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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Ubuntu Women Project Status – Mid 2010

I got involved in the Ubuntu Women Project back in 2006, and since 2007 I’ve made yearly posts discussing project status: Ubuntu Women Project Status (2007) Ubuntu Women Project Status – Mid 2008 Ubuntu Women Project Status – Early 2009 But I have to say that this update is the one I’m most excited about. […]

Geeknic and SF Ubuntu Hour

On Saturday MJ and I packed up our picnic goodies and headed down to Los Gatos (no, I didn’t bring my cats or my NetFlix DVDs) to Vasona Lake County Park for the second Bay Area Geeknic. This was a smaller geeknic than the first, but we had the essential ingredients for a great day. […]

Pink Wiimote!

Last year I blogged about pink wiimotes, but they were just regular wiimotes with pink covers on them. Now? Thanks to the sharp eye and generosity of Mackenzie Morgan I have an actual pink wiimote! Thanks for such a thoughtful gift Mackenzie! And also thanks to Mark Terranova for getting it to me, all the […]

Instructors Confirmed for Ubuntu User Day on July 10th

Last week we decided to postpone User Days until Saturday, July 10th so we could get more presenters and let more people know about it. Over this past week Nigel Babu, Chris Johnston and I worked hard to contact prospective instructors and get the schedule pinned down, which we finished yesterday afternoon. The schedule for […]

Ubuntu Lynx Stuffed Animal

On May 26th OMG! Ubuntu! published an article: Buy A Limited Edition Lynx Toy From Ubuntu & Help Save Real Lynx’s, Too! Neat! From the store page: Canonical will contribute a portion of each sale to the ‘SOS Lynx Foundation‘ as part of the Ubuntu One Music Store initiative up to a joint total of […]

Ubuntu California Installfest at Noisebridge

On Sunday MJ and I spent the day at Noisebridge for the Ubuntu California Lucid Installfest. Unfortunately our scheduling ended up to coincide with Carnaval San Francisco 2010, but aside from traffic woes in the area it made for some lively entertainment outside and quite the view for attendees. Leif Ryge was our gracious Noisebridge […]

Your favorite scifi/fantasy books

Today MJ and I were downtown visiting the Shanghai exhibit at the Asian Art Museum. The museum closed at 5PM but the San Francisco Public Library right next door is open until 6PM! So after the museum we hopped over there and signed up for library cards and headed straight to the scifi section and […]

UDS Maverick Day 5

Last day of UDS! – Community Roundtable – It was discussed that the LoCo Council will be formally deprecating the unmaintainable LoCo Team List wiki page in favor of loco directory. We also did some reviewing of good sessions throughout the week. – Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals – The Ubuntu Women team has a full […]

UDS Maverick Day 4

And on to day 4… – Community Roundtable – First off, Laura Czajkowski explained the LoCo Council healthcheck, a series of monthly Q&A sessions on IRC where the LoCo Council is available to answer questions from the community. The rest of the session was spent on smaller topics, including calendars on fridge, the idea of […]

UDS Maverick Day 3

Day 3! – Community Roundtable – Once again started my day in the Community Roundtable discussion. Not much noteworthy to the outside world came of this, mostly just administrative loose ends that needed to be tied up, including touching base with Canonical about some things, changing some of the scheduled sessions (oh no, conflicts!), making […]