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Archive for the ‘simcoe’ Category

Simcoe’s December 2014 Checkup

Simcoe was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) back in December of 2011, so it’s been a full three years since her diagnosis! Still, she doesn’t enjoy the quarterly vet visits. We took her in on December 6th and she was determined to stay in her carrier and not look at me. “I’m mad at […]

Simcoe’s August 2014 Checkup

This upcoming December will mark Simcoe living with the CRF diagnosis for 3 years. We’re happy to say that she continues to do well, with this latest batch of blood work showing more good news about her stable levels. Unfortunately we brought her in a few weeks early this time following a bloody sneeze. As […]

Simcoe’s June Checkup

On June 7th I brought Simcoe in to the vet for her regular-ish checkup to see how she’s handling her kidney disease. Her last visit was back in January. She wasn’t happy about this visit, with MJ out of town for a week I think she was feeling pretty out of sorts, and the poor […]

Simcoe’s January vet visit and Caligula’s cold

Simcoe’s last vet visiting to do an analysis of her blood levels was back in November. Since we noticed her levels were creeping up at the time, but she also had some sniffles, perhaps that impacted results? We came up a plan with the vet to recheck her in 2 months (rather than 3) and […]

Simcoe’s November Checkup

In December of 2011 Simcoe was diagnosed with renal failure. It was a very upsetting time for us, with the vet giving us initial estimates of her only living another couple of months. Through diligent daily care (a pill every day to control nausea and subcutaneous fluid injections every other day) and quarterly check-ups over […]

Simcoe’s May Checkup

On May 30th we brought Simcoe in for her 3 months checkup. We were going to wait longer since her results have been consistently good, but following our honeymoon she’s been acting a bit more restless than usual and we decided to take her in. Caligula was also having some stomach problems so we brought […]

Simcoe’s March Checkup

On March 2nd I brought Simcoe in for her quarterly checkup, the last was on November 24th (I wrote about it here). My only concern bringing her in was increased agitation on her part lately (mostly meowing and wanting attention more than usual). I am pretty confident that can be written off to me traveling […]

Simcoe’s November Checkup

On November 24th we brought Simcoe in for her quarterly checkup, her last checkup had been on July 28th (I wrote about it here). This visit was a few week later than quarterly due to our travel schedules, but she’s been doing very well with the CRF treatment. She has been more vocal lately, but […]

Simcoe’s August Checkup

On July 28th we brought Simcoe in for her quarterly checkup, the last one was on April 28th (I wrote about it here). Just as with last time, Simcoe has been responding well to the CRF treatment. No unusual behavior activity-wise, vomiting has not been frequent and we were hopeful that she’d put on even […]

Simcoe’s April Checkup

On April 28th we took Simcoe in for her quarterly checkup, the last one was on January 26th (I wrote about it here). In general we felt she was responding well to the CRF treatment, activity level has been great and it seemed like she was even putting on weight. Simcoe in the carrier before […]