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Weekend in the “Entertainment Capital of the World”

This past weekend 3 friends and I spent a the three day weekend in Las Vegas!

Picking the hotel was the easiest. Since this was a trip without MJ, I decided to go for one that I knew he wouldn’t be interested in going to, the Flamingo! It’s an older hotel, right in the middle of the Las Vegas strip and quite pink. Perfect.

We all flew in on Saturday and secured adjoining rooms at the hotel. I first met up with Cheri, whose flight came in around the same time as mine, and later Danita and Crissi. Our first night there we enjoyed a buffet dinner and Mystere, the Cirque du Soleil at Treasure Island.

After the Cirque show we went to see the fountains at the Bellagio and then it was off to to probably my favorite show of the weekend, Evil Dead the Musical 4D! Danita found it prior to our trip and we were able to get tickets the night before. Upon arrival we made the fun move of upgrading to the “VIP Splash Zone” tickets which got us t-shirts and 2nd row seats, and covered in fake blood…

Fortunately it all came out of the clothes I was wearing under the t-shirt! It did take a couple of showers to get it all off our skin though, the first of which was at 2:30AM when we returned to the hotel.

Saturday we went adventuring on the strip, visiting several of the theme hotels and doing a fair amount of touristy shopping and getting our pictures taken, though I was quite disappointed to learn that the MGM Lions were gone. It was then off to embark on unusual behavior for me – Crissi and Danita who also were not only willing, but encouraging me to go dress shopping while we were there so they could help me find things that would look good. It ended up being probably my most enjoyable and successful clothes shopping trip ever, I walked out with 10 dresses I really like, which is pretty amazing for me!

We stayed through Monday (Presidents’ Day) and spent the morning with more buffet food and a trip over to Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat over at the Mirage where the have dolphins and several big cats. Then it was time to go home, the weekend flew by much too quickly.

More photos from the trip are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157632815496389/

Tanakh, Puppet, Python and many events, plus Valentine’s Day!

In my last post I mentioned that I was coming down with the flu and while mostly gone I still seem to have the lingering cough and some sniffles that tend to hang on weeks after the worst of it is over. That flu ended up knocking me out of the game for several days though, many unproductive nights and it wasn’t until this week that I was finally able to get back to the gym.

We’ve now gone to three Intro to Judaism classes and they’ve all been quite interesting. The classes aren’t just covering the 101 facts, but diving into a lot of Jewish thought around God and the responsibilities of humans in this world according to Judaism. As a non-believer I’ve felt somewhat awkward in some of these discussions, but I have been able to draw on my general scholarly knowledge of the Hebrew Bible to contribute meaningfully to the discussions in at least an academic way. Speaking of which, I finished going through my Torah Study Guide with the completion of Deuteronomy and ordered this copy of the Tanakh to continue studies, and so read the Book of Joshua earlier this week.

In other learning stuff, I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my Puppet development environment (learning a bit about Ruby along the way) and have fully committed to finally really learning Python. No more hacking randomly scripts and praying! I will know it properly! Dive into Python has been essential to this journey, it’s probably the best programming book I’ve ever read. I’m also super excited about so many of the features of Python and tools that have been built around it. Every week I have a new “I love virtualenv!” “I love the Python shell!” It also occurs to me that I haven’t done such a deep learning of a language since I dug into Perl over 7 years ago, I forgot how fun this learning process is. I’m sure it helps that Python is just all around cool itself and there is a massive community of cool people supporting it.

The Ubuntu Classroom has been quite active lately. I was quite pleased that my idea for the Quality Assurance Team to do a series of sessions come together logs and details available here. And on February 9th we pulled off yet another Ubuntu User Days, logs here, I did my standard Xubuntu section of the flavors class (logs here. In other Linuxy event news I was able to meet up with the DVLUG folks last Friday to talk about Ubuntu Women for their podcast. I also took time this week to host another Ubuntu Hour and Debian dinner evening, the Debian dinner in particular drawing out 8 people, including a Debian Developer from Wikimedia and Rick Moen of Bay Area Linux fame (I first encountered his work years ago in the Linux User Group HOWTO). As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m presenting on my Ghana work at BALUG on Tuesday. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to run the Ubuntu Global Jam for San Francisco this year due to time constraints, but I do hope we’ll be having one downtown here on March 2nd. Finally, I have confirmed that I’ll be giving an “Ubuntu in the Cloud” talk next Friday at Ubucon at the Southern California Linux Expo! I’m very happy that I get to go again this year and this presentation will be a fun one to give.

