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In Philly for the wedding! Also, books and birds…

Today MJ and I left for Philadelphia to prepare for our wedding on Sunday! We’ve spent months planning for it, I’m sure it’ll be awesome, I’m really excited.

On Tuesday we’re flying to the Yucatan Peninsula to spend 7 days on a beach, and then another 5 days exploring Mayan ruins all over the peninsula. It occured to us while planning for the honeymoon that over the past few years we’ve certainly been doing a lot of traveling, but actual vacations have been few and we both really needed some time away. Regardless of internet access, I’ll be keeping my activities far away from anything Ubuntu or OpenStack, as much as I may be tempted to check in and help out. I really need to take this step back and relax so I can come back refreshed and eager to continue to help taking over the world with my fellow open source colleauges. Must not feel guilty about my inbox getting out of control, it’s as it should be on vacation.

Along with my Nintendo 3DS and games and a pile of science+nature magazines, I brought some books with me Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters by Matt Kaplan and Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts by Emily Anthes. It didn’t occur to me until buying Anthes’ book that this will mean quite the creature-filled reading list! I also picked up a couple fiction paperbacks to zone out to on the beach.

It occurred to me while looking for books to bring that I hadn’t written lately about books I’ve been reading. Prompted by my study into Judaism this past year, I’ve been making an effort to understand religion in general more. My approach historically has been to find the “truth” in a very logical manner, which breaks down quickly when the topic is religion so I just left it alone. “I don’t really do religion” has been my response lately when asked about it. But in these past few years I’ve come to love and respect several religious people so trying to understand how and why the believe and participate has been an interesting path of study. In addition to reading various Jewsish commentaries on God, I picked up Religion for Atheists: A Non-believer’s Guide to the Uses of Religion by Alain de Botton. It was a fascinating look into secular reasons why people build, sustain and maintain the traditions and beliefs in their communties. I did find that he touched upon pieces lacking in my own life, including having patterns of observance of special days and events throughtout the year which encourage reflection and thought on specific topics, something I’m really enjoying with my study into Judaism. I also read A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age by Steven Nadler after learning about Spinoza’s “natural world” approach to God in our Intro to Judaism class. I’m no philosopher or religious historian, so having the ideas from the treatise broken down and summarized in modern English to regular people like me was essential to the work being accessible to me. It was an interesting read, putting some of our modern secularism in historical perspective. A friend of mine also told me about The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion by Mordecai M. Kaplan, a co-founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, which I brought along with me on my trip for when I get into a more reflective, contemplative mood during our trip.

Beyond religion, while I was at the Southern California Linux Expo back in February someone mentioned the book Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. I was skeptical, and understand that his work is a simplification of success, fortune and luck, but it was quite a humbling read. It’s easy to take a lot for granted and be overly proud of the accomplishments we’ve made through what feels like only our own hard work and talent. There’s so much more than that when you start drilling down into the stories behind many of the great capitalist success stories in our society, you have to have the opportunities before you can seize them and often this is out of our control. The person who recommended this book is involved with educating disadvantaged youths in southern California so he certainly has had a first hand view of the advantages some have over others from a very young age.

To shift to the other side of the pen for a moment, I was recently interviewed by a woman doing a story of fear of birds. She emailed me out of the blue and you never know how these things will turn out, but her article did end up getting published: Help! Those Things With Wings Are After Me! It’s funny reading this now, I feel so silly, but I can’t deny any of it. Chickens and vultures are little dinosaurs, it totally makes sense (then again, I’d totally pet a tiger given the chance, natural selection fail).

Now it’s time to pack up my netbook and get settled in here at the Inn. Our next several days are pretty packed with errands, family, rehearsal, dinners and more!

Tiger ears, camera and the 162

Finalizing wedding things has been exhausting, but I have managed to get out of the house some these past few weeks.

MJ was traveling a couple weekends ago and I took the opportunity to head over to the zoo to relax. Fortunately the tiger cub was out playing!

…if you look closely, you can see her ears. Her mother came out just as I was coming in and blocked the view of her little one almost completely. But in person I could see her bouncing around behind mom playing with something.

After visiting the cub I swung by the tail end of the penguin feeding in time to see this guy booking it across the temporary bridge on his way to escape!

