page on the Ubuntu Wiki.

Golly, impressive! But at the heart of it, we’re just community members who care about Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community and have decided to dedicate time and effort to helping both in our roles as Community Council members and in our projects in the wide Ubuntu community.

Community Council Members
Only one of us has been to space!

We’re a mix of people’s parents, sisters, sons and spouses with jobs and very different lives, but a shared passion for Ubuntu and track record in the community. The diverse perspective of council members allows us to have great discussions (sometimes contentious, but always civil) about the direction of Ubuntu and how we can help and make ourselves available to the community through changes and announcements that come out. Among our ranks have always been a nice mix of Canonical employees and those of us employed elsewhere, members who are development-focused and not so development-focused, contributors to LoCos, marketing, translations and more.

It’s a great opportunity to work closely with these other strong community members and seek wisdom for each other. Our regular sync-ups keep each other up to date with various parts of the project and having Mark available to talk to has led to some great triage work by the council when issues do crop up.

So, want to join us? Nominations details here: Community Council Call for Nominations

Once we have collected all nominations, Mark will review them and set up a poll so all Ubuntu Members can vote.

32nd Birthday in Squaw Valley

On Friday MJ and I left to head toward Tahoe to spend the weekend at The Resort at Squaw Creek to celebrate my 32nd birthday on Sunday. With my still recovering sprained ankle I wasn’t as mobile as I generally like to be for a mountain adventure, but the weather was cooperating for some nice enjoyment of their heated pools and the suite we booked had a fireplace. I prepared for a weekend of recreational swimming and reading by the fireplace.

We got a late start after work on Friday night, so it was after 3AM by the time we made it to the resort. Upon arrival I promptly enjoyed 8 hours of great sleep.

Rising at noon meant it was lunch time! We headed down for lunch at Sandy’s Pub where I indulged in a steak sandwich and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale – perhaps a boring classic, but I could resist ordering a Sierra Nevada while in the Sierra Nevadas.

Then pools!

The temperature was only in the low 60s, so it wasn’t balmy but it was quite decent for an enjoyable afternoon.

Dinner was at Six Peaks Grille where I enjoyed their scallops appetizer, the surf and turf entree and wrapped up the meal with lava cake and a very grown up hot chocolate.

Sunday was my birthday! Started off with room service pancake breakfast, then more reading and casual catching up with some Ubuntu work. I’ve been doing a lot better these past several months of taking time off when I need it, so it wasn’t stressful for me to squeeze some work in – indeed it’s gone back to being largely an enjoyable activity.

The rest of the day was more of the previous day, enjoying the pool, reading by the fire as I enjoyed the view of the mountains and the sunset. Bliss!

We checked out in the late evening and made our way to the town of Truckee where we had dinner reservations at Cottonwood Restaurant where we enjoyed another exceptional dinner. Their Caesar salad was excellent and I really enjoyed the filet I ordered. Dinner wrapped up with a birthday brownie and some decadent salted caramel ice cream.

And then it was time to head home! Wonderfully relaxing birthday weekend complete :)

CodeChix OpenStack workshop wrap-up and materials

As I announced in a previous post on September 22nd I ran a CodeChix workshop in Palo Alto on OpenStack.

In the weeks leading up to it I worked with my session assistants Ryan Lane and Anita Kuno to hash out our plans for the workshop. Ryan was able to put together an image for VirtualBox that had all the DevStack dependencies pre-cached, so students only needed to run stack.sh without having to download everything on the shared network.

We also drafted the following prerequisites for the class:

  • A laptop that has at least 2G of RAM available to allocate to a virtual machine.
  • At least 10G of harddrive space to allocate to disk images
  • VirtualBox installed
  • If you wish to contribute to OpenStack, a basic understanding of Python is necessary, but this class will also be useful to folks who are interested in using it

In retrospect I should have thought about system architecture as well, my assumption had been that everyone would be running 64-bit, but thankfully Anita suggested getting some 32-bit images prepped as well just in case. So Ryan, Anita and I spent Saturday evening working through final testing and spinning up of the images, and I was able to copy them down to 10 USB sticks containing 64-bit and 32-bit DevStack images to bring along to the workshop.

We arrived at the workshop venue, Groupon, around 11:30. This gave us time to scope out the room (need power strips!) and enjoy some catered lunch before attendees arrived. From noon – 1PM attendees trickled in, had lunch and we began passing around the USB sticks so everyone would have the images before we began the more formal portion of the event.

At 1PM Rupa Dachere, founder of CodeChix, kicked off the event by talking about CodeChix and what they do. She then handed things off to Shraddha Ladda who was handling coordination of this specific event so she could do introductions.