This week I’ve done some remote working experiments. I work from home and now have a job which doesn’t tie me to a phone and so allows me the flexibility to work from anywhere with a good internet connection. I was doing code and config reviews from Ferry Building where I had lunch on Wednesday and got some of my best work done from the roof yesterday afternoon. It’s been a fun week!

Workin’ on the dock of the bay

Wedding stuff is still coming together. The invitations went out and we actually managed to get our registry with Macy’s done. We’re now rushing around to get the hotel rooms we’ll need squared away. We also really need to make solid plans for our honeymoon.

Last night MJ and I enjoyed Valentine’s Day dinner at the historic Palace Hotel Garden Court Restaurant. It was beautiful! He also gave me roses!

Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Las Vegas with a trio of friends to enjoy a weekend of shows, thrill rides and too much food! I’ll be back Monday night.

The last bits of January

January flew by. We’ve had a lot of wedding stuff to do, the bulk of which recently was finalizing invitations, from ordering to making sure we had all addresses to finding a calligrapher and, this week finally getting them all stuffed and sent out. This past weekend we also started to finally populate the gift registry. The Intro to Judaism class I’m taking in preparation also just started this past weekend (we started one in the fall, but it had been cancelled due to low attendance). To top it off, things with my new job are really great, but it’s a lot of work to get up to speed with everything and it’s leaving me quite exhausted in the evenings.

A few weeks ago my friend Cheri asked if I’d be interested in a small online group she was putting together to learn some of the basics of electronics via Sparkle Labs’ Discover Electronics Kit. I ordered mine before leaving for Philadelphia and it was there to greet me upon my return. We started our weekly meetings a couple weeks ago and it’s been a fun experience so far, we’re meeting weekly over Google Hangouts to share our discoveries and progress. Plus, having a group to work with is actually motivating me to complete the homework assignments we’re assigning each other, the same of which I wish could be said for some of the Coursera courses I signed up for (oops). It’s also cool to have my very own bread board, I made a light happen! :)

In other fun stuff news, I met up with my friend Mark last week to attend Rifftrax Presents Night of the Shorts IV: Riffizens on Patrol at The Castro Theater. In spite of my long history of MST3K fandom, I’d never actually seen Mike, Crow and Tom Servo live in their human forms before. It was a really great show, and finally going to a show has inspired me to find something interesting for MJ and I to go to in the near future.

I’m happy to report that Partimus is chugging along. The Ubuntu earrings and necklaces fundraiser did exceptionally well over the holidays, fellow board member Grant Bowman has been putting a considerable amount of effort into learning how to make us a more professional organization and James Howard has spearheaded work in Oakland with labs at the Prescott and ASCEND schools (some details here). We also had a board meeting a couple weeks ago where we were able to have some great discussion and vote to bring on Bethany Doolin on to our Board of Directors.

One of the things I need to do for Partimus is update my bio, which I’ve been putting off until I could get professional headshots done. I finally got around to last weekend! A few weeks back we contacted Melissa Morelli, the woman who did our engagement photos to see if she’d be interested in flying to Philadelphia to do our wedding photos too (she’s a known variable, quite welcome in the midst of all these wedding choices!). She happily agreed, which inspired me to also ask if she does professional head shots, which she does! After some discussion of exactly what we wanted, we decided to meet at Cavallo Point, just across the Golden Gate Bridge which had some great places for generic head shots, but also some opportunities for some very San Francisco shots with the bridge and city in the backround. The winning photos from the shoot should be available next week and I will get to profile updating.