Really he just went back to his island after a couple minutes. The day in general was a great one for photos, Slash the cassowary was out, the bobcat and snow leopard were awake, much fun!

More photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157633210801685/

Speaking of photos, I decided to pick up a new camera. My Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS is now 6 years old and starting to feel its age. So last week, in preparation for taking TONS of photos on our honeymoon, MJ did some research and suggested I get the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX100. It came in on Friday and so far – nice! I’ll have to try it out a bit more when I go out tomorrow.

I hosted another Ubuntu Hour and Debian dinner last week. Turnout for both was 5-6 people and good conversation all around. It’s looking like Debian is shooting for the release of Squeeze in the first week of May. Eric also made the amusing move of bringing along some Cinnamon Sugar from South Africa in a nod to the upcoming Ubuntu release shipping with the cinnamon desktop environment for the first time.

I’ve also been trying to take it easy a little, taking an hour or two here and there to enjoy San Francisco. The other day I went to the post office after work and spied the 162 street car, a special one! Then it started moving! I took the opportunity to hop aboard and take it all the way down the Embarcadero for no reason other than to enjoy the ride. I swung by the sea lions while I was out as well and then took a leisurely, long walk back home.

Last weekend MJ and I headed over to the bay to enjoy a nice lunch by the Bay Bridge before barreling in on more wedding stuff pretty much all day Sunday, aside from the Intro to Judaism class. Tomorrow we have our last class, allowing us to finish just in time for our wedding next Sunday.

Tomorrow we’re also running around to do some last minute shopping and picking up of wedding items. Also probably will be prepping some stuff to ship out and meet us when we arrive in Philly. We fly out to Philadelphia on Wednesday. Wedding on Sunday the 28th!

OpenStack Design Summit days 3-4

Wednesday morning started off with a Women of OpenStack breakfast where I happened to sit down next to Leslie Hawthorn without realizing it until we introduced ourselves, so that was a pleasant surprise! We’d both been intending to meet for some time. The table we were at also had a couple engineers working on OpenStack at Yahoo! and a UX engineer from Red Hat, a tech reporter and more, so it was quite the interesting mix and we all swapped business cards. It’s been really cool to meet the GNOME Outreach Program for Women interns from this past cycle too, they’ve been doing really impressive work and writing about it in blogs I’ve enjoyed reading. I was also able to work with Anita Kuno directly while she was helping out with the infrastructure (-infra) team.

It was then over to the conference for more inspiring keynotes. The OpenStack Foundation brought in Randall Sobie to talk about clouds in high energy physics, including a 5000 core OpenStack cloud CERN. Predictably dealing with massive amounts of data is one of the challenges of such scientific organizations that collect it to solve some of the most interesting problems of and in the universe.

Next up was a representative from the NSA who, while not able to tell us much at all about their private cloud deployment of OpenStack, did let slip their numbers had reached the 1000s and at a certain point in the process and that their staff was seeking to collaborate with other government organizations to deploy similar infrastructures elsewhere. Again, predictably, an organization like the NSA needs to handle not only big data, but analysis and manipulation of data. Next up was HP’s keynote, where they dove into some of the projects HP supports, including the one I’m employed with them to work on, the continuous integration team! They also talked about OpenStack on Openstack (TripleO), Heat and related tools. It was also interesting to learn that HP ships a Linux server every minute.

Off to sessions! The Adding new integrated projects to Tempest session shared some best practices from longer-term OpenStack projects as the newly integrated Ceilometer and Heat projects are now seeking to be included in Tempest (also check out these slides by Sean Dague) testing. The testr / testtools feedback/next-steps
session began with a description of exactly what testr and Test Repository are and are for and then beyond that how more tests can migrate to it. Tempest Best Practice Guide where they discussed some ideas for what the QA team should develop in terms of best practices and then steps the team can take to help with organization and productivity of the team, including leveraging milestones, hosting regular bug triage days and improving documentation with regular documentation weeks.

I went to Devananda van der Veen’s Provisioning Bare Metal with OpenStack talk (slides here). Although I am quite familiar with it now, it’s cool to see it in context and learn about some of the future plans. The Tempest – Gap Analysis – Identify new tests session took a look at some of the gaps in testing that some of the projects have, there are a number of them and they currently lack manpower to write them, a few new blueprints will be created to help track progress.

