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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

A Little San Francisco 13.10 Release Party

I was finally in my home city of San Francisco for an Ubuntu release (why are Octobers so crazy?) so I was able to put together a small event for the release of Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander). The night before I pulled out the nail polish and nail decals from System76 to get into the […]

ACM Reflections | Projections Conference 2013 wrap-up

Last Thursday I flew out to Urbana-Champaign to speak at a conference put on by the ACM at the University of Illinois, Reflections | Projections. On Thursday evening and Friday I was able to spend time catching up with my Ubuntu colleagues Nathan Handler, who was staff at the conference, and Paul Tagliamonte who was […]

Who is the Ubuntu Community Council?

As we come up on just a few more days left to submit nominations for the Ubuntu Community Council, I thought I’d take a few minutes to write about my experiences on the council for the past 4 years (and 2 more if you’ll have me!) and why I highly encourage others to nominate themselves […]

Help out with the Saucy Ubuntu Docs!

Throughout this cycle I have been working with the Ubuntu Doc team in my capacity as a Community Council member to assist in building up the number of team administrators and work to improve the Getting Started documentation to get new contributors involved with the documentation that ships with Ubuntu. I’m happy to say that […]

Fosscon on August 10th

Next week we’ll be heading back east to Philadelphia for the 4th annual Fosscon on Saturday, August 10th. I gave the keynote at this conference in 2011 and this year that honor goes to Jordan Miller of UPenn who will be talking about AMRI: Building Open Source Infrastructures for Science. I’m coming back to give […]

Xubuntu featured in Linux Identity magazine

Several months ago Xubuntu project lead Pasi Lallinaho (knome) was contacted by the editor of Linux Identity Magazine about doing a flavors section of their magazine for release in June. Together Pasi and I worked last cycle to recruit authors, meet deadlines, gather pictures and screenshots and do editorial review and final article length extensions. […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter reaches issue 325!

Today the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter released issue 325! Over these past couple of months I’m happy to say we’ve gained the help of Paul White who has not only been doing a great job helping collect links throughout the week for the newsletter, but has also come through for us each week to write summaries […]

Ubuntu tie clips or tie pins?

Over the past couple of years Boutique Academia has made a name for themselves in the Ubuntu community by selling Ubuntu Earrings and Ubuntu Necklaces. I recently received an email from the company founder, Maile Urbancic, about the possibility of adding more to their lineup in the form of tie clips and during the discussion […]

Adopt a Salamander

For each Ubuntu release I spend a little time finding a toy or other representation of the codename animal to use at booths, Ubuntu Hours and other events. I wrote about Quetzals and Pangolins here and you may have seen Raring here. When the salamander came up I was confident that a toy would be […]

Virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit 1305

Since I left for my wedding and honeymoon a bunch of things happened! Ubuntu 13.04 was released, 13.10 was given the code name “Saucy Salamander” and Debian 7.0 Wheezy came out. Plus lots of exciting OpenStack development discussion that came out following the Summit (I left right after it). When I got back into the […]