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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Philadelphia be Jammin’!

The Philadelphia Mythbuntu Jam is in full swing, Andrew Keyes has been taking photos and posting them up on flickr: Andrew Keyes Flickr: Philly MythJam 2009: Big 4M original panorama Huge 14M original panorama We ended up with 22 people coming out, we’re having a blast!

F/OSS Marketing: Attracting Users AND Contributors

I gave my Expanding Involvement in F/OSS talk at PLUG West this past Monday. One of the great things about PLUG is how our different venues give us different audiences. When I gave this talk down at our Central chapter held at USP the majority of the audience was college kids, hobbiests and consultants, while […]

Philadelphia Software Freedom Day!

Yesterday the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team hosted a Software Freedom Day event. We arrived at the Philadelphia Area Computer Society‘s meeting space in the community center of Giant grocery store in Willow Grove around 8:30AM and spent the morning in the lobby with several computers. We answered questions and chatted with folks coming through about everything […]

Pink keyboard, beer and SFD

Tonight I was at Staples picking up some last-minute items for the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Software Freedom Day Event tomorrow morning. While I was there I was seduced by the OmniTech Flexible Keyboard, in pink. Teri Solow had pointed me in the direction of a similar one a couple months ago, but the price tag for […]

Remembering Matthew Rosewarne

Last night I received an email from his father telling me that Matthew Rosewarne had passed away. It was my responsibility to pass along the notice of his passing to the rest of PLUG, so with much difficulty, I did. His obituary is online here, reposting: MATTHEW ROSEWARNE, August 23, 2009 of Philadelphia PA. Tragically […]

Ubuntu US and Pennsylvania updates

Ubuntu US Teams On August 26th the USTeams Project had a meeting: Minutes Logs Huge thanks to everyone who attended! There were a couple of major topics that came up: Visibility of the team itself, how do State teams know they can come to us for help? Some thoughts that were floated including getting ourselves […]

PLUG into Hive76, my PLUG Central talk and OpenHatch.org

On Thursday the 27th we hosted the first real PLUG into Hive76 meeting! We had 15 people show up from the groups involved (Hive76, PLUG, Linux Meetup) and brainstorming plans went well. Dan posted a little info about the meetup on the Hive76 blog: PLUG Into Hive76 == Success! Plus, Jim Fisher brought OREO CAKE! […]

Upcoming talks, photos from Virtualization Roundtable

I have two upcoming open source talks: “Expanding involvement of Women in F/OSS” at PLUG Central on September 2nd. I’ve spoken on this topic before, and committed to this one prior to my retirement from the subject in the public arena. I considered changing topics, but the folks at PLUG are a good bunch and […]

Philadelphia area Linux Users Group Virtualization Roundtable Summary

On Tuesday night we hosted a Virtualization Roundtable at PLUG North meeting. To be honest, it started out as a bit of a filler event because we didn’t have a speaker, but upon mentioning the possibility the response I got was very positive. I started planning the event last month, gathered a few experts who […]

Ubuntu Community Learning Project and Ubuntu US Teams

Ubuntu Community Learning Project Due to my involvement in the Ubuntu Classroom project, I became involved with the Beginners Team Education Focus group earlier this year. The #ubuntu-classroom channel began hosting Beginners Team classes. From there the Ubuntu Community Learning Team was born. Over the past several months the team has been working through licensing […]