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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Dublin Maverick Meerkat Release Party

On Saturday I took an 11:05 AM flight out of San Francisco, met up with MJ at the Philadelphia airport, and from there took a flight to Dublin, arriving on Sunday at 8:30 AM. Thankfully we were able to check in to the O’Callaghan Davenport Hotel early. We had a nice Irish breakfast at the […]

OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2010

Back in April I went to a Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) meeting where Sameer Verma was doing a presentation titled One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Project: Plan, Updates, Direction, Participation (slides here). It was an inspiring presentation, Sameer’s excitement for the project was infectious and I asked a bunch of questions and attended […]

Ubuntu California at Picn*x 19

On Saturday I got up bright and early to catch a 9AM ride with Grant Bowman to the annual Linux Picnic (Picn*x19) as they celebrated the 19th anniversary of the Linux kernel. We arrived on site to help with setup shortly before 10AM. Shortly after arriving Mark Terranova and Robert Wall also showed up and […]

Ubuntu US website, upcoming Linux Picnic

On Monday evening we had an Ubuntu US Teams over in #ubuntu-us on freenode (logs, minutes) where we did final discussion on the relaunch of our website. We were running Drupal5 on a Linode (thanks again for the donation, Linode!) running Hardy and I’ve been eyeing an upgrade to Lucid. While considering this I spoke […]

Ubuntu at the Creative Arts Charter School

One of the schools Partimus has been working with over the years is the Creative Arts Charter School in San Francisco. Today I finally had the opportunity to visit the school. I arrived around 12:30 this afternoon where I met Christian Einfeldt who gave me a quick tour of the school and introduced me to […]

Second San Francisco Ubuntu Hour

On Tuesday I hosted the second San Francisco Ubuntu Hour. We had four people in attendance (thanks for dropping by James, Grant and Michelle!). It ended up being quite an evening for gadgets. As is typical, I brought along my mini9 and Grant showed up with his ever popular OLPC laptop. Then Michelle showed up […]

How to Ask Smart Questions by Martin Owens

While I wouldn’t say that direct user support is one of my more substantial contributions to the Ubuntu community, I do contribute some in #xubuntu, #ubuntu-beginners and various not-strictly-support channels like some LoCo channels and #ubuntu-women. Doing user support on IRC is one of those things that makes me feel more connected with the community […]

Xubuntu Artwork

Some love Gnome, others love KDE, for me it’s XFCE all the way. When I jumped on the Ubuntu bandwagon several years ago it was only natural that I’d use Xubuntu. Isn’t it lovely? Now, I am completely useless when it comes to artwork[0], so I will once again stand on the shoulders of artistic […]

New Ubuntu Women Logo

One of our Maverick goals was to redesign our team logo to work with the new Ubuntu Brand. We enlisted the talents of Troy Sobotka (who came up with our great former logo) to come up with a simple, clean idea which we can use on the upcoming redesign of ubuntu-women.org and as our logo […]

Do you Ubuntu… with Penn and Teller?

This past weekend I was in Las Vegas with my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary (hooray!), and as a crazy huge fan of the duo, while I was there I had to see a Penn & Teller show! After the show they stood in the lobby for signing and photos, so I was able […]