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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Ada Lovelace Day: Ms. Nilsen

Today I work with dozens of amazing women in open source communities, but for Ada Lovelace Day this year I decided to reach back to the beginning of my experience with computers to talk about a woman I knew back in high school. In my high school there was a “Mac Lab” and a “PC […]

Ubuntu Manual Project: Final Review Time!

Over the past couple years I’ve found myself involved in a lot of documentation, training, beginners and learning projects within the Ubuntu project. Aside from this being an infinitely rewarding sector of the project, I’ve learned the value of collaboration between teams and how far creative collaboration can take them all. So speaking as a […]

Pink, jeweled, cat5e? I’ll take 2!

MJ and I headed down to Fry’s last weekend. I didn’t actually need anything, it was more of a sight seeing tour – having lived on the east coast all these years I had to check out this great electronics store my west coast friends had talked so much about. While wandering through the aisles […]

BerkeleyLUG Ubuntu Global Jam!

Two days after I left Pennsylvania the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team helped Bryan Behrenshausen of Millersville University host a successful Open Options: Remix Computing with Open Source Software event at the University, details and photos are over on the team blog: Millersville University Open Options Event – Success! It was a delight working with Bryan during […]

Flowery new desktop

A year and a half ago I put together a system built with some pieces I purchased from the Trenton Computer Festival. It was a server though, pretty loud, very heavy, and the hardware was a couple years old when I bought it so became out of date pretty quickly, and the Xeons were too […]

International Women’s Day stories about Ubuntu and the computing longevity meme

The latest initiative by the Ubuntu Women Project, is a contest to collect “How I discovered Ubuntu” stories written by women. The winner will be announced on March 8th, International Women’s Day. One of the goals of this initiative is to try and answer the “How can I get $woman to use Ubuntu?” question that […]

Ubuntu Community Learning Project Update

On Monday the 11th The Ubuntu Community Learning Project (UCLP) held a meeting to review our progress through and since the holidays. The UCLP is attempting to make professional education course materials, because we believe that education is one of the biggest barriers to getting new users and increasing existing users abilities. We are working […]

Ubuntu User Day Success!

We just wrapped up our first Ubuntu User Day! Now, whose idea was it to have our first Ubuntu User Day last 15 hours? What a day! A 1 hour introduction, plus 13 instructors teaching 14 classes in #ubuntu-classroom! Thanks to our awesome crew for making this long day fun one, and for doing such […]

Ubuntu User Day on January 23rd

Yesterday Chris Johnston announced the upcoming Ubuntu User Day. From the announcement (emphasis is mine): The Ubuntu User Days Team would like to announce the first Ubuntu User Day, on January 23, 2010. This will be a very informative one day session geared towards beginner and intermediate Ubuntu users, as well as people who are […]

New Leader for the Ubuntu Women Project

This morning I had the pleasure of announcing the appointment of the new leader of the Ubuntu Women project as selected by the Community Council. Congratulations to Amber Graner for being selected for this role! The leadership nominations process for this first formal project leader was outlined here. We were fortunate to have three fantastic […]