Then it was our turn! As I got my laptop set up with the projector Anita had the opportunity to talk to the attendees about the GNOME Outreach Program for Women that she participated in. I’m really glad we were able to find time for that, as several of the attendees had expressed interest in a more formal program for getting involved with OpenStack and open source in general.

Anita then passed me the mic and I did an introduction to OpenStack talk using the GenericPlatformDeckMay-23-2013.pptx slides from the openstack.org/marketing page, which worked out really well since a poll of the room only showed a couple of people really familiar with OpenStack.

Thanks to Rupa for this photo!

In addition to the images on the USB stick, attendees also got a .pdf copy of the OpenStack Operations Guide which I was able to talk about some in my presentation.

Our next step was getting everyone loaded up with their DevStack images. This is where having Ryan and Anita there with me really made a huge difference, we had a room of 50 people and a few hiccups here and there with the installs. They were able to work with attendees to get the issues quickly worked out so we could move on. It did take a while though, so I think next time I run one of these I’ll try to come up with some exercises for folks who have faster systems or didn’t run into any issues.

For the workshop I also handed out printed copies of a short documentation sheet (also a .pdf version from the USB stick): CodeChixworkshopOpenStackDocumentation.pdf

It gives some basic OpenStack Documentation links as well as the core basics of what we walked through in the class, both in the dashboard and at the command line. Attendees were able to bring up a basic VM via the dashboard and see it and the details of the VM by issuing a few basic nova commands.

Around 3:30 I wrapped up the workshop by giving a quick crash course into the Gerrit Workflow for those interested in contributing. We’re hoping to host a follow-up session in the coming months to do a more in depth dive into contributing specifically.

It was really a pleasure to present this workshop with Anita and Ryan. It was clear how much work Rupa and Shraddha put into preparation for this workshop, so I’m really thankful for their coordination. Rupa also took the time to present each of us with a beautiful personalized plaque in appreciation for our participation in the workshop – wow!

We wrapped up the workshop around 4PM. Huge thanks to all the attendees for coming and offering feedback!

A few more photos from the workshop here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635885645825/

OpenStack TripleO Sprint

Last week I headed to the HP office in Seattle to meet up with my colleagues from HP, Red Hat and others for a TripleO Sprint which was proposed in July and fleshed out last month.

We started off on Monday by attempting to get everyone set up with a TripleO environment by walking through the instructions in devtest document and then working through bugs as folks encountered issues.

My primary interest during this sprint was pushing forward baremetal testing and working with my fellow -infra team members to begin hashing out a plan to test TripleO itself. Monday afternoon through Tuesday I worked with Clark Boylan to step through my notes from attempts to get a basic baremetal testing infrastructure up within LXC. Unfortunately we bumped into this bug and I had to adjust my goals for the week.

As others attending the sprint continued to focus on TripleO bugs and features, I took the opportunity with Clark to make new -infra diagram for our team wiki page based on updates we made this cycle to the infrastructure which James E. Blair documented here that includes gearman, our new cgit install and multiple Jenkinses.

(Click to see full diagram)

It was great to see several representatives from the Tuskar project participating in the sprint and hashing out how the projects can most effectively collaborate, which led to this thread on list and the exciting announcement today that Tuskar is merging with TripleO. We also had a nice walkthrough of the os-*-config system TripleO is using by Clint Byrum, whiteboard sketch here.

As the week wound down Clark, Monty Taylor, Robert Collins and I were able to walk through some plans for how to move forward with TripleO testing in the infrastructure. We have a good plan now, which Robert outlines here and some concrete steps for making it happen. I was also able to spend some time Friday morning going through devstack-gate and nodepool build configurations with Clark and Anita Kuno.

It was an excellent and productive week for me, I was really happy to be involved and meet some of the other key players working in this space!

A few more photos from the week are available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635624275593/

A Cylinder and a Sprain

Saturday evening MJ and I spent a final meal together before my trip, breaking the fast following Yom Kippur. On Sunday we went to the Asian Art Museum to visit the Cyrus Cylinder and In The Moment exhibits.

The Cyrus Cylinder exhibit was small and busy, but the history geek in me loved it.

Accompanying the cylinder, they also had other artifacts from the time period and region.

I uploaded a few more photos from the exhibit here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635624257963/

We weren’t really familiar with the In The Moment exhibit before getting to the museum, and I’m not super into Japanese art, but I do love animal art and this exhibit had a lot of it, so it was a pretty captivating.

Sunday evening I was headed to the airport for my work trip to Seattle, where I am now. The weather has been beautiful most of the week and we’ve got a considerable amount of great work done here, which I’ll write about later. Unfortunately on Tuesday morning I was a bit sleepier than I should have been as I made the short walk to the office and missed a step coming out of the hotel, down I went! Scraped my knee and hurt my ankle, but I limped to the office, just a twisted ankle, I’m fine!