February is going to be a crazy month, and in preparation my body has decided that this relatively free weekend will be the one where I’ll be sick. I came down with a cold and fever on Thursday and so yesterday and today I’ve pretty much only been working and sleeping. The fever’s gone down so I’m hoping just to be able to recover this weekend and be in better shape next week as I prepare for some upcoming travel and events.

All 100 Edubuntu computers in Ghana have been deployed!

Back in October I spent 2 weeks in Ghana helping a team begin a deployment of 100 desktops shipped to Africa ICT Right in Ghana by Computer Reach based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately due to a series of unforeseen events, we weren’t able to see the deployment of all 100 systems to completion. While we were able to do a lot of useful work, when the last of the Computer Reach team left only 10 had actually been fully deployed. I summarized our trip here. In November I wrote this update which described the pickup of the systems for other regions, and the deployment of another 10 systems to Madina No.1 School.

I’m happy to report that since then they were able to get the other 80 systems deployed!

50 of these remaining systems went to schools in the Gomoa East District:

12 to Akotsi Zion Basic School

Teacher training at Akotsi Zion Basic School

12 to Ekwamkrom Methodist Junior High School

Students on their computers at Ekwamkrom Methodist JHS

26 to Aboso -Benso District Assembly Junior High School

Teacher training at Aboso -Benso D/A JHS

Press releases about these deployments:

Finally, the Africa ICT Right team headed north to the West Gonja District to deploy the remaining 30 systems to Drive Aid Ghana.

One of the labs set up for Drive Aid Ghana

Press release about this deployment: Africa ICT Right (AIR) Intensifies Computer Education In Damongo

A quick calculation shows that for this deployment of 100 computers, over 1500 students will be given the opportunity to work on these systems by having them in their schools. Over 80 teachers and volunteers throughout these regions have also been trained the basics of Ubuntu and on the educational software software being shipped with these Edubuntu systems. It was quite an honor to be invited on this adventure that has come to such a successful completion, I hope I can do more in the future to help these organizations continue to support these deployments and more.

Time for me to go update the Edubuntu Deployments page.

And then I was off to Seattle to meet my team

Last week I started my new job as an Automation and Tools Engineer at Hewlett-Packard. In this role I’ve joined an awesome team to work on the core infrastructure for the open source OpenStack project.

On Sunday I flew to Seattle to meet my boss some of the members of the team. In a whirlwind of a trip I was able to not only enjoy social time with my new colleagues, but have some face time to go through some of the workflows and tasks that I’ll need to focus on in the coming weeks.

Of course, being me, I also squeezed in some tourist time. Just like visiting the mermaid in Copenhagen, I took time on Tuesday morning before work to take a walk over to the landmark-of-the-city, the Space Needle!

As I was walking I noticed something else following the same path as I – monorail tracks. I was happy to learn that the Seattle Center Monorail was an option for my return trip and I ended up taking it.

More photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157632538578229/

I flew home last night and settled back in today. In spite of the cold, I quite enjoyed the little bit I did see of Seattle and hope I can make it back some time in the not too distant future. But I expect my next visit to the Pacific Northwest will be to Portland in April for the OpenStack Summit! I just registered today.

This past week in chilly San Francisco

While traveling home from Philadelphia I made the very wise decision to book a spa appointment for Monday night. It was great to get some relaxing time in following all the running around we did in Philadelphia and before work we still have to do for the wedding.

Wednesday I hosted a San Francisco Ubuntu Hour. Along with several locals, we had the pleasure of having Michelle Rowley, executive director of Code Scouts, join us while she was in town and were able to have some great education and non-profit focused discussions.

Thursday night we stayed up late but finally got our wedding invitations ordered. We were put into slight panic mode following the venue visit as we realized the date for finalizing the number of hotel rooms we would need was coming up quickly (btw, if we sent you a Save the Date card, let me know if you need a room :)). Getting those completed was only brief relief however, as we have a whole lot more work to do in the coming weeks to finalize plans with vendors and actually get the invites addressed and sent out.

