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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Local LoCo Team Portal Install

At the last UDS there were some discussions about some of the things people wanted to see in the LoCo Team Portal. Unfortunately it quickly became apparent that while there were plenty of ideas, there is only one active developer, with just a couple others who pitch in with fixes. In short, we need more […]

ISO Testing Jam Materials

On Saturday, September 8th, I’m hosting an Ubuntu Global Jam in downtown San Francisco focused on ISO testing, details about and signup for that event here: Ubuntu California San Francisco QA Jam As promised, here are the videos and documents I’ll be using during our jam: Videos: ISO Testing on Ubuntu using TestDrive Overview of […]

September 8th Ubuntu Global Jam at the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco

Last year, prior to the Natty release, I headed up to BerkeleyLUG to host an Ubuntu Global Jam event focused on testing, I wrote about it here: Berkeley Natty Global Jam. It was a lot of fun and at the time I was really just helping people go through some basic Xubuntu testing documents and […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner Wrap-up

On Wednesday night I hosted an Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner in downtown San Francisco. We have our Ubuntu Hours here in San Francisco once a month, and it was November of 2010 that I decided to start tacking on a Bay Area Debian Dinner every other month at a restaurant across the street. Over […]

Recent Partimus work

Last Friday Christian Einfeldt put a call out to the Partimus Discussion list asking for some help moving the laptop donation from Intuit from his office (where they were delivered) to the school. I volunteered. I picked up Christian around 12:30 at the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy and drove out to his office. The […]

It’s alive! Egg-Bot + Xubuntu logo

I mentioned previously that the good folks at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories gave each of the recipients of the O’Reilly Open Source Award this year an Egg-Bot kit. In spite of my enthusiasm, it wasn’t until Friday night that I finally carved out some time to begin assembling mine: …and assembling… On Saturday morning I […]

Issue 275 released, thanks Ubuntu News Team!

On Monday the Ubuntu News team released the 275th issue of Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter! I did a quick grep through the archives, and the following individuals have been included in the credits[0] since issue 250: Chris Druif Liraz Siri Vikram Dhillon Emma Marshall Benjamin Kerensa Unit193 Charles Profitt Neil Oosthuizen Nathan Dyer Matt Rudge Jose […]

Thursday and Friday at OSCON 2012

Although I’ve always wanted to go, I hadn’t actually planned on attending OSCON this year due to several factors (work, budget, etc). That changed when I received the email about winning the Open Source Award on July 9th, I was able to quickly schedule a couple days off of work to attend the last two […]

O’Reilly Open Source Award

This afternoon I had the incredible honor of accepting an O’Reilly Open Source Award at OSCON for my work in the Ubuntu community. It’s been an exciting day and thanks to all my supportive friends at OSCON who were there with hugs and handshakes, it was an unforgettable experience. Now I would like to extend […]

Xubuntu Presentation at FeltonLUG

Yesterday afternoon MJ and I headed south to Felton LUG so I could give a presentation with the ambitious title of “Everything you ever wanted to know about Xubuntu” for the group. The group was incredibly welcoming and engaged during my presentation, asking interesting questions throughout. At the end I was able to give a […]