Well, I wasn’t fine. Swelling, bruising and more pain followed that evening and Wednesday morning, at lunch on Wednesday I finally decided to see a doctor, which is how I ended up cabbing it to a U.S. HealthWorks Urgent Care center.

I was pretty apprehensive about going to some random care center in a city I’m not familiar with selected based on acceptance of my insurance and proximity to the office, but I totally lucked out. The center was clean, staff was friendly and efficient and within an hour of arriving I had x-rays done and a diagnosis in hand. Nothing broken, just a bad sprain. They provided a simple brace to keep it stable and I’m to give it rest for a few days, take Advil and add a dose of ice and elevation as I can. So I’ve managed to hobble around this week and thanks to the Advil the pain has been kept to a dull roar. It’s getting better, I still can’t put all my weight on it but this evening the swelling was down and the visible bruising is fading.

Tomorrow is my last day at the office here and I have some work to get done in the morning. Tomorrow evening I fly home! Saturday I’ll be spending prepping for the OpenStack Workshop I’m hosting on Sunday.

A Dragon and The Thinker, San Francisco style

On Labor Day I made my way over to the San Francisco Zoo to meet their latest resident: Big Daddy Bahasa, a 2 year old Komodo Dragon. His exhibit opened just days before so it was quite busy as I peered in to get my glimpse of the active little dragon.

Jillian the “baby” tiger continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I was able to visit the whale exhibit there before it closed. More photos from the day here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635349876249/

The Jewish High Holy Days have also come and gone. While I’ve never called myself a religious person, I certainly am appreciating the meaning of these holidays and the pause it causes us to take to reflect. I should probably write more extensively about this at some point, but having specific times to communally meditate on specific portions of ones life has been a very valuable experience for me. Secular living doesn’t do that much.

Rosh Hashanah also gave me an opportunity to experiment with a new Challah shape – round! I found a very helpful video on youtube on how to do 6-strand braiding for a round loaf (I did the first demonstrated in the video) and got to work. The result was round…ish:

Last weekend MJ and I took Sunday afternoon to go to the Legion of Honor to explore the Impressionists on the Water exhibit. It’s one that had been recommended to me by a friend and I have wanted to visit the museum since moving here for some of their other cultural items, so it was a treat to finally go. Impressionism isn’t really my style, but I do love the water theme and impressionism lends itself well to it. They had several Monets on display, but I found myself particularly drawn to those by Renoir. We were able to check out some of the regular exhibits as well, and of course visit the cast of The Thinker that they have at the entrance to the museum, making it my 2nd visit to a cast of The Thinker, the first being the one in Philadelphia.

More photos from outside the Legion of Honor on that oh so foggy day here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635499889555/

On Wednesday I hosted an Ubuntu Hour where my friend Grant Bowman brought along his Nexus 7 with Ubuntu Touch running on it for attendees to play with. The Touch was a hit with attendees as we got to explore the swipe gestures that really make Ubuntu Touch an exceptional interface. The build didn’t have camera support, which was pretty disappointing since the Nexus 7 was the device all the initial demos were done on last year at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen. Grant also blogged about getting the device installed here: Touch Demo Preparation

Over these past couple of weeks as MJ reworked our network I also worked to get a physical KVM setup at desk now that I have a work desktop, in addition to my personal desktop and my firewall/Nagios server/backups machine that I also have connected to a monitor. I now have a combination of physical KVM and Synergy connecting my 3 machines to 2 monitors and a single set of keyboard+mouse. And it all ended up being more complicated than I anticipated, with my insistence upon using my old IBM keyboard that is PS2 (rather than USB) with the USB-based KVM and needing an extension USB cable for the goofy physical KVM setup I wanted. I also took the opportunity while ordering parts to upgrade my personal desktop to 16G of RAM (changed my life!) and buy new speakers and headphones for use at my desk, and in the case of headphones, for travel too.

Finally, I have to admit that I’ve been quite tired lately and my schedule has been partially driven by unusually frequent headaches. I’m working to address this but it has caused me to be hyper-focused on my paid OpenStack work and less diligent with my volunteer Ubuntu work these past few weeks. Instead I’ve been sleeping more and doing more media consumption, which means a bit more television than usual and a lot more reading. I’m happy to say my stack of magazines is significantly smaller and I’ve enjoyed catching up on some fiction, but I do hope to get back to my productive self soon. Thankfully I work on great teams and am able to prioritize things so that I don’t think much is blocking on me at this point and I can get the rest I currently need.

Hosting a CodeChix OpenStack Workshop in Palo Alto

Several months ago I met Rupa Dachere, founder of CodeChix, “a CA non-profit public benefit organization dedicated to the Education, Promotion and Mentorship of female engineers and students.” Given my work with OpenStack, we chatted about the possibility of doing a workshop on OpenStack for CodeChix.


This has now come together! Ryan Lane of Wikimedia and my colleague Anita Kuno of HP will be joining me to present on key OpenStack components, get participants set up with DevStack in a VM on their own laptop and set up for contributing.

When: Sunday, September 22, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where: Groupon, 3101 Park Boulevard, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Following lunch and introductions, we plan to do the following:

  1. Presentation of basics of key OpenStack components.
  2. Basic VM setup so we can get the DevStack going.
  3. Demo of a system that is running DevStack
  4. Hands-on exercise – log into the OpenStack Horizon dashboard and walk through basic components, run a VM from Horizon, run a few commands at the command line for listing and manipulating VMs
  5. How to get involved and contribute code (thoroughness will depend upon time available).
  6. Signup for Launchpad/Gerrit and sign Contributor License Agreement
  7. Time allowing, have everyone add a simple feature and test it

Registration is required, along with a small donation ($5-20) to cover expenses. Registration, full details, pre-requisites and more here: OpenStack – What is it, How do I use it and What jobs can I get?

Day of Rest, 5 months later

Back in April I wrote the blog post “Day of Rest” about my intention to take a day off from “things that feel like work” once a week. Since I’m studying Judaism and have joined a synagogue with MJ the logical selection for the day was Saturday.

The following are some take-aways I’ve had since starting this.

It doesn’t work when I’m traveling

When I’m traveling it usually means that my working day is significantly longer than 8 hours when you take into account commuting, socializing and dinners out. I also rarely have access to the solid internet connection I have at home or the computing power there. In all this means I’m stuck with a laptop, a sub-optimal internet connection and limited time for actually working on it. While I do try to plan accordingly, I still highly value any down time I get and often find that moments I can sneak online even on Saturdays to get work done are important. Additionally, it’s quite common for me to be presenting or otherwise engaged in conference activities on the weekends I travel for work.

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid scheduling work on Saturday

I’m a systems administrator, and although I now work on a larger team there are times when we have to schedule work on weekends, sometimes that lands on Saturday. There are also times like in a couple weeks that I’m working to do final prep a workshop with an out of town colleague and our available window for that is between a business trip with return from on Friday and the workshop on Sunday. Local conferences and events sometimes land on Saturdays too.

I had to define for myself what is work and what is not

This was perhaps the hardest thing of all. Jewish teachings have lists and rulings and such that give guidelines, but it didn’t really work for me so I really played it all by ear. My strategy was “if it feels like work I won’t do it” and that seemed to serve me well. I quickly had to put all OpenStack and Ubuntu work into the off-limits category, as much as I enjoy it all, it was work. I tend to stay away from dishes and laundry, and things like cleaning up storage. I will sometimes bank on Saturday just because of logistical limitations, and we do shopping sometimes but I try to avoid things like grocery shopping and lean toward the more fun types of shopping (or at least which takes us somewhere interesting).

There is a lot I want to do in my life that is not work

I live in an amazing city and there are so many things I want to see and do! Saturdays have become my go to day for visiting museums and spending leisurely lunches with MJ. There’s also a lot I want to learn, so I’ve started using Saturday to catch up on reading personal and news blogs, magazines and books. This Saturday I also took some time to play with my electronics kit.

People understand

I was a bit worried that my work would suffer if I wasn’t hovering over my keyboard all day to work with those weekend community members, but it turns out that people understand more than I thought they would. After a few months in some of my communities it became accepted that I’m away on Saturdays and will be back in full swing on Sunday to help out. Today I even get messages from colleagues I work with that end with “but look at this tomorrow, I know it’s your day off!”

It gets easier

The first few weeks I did this it was really hard to let go. I made a lot of exceptions (“well I have to do Ubuntu Weekly News prep on Saturday morning”) and doing something as drastic as not checking email all day seemed completely unnecessary (“not all of my email is work”). But as I started cutting back in some areas, it naturally became easier to cut back in others. I never intended to stop checking email and obsessing over social media on Saturdays, but this Saturday I decided to do just that and found a comforting liberation in not checking my phone all the time, and every moment I reached for it I was able to become mindful of what I was doing and keep myself in the physical present instead of checking my phone.

It’s awesome

I work a lot because I truly enjoy what I do, but even I needed a break. I’ve noticed that not only do I enjoy my day off, but it brings me back to my work projects energized and excited to get on with work. I also get the satisfaction of having visited a museum for an exhibit I really wanted to see or finally finishing a book I’ve been enjoying because now these things aren’t just scattered among the “more important” work items. I had honestly feared that taking a day off would mean the lost of productivity, but it’s actually had the opposite effect since I’m more productive on the other 6 days and I’m happier and better rested in general.