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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Philadelphia Bug Jam!

On Saturday the Philadelphia team of Ubuntu US Pennsylvania hosted our BugJam. PLUG member Art Alexion graciously offered us space at Resources for Human Development in great room with wired connections for the event, and access to a kitchen for our goodies. People started arriving around noon and we got things set up, retrieved the […]

UCP, US Teams, Ubuntu BugJam in Philly

As many of my local friends can attest, I spent much of my January as a bit of a hermit. I made it out for a PLUG North meeting (great talk on zsh by Paul Snyder), but otherwise spent a lot of time hanging in. February is shaping up to be a more active month. […]

Going International!

Every year the world seems smaller to me. Since I got online in ’98 I’ve had friends all over the world, but I think I’ve just gotten more involved with people worldwide, become more conscious of conferences I want to attend, things happening that I’d like to see and getting to know more people I’d […]

Marshmallow Peep NYE

Last night I met up with Stephen to attend the Bethlehem First Night celebration, the height of which was the dropping of a big fiberglass Peep at midnight. It was cold last night, by the time we arrived and parked in Bethlehem it was shortly after 7, and already 20 degrees out. We wandered around […]

Grandma’s Obituary and Service

In case this goes away at some point, my Grandma’s obituary was published by Florida Today: Carol Flynn: CAROL FLYNN – PALM BAY – Carol Ann Flynn, 71, passed away Thursday, December 4, 2008 in Palm Bay. She will be sadly missed by her husband, Donald E. Flynn; loving children, Donald W. (Tayna) Flynn of […]

Low-key Thanksgiving

I decided to hang in this Thanksgiving. I don’t have any local family, but wasn’t short of invitations from friends to spend the holiday with them and theirs. I can’t thank these friends enough for the invitations, in spite of declining them all, it means a lot to know I have friends who care enough […]

Philadelphia Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Release Party! And how we almost got arrested

On Saturday the 1st the Philadelphia team of the Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo held our release party. Just like last year, we decided to celebrate the release with a Halloween influenced costume party at Drake Tavern in Jenkintown. Drake Tavern is quite the hospitable place for our events, it’s a pretty family-friendly environment (Zoe was our […]

Ubuntu-US-NJ LAN, PLUG Logo, FCM and LedgerSMB

Last weekend I attended the August 2008 LAN Party hosted by the Ubuntu NJ folks. There were two parties, one in North Jersey and the one I attended in Cherry Hill, across the bridge from Philadelphia. I got a bit lost on my way out (oops) but arrived shortly after 5 for BBQ and a […]

Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine in Ashland, PA

Anyone who has been reading my blog of late knows I’ve been doing the local touristy thing this year. My latest conquest? Coal Mines. I knew Pennsylvania was a big coal state, but didn’t really think about the fact that there would be retired coal mines open for tours to the public, and was only […]

Brew at the Philadelphia Zoo!

On July 26th Michael, Bob, Mike and I attend the first Brew at the Zoo at the Philadelphia Zoo! In the years past it was held at the Norristown Zoo, which was fun but they have much cooler animals at the Philly Zoo – when I heard it would be held in Philly I had […]