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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Needs You

Back in August I wrote a post “News is hard, but we’re making it easier” regarding improvements to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. At the time I defined some todo list items, which I now have updates on: UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter wiki Make sure workflow is properly documented DONE Confirm team contact information has been updated DONE Review […]

12.04 Presentation for Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) and upcoming SF Release Party

Last night, as announced here and mentioned here, Grant Bowman and I did a presentation for the Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). When I arrived a gentleman I’d been corresponding with over email had his netbook set up for me to look at. He couldn’t remember his password and […]


Happy Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) Beta 2 everyone! I’ve been an Xfce user since 2004, this post from last year documents my UI adventures. It’s been my Desktop Environment of choice for my whole professional career as a systems administrator and I’m very set in my ways configuration-wise at work. These days I help […]

Linaro Dinner, Ubuntu and Debian Evening and Saving Pangolins

On February 5th several people from the Ubuntu California team headed over to Redwood City for dinner with Ubuntu-loving attendees from the Linaro Connect conference. It was Super Bowl Sunday so we lucked out at a pizzeria that lacks a television – they seemed to be doing a brisk delivery service but the restaurant was […]

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Needs You!

Today commemorates the release of Issue 250 of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter (UWN). So first off, congratulations to everyone who has worked on UWN since the first issue in 2006! Secondly, we need help. The current bus factor of UWN is 2. Both of us have full time jobs, travel a lot and have a […]


I spent last weekend at the the Southern California Linux Expo. I flew down to Los Angeles Thursday evening. Friday morning I gave my Ubucon talk on Getting Involved with Ubuntu. To accompany this talk I had handouts that gave a bunch of URLs to resources within the project that I covered in the talk. […]

Ubuntu Hour, SCALE 10x and Ubuntu User Days

Last night I hosted the monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour. We had a last minute change of venue due to the coffee shop we meet in deciding to close early without warning (ah, the joys of local small businesses), but fortunately we were able to use the lobby one door over and people managed to […]

Community Council Begins Ubuntu Mailing Lists Review

At the last Ubuntu Developer Summit it was brought to the attention of the Ubuntu Community Council that lists.ubuntu.com had become quite crowded. There was concern that it was overwhelming for new contributors looking for a mailing lists to join and they may find it confusing or discouraging if they join lists which are inactive. […]

Ubuntu at ITT Tech, Linux Format and SCALE

Wednesday night I held a well-attended Ubuntu Hour and Debian dinner here in San Francisco. Lots of great discussion at both meetups, huge thanks to everyone who came out! Last night I gave another (first was in September) “Introduction to Ubuntu” talk for a Linux class at ITT Tech in Oakland. After my short talk […]

Xubuntu Stickers, Twitter and Site Update

Last month I took over as the Marketing and Website Lead for Xubuntu. Thanks to the rest of the team for supporting me! There have been several ideas floating around the Marketing wiki page so I decided to start here and make some laptop-worthy Xubuntu stickers. I went with Moo.com because I really liked the […]