In open source stuff, I’ve had to cut down to bare minimum these past few weeks to accommodate our recent life and travel schedules. I’ve been keeping up with basic email, Ubuntu Classroom requests and the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter at least. And I did take time to answer questions for Emma Marshall, who is tracking down past interviewees in the Ubuntu Women project to do refresher interviews, mine is up here: Ubuntu Women- Where are they now? Follow up with Elizabeth Krumbach. On the speaking side I’ll be presenting on our work in Ghana for the Bay Area Linux Users Group on February 19th and hope to be speaking on “open source cloud stuff” at Ubucon at SCaLE 11x on February 22nd …and I just realized how close these are together.

Tomorrow I’m flying to Seattle for on-boarding at my new job, I’ll get to meet my boss and a couple other members of the team who are coming in for a couple of days. More on that upon my return!

Wedding planning stuff and a PLUG meeting in Philly

Last week MJ and I headed to Philadelphia to celebrate the new year, attend a PLUG meeting and go to several wedding-related appointments we had lined up.

Some flurries awaited our arrival Saturday night and there was already snow on the ground due to past precipitation, but it was nothing too worrying. Fortunately the weather was pretty clear for most of our visit.

On Sunday we met up with my Maid of Honor, Danita, and did the tasting at the wedding venue. Monday morning we kicked off the first of several vendor appointments.

Monday was also New Years Eve! The evening was spent with our friends Tim and Colleen as we met up for a late dinner at Marmont Steakhouse in Old City Philadelphia, just a couple blocks from Penn’s Landing where the fireworks display would be. Unfortunately there was a mix-up in reservations and we ended up waiting for about an hour to be seated, which made for a rather rushed (but delicious!) dinner.

We did make it outside in time for the new year, and Tim took our picture during the fireworks.

Being a holiday, new years day was a light day for us and I ended up being able to catch up with a lot of project work and email during the day before dinner with family.

Wednesday was busy. We had two vendor appointments and then drove downtown so I could give a presentation at the Philadelphia area Linux Users Group (PLUG) about the trip to Ghana. I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for the talk, so I tried to prepare the group for what I was calling an informal talk, and then was surprised when Dave Sevick, the Executive Director of Computer Reach who led our team in Ghana said he’d fly out from Pittsburgh to attend and participate! No pressure!

To my delight, the talk went very well. My “slides” were just a series of photos but I was confident in the material and I was able to introduce Dave at the beginning of my talk and invite him to pitch in throughout to answer any questions I was uncertain about. It all ended up being quite discussion-driven and what was probably only 30 minutes of speaking material led to an engaging time that lasted over an hour.

Lyz and Dave at PLUG

Thursday we drove to Harrisburg to handle some paperwork, but I brought along a laptop and was able to work on catching up with email during the drive, win! And that evening made time for another last minute vendor meeting.

Friday was the cake tasting and selection! We went with Bredenbeck’s for the cake and the woman we worked with was able to sketch out a cake design based on our specifications while we did the tasting. I was really happy with the experience, and am excited about our cake.

The last visit of our trip was to the Joseph Ambler Inn where we’ve reserved a block of rooms for guests coming to our wedding from out of town. We stayed there during our last trip but due to scheduling issues weren’t able to get the full tour that time – this time we did! I’m even happier about our decision to go with them following this tour. We wrapped up the tour by having a late lunch with family there at the inn. And the day wrapped up with another dinner with local family.

Sunday it was time to go home. In all it was a very productive trip, if not quite as relaxing as I had hoped. We have a lot to do before the wedding and we’ve been super busy with other life stuff. This week we’ve really had to hunker down and put together a schedule so we can meet all the deadlines. No wonder people hire wedding planners.

2012 adventures, onward to 2013!

2012 was quite the adventure! Among other things, I became an aunt for the first time with the birth of my nephew Xavier and was able to go to Maine just after his birth to meet him.

I traveled to Portland, Oregon to attend OSCON and accept an O’Reilly Open Source Award for my work on the Ubuntu project.

I went to Africa the first time, in a blending of my passion for travel and open source we were able to deploy Edubuntu desktops to schools in Ghana.

And I wrote my first paid, published article. It covered our trip to Ghana and appeared in issue 15 of Ubuntu User Magazine.


And right now, straddling 2012 and 2013 we’re in Philadelphia again to do more wedding preparation. Venue visit, food tastings, floral shop visits, meeting with the DJ.

Seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time

Visiting the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen


Photo by Benjamin Kerensa, Quantal Ubuntu Developer Summit

Photo by Ben Cotton, LISA ’12 Advancing Women in Computing panel


Looking onward to 2013 I have a lot in store for me. In just the first couple months I’ve got a couple presentations lined up at LUGs and have volunteered to give one again at Ubucon at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE11x) I’ll be starting a new job in January and flying to Seattle to meet some of my new co-workers in a couple weeks. At the end of April we’re getting married and then going off on our honeymoon!

From colo to clusters, 6 years with LinuxForce

On Friday I spent my last day working for LinuxForce, a technology services provider just outside of Philadelphia.

I started working at LinuxForce on a contract basis in 2006, working on security advisory analysis, Debian packaging and on-site server installs. I was hired full time in February of 2007 as a junior systems administrator.

Prior to coming to LinuxForce I was a Linux hobbyist and got to know my boss via the Philadelphia area Linux Users Group (PLUG), which I started attending in 2002. Finally joining a company as a junior admin I was able to really flesh out areas that were lacking when I was just a hobbyist and didn’t have the resources or inclination to work on serious production systems (oh the difficult days before ubiquitous virtualization!). I also gained really great mentors in the senior admin who was there when I was hired and my boss who has always fostered an environment where we could learn and explore while still delivering high-quality service to our customers.

Through the years gained a passion for monitoring, automation, virtualization and solid system documentation. While I wasn’t sure what my career would look like when I started, it’s become clear over the years that my interest in systems engineering has bubbled to the top.

I also had the opportunity to seriously begin contributing to open source software, which has also obviously become very important to me career-wise. My work maintaining packages in Debian was part of my job and I had flexibility in my day so I could participate in Ubuntu meetings. I was also given paid time off twice a year to attend the Ubuntu Developer Summits and to attend open source conferences where I was speaking. It was very valuable to be working for a small company that was so willing to not only be wholly committed to usage of open source in all the solutions deployed but to also making such serious, direct investments in it.

As I wrote in this post it was growth and more local opportunities that led me to finally move on from LinuxForce. This week I’m in Philadelphia and I’ll be seeing my former boss and meeting the latest hire at a PLUG meeting in what feels to be a very fitting wrap-up of my tenure.

I start my new job on January 7th which I’m happy to report also leverages my open source and systems skills, but that’s a topic for another post.

Recovering well and heading to Philly

The food poisoning episode pretty much consumed my week. Had to cancel plans I was looking forward to and wave the “I’m sick” flag on projects I’m working on. Huge thanks to everyone who has been so understanding, it’s been very nice to watch others be able to pick up the slack.

On Monday I was still limping along exhaustion-wise, but back to work and finally able to start eating solid foods again and on Tuesday my appetite was pretty much back as we went to a diner and I got a nice plate of breakfast for dinner, complete with eggs and pancakes. I’ll continue to avoid foods that are hard on my stomach for now as I’m not quite back to 100% yet, but a doctor visit this evening gave me confidence that everything is pointing in the right direction.

One of the things I couldn’t put off while recovering was preparing for a trip to Philadelphia that we’re leaving for on Saturday. We have appointments to do the tasting with the venue representative and caterer and a separate appointment for the cake tasting. We’ll also be meeting with a florist and a DJ, so hopefully we can get those details nailed down for the wedding during this trip.

We hope to have a bit of down time to get some other things done that have been neglected on our other whirlwind Philly trips lately and to visit with some friends. I’m happy to say we’ll be going to PLUG on Wednesday where I’ll be doing a photos + Q&A style presentation on the Ghana trip. There are a lot of tech groups here in SF, but PLUG will always hold a special place for me and there are a lot of people who attend that I’ll be very happy to see.