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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 4

Today was the last day of UDS. Ending a day sooner has been strange, but I’m spending my bonus day playing tourist tomorrow in Copenhagen. – Community Roundtable – We were able to have some web design folks from Canonical in the session so we could discuss the community page on Ubuntu.com. They were able […]

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 3

– Community Roundtable – First up for the Community Roundtable today was a discussion about the /community page on ubuntu.com and possible redirect of /contribute to it see bug here. Tomorrow one of the website design folks from Canonical to talk with us about what we can do proposal-wise for improving it as we don’t […]

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 2

– Community Roundtable – My day started off with the Community Roundtable where we first discussed the Code of Conduct draft and then scheduled time during Wednesday’s roundtable to invite discussion about it (here). The next topic was the Google Summer of Code, which a couple community members volunteered to lead up and work with […]

UDS-R in Copenhagen Day 1

My first day of UDS this time started off with remarkably little jet lag. I’m pretty sure I didn’t adjust to California time so I’m still on UTC (Ghana) time, that’s fine for here! There was lots of fruit on my plate at breakfast, and then it was off to registration and then the opening […]

Ghana trip summary and thank you

My trip to Ghana this month was an adventure. It was the first time I’d traveled to a developing country, one of the most ambitious projects I’ve had the pleasure of joining and quite the cultural experience. I’m also happy to say that “Plan B” was a resounding success. Plan B? Our intention for traveling […]

Street Academy in Accra Edubuntu Training

Today we took the re-imaged laptops back to the Street Academy in Accra, Ghana so we could do some training. We were delighted to meet with three of the attendees from the Accra Linux Users Group we visited on Saturday who have volunteered to help maintain the deployment at the school. The day began with […]

Proofreading begins for “Getting Started with 12.10”

Tomorrow I leave for Ghana and one of the things I’ve packed is my old print copy of Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 (for a variety of reasons, the non-profit organizing this shipped them with with Edubuntu 10.04). I’ll be leaving this copy there in Ghana with one of our contacts. We’ve also loaded up […]

My recent Xubuntu work

I’ve been event more involved with the Xubuntu project this cycle. For the first time the team had a full marketing blueprint, as well as one for the website. I’ve also been more involved with testing, from the Global Jam to just standard testing. I was able to happily cheer along with everyone else when […]

I’m going to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu!

On August 17th I received an email from Beth Lynn Eicher sharing that she would be going to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu desktops in schools under the umbrella of Computer Reach, a non-profit based out of Pittsburgh, PA. She asked if one of the other Partimus board members would be interested in going. Not yet […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam Wrap-up

On Saturday the 8th I hosted an Ubuntu Global Jam focused on ISO testing over at the Wikimedia Foundation office in downtown San Francisco. Upon arrival I met Andrew White, our Wikimedia host, and he outlined a few options for setup. Given power requirements we ended up in a conference room and I was able […]