One of my favorite sessions of the day was Vulnerability management: infra needs, scoring…. The topic was handling of security patches and how our team could facilitate that work — preferably without completely duplicating our entire development infrastructure in private exclusively for the security patches. Ideas tossed around included pointing security testers in the direction of the git repositories for tests we use so they could run them, plus offering to run a stand-alone Gerrit-only server (rather than the full infrastructure so they could use a familiar code review system when handling the changes with key team members. Discussion then moved into vulnerability handling in general and it was really interesting to learn about the teams involved. Final session of the day was Technical Committee membership evolution. Given my work with Ubuntu this governance discussion regarding the mechanisms for handling the growth of the TC was an interesting one, even if they didn’t come to any formal conclusions.

The evening wrapped up for me by heading out for an enjoyable and geeky evening with some of my -infra colleagues. I work with some really fun, open source committed folks and it’s really cool to be able to meet up in person during these summits.

Thursday was the final day of the conference! Moving on from QA, it was a day of -infra discussions. First session of the day was Continuous-deployment for upstream Openstack where the team discussed some of the goals and intentions for such a deployment model (alongside the standard 6 month release cycle) and sought to acknowledge that there were organizations who were doing this already in various ways. Next up was Dependency Management, where most of the discussion centered around discussion of Python modules and that the -infra team now maintains requirements project for the new pipy mirror. The Sorting out test runners, wrappers and venvs session focused on the fact that a lot of people are confused about how to properly run the same tests that are run in the CI infrastructure, so are left puzzled when their commits fail. The last session before lunch was another -infra meeting centered around Failure management in the gate. The concern was the few days in the past cycle where it could take several hours for a change to merge due to a couple of issues with the various moving parts in the gating infrastructure. There was some discussion around how to optimize these jobs (and failures) and also improvements to the notification system for such slowness or failures beyond the IRC bot in the #openstack-infra channel, added this past cycle.

After lunch it was off to the Bare Metal Testing session. We had already talked about the virtualized testing earlier in the week (essentially used to quickly test the logic of the process), so the focus with this session was how to handle bare metal testing on actual bare metal. Some of the challenges and risks encountered with testing on bare metal were identified and the session ended with some action items to put together a document to give to any potential donor of this hardware and data center space to explain the requirements and expectations. OpenStack CI logging Review of non-infra-managed tooling was an interesting session to review the OpenStack core tooling that isn’t yet under control of the -infra team and plans to move that over. I took a couple action items in this session to help draft up some puppet modules to pull some things over. The OpenStack project has had to cease using the code name for the networking project due to a trademark issue (details here) which led to the Projects (re)naming session. It turns out the code names for the project aren’t protected under OpenStack trademarks and it would be very costly to do so, particularly as the project grows, and they feel it would be inevitable for a situation like the networking software’s to arise again. The consensus tended to be to try and reduce the dependence upon code names in official and beyond development public spaces, but it was acknowledged that it’s a hard human problem to get around. The last session I attended of the day was on the Havana release schedule where Thierry Carrez presented the proposed release cycle for the next 6 months and took some feedback about it and then the summit in general.

Thanks to Thierry Carrez for this photo

Right after that last session I headed back to the hotel to grab my suitcase and then it was off on the uneventful train + plane trip home.

OpenStack Design Summit days 1-2

Since my new job is working with the OpenStack infrastructure team, I am able to attend the OpenStack Design Summit this week in Portland, Oregon!

I woke up just before 4AM on Monday to take a 6:15AM flight to Portland, putting me in Portland shortly after 8AM and to the conference center around 9AM, at the start of the event. I learned quickly that the unfortunate part about arriving at that time is the huge registration lines:

ODS is very similar to the UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) that used to be held twice a year by Canonical, indeed it was somewhat modeled after it. It’s nice to have the UDS experience under my belt so everything felt familiar and I was able to dive into sessions without feeling lost. It’s also been delightful to run into a lot of people who I know from the Ubuntu community who are also now working on OpenStack in some capacity.

There are a few differences though. First is the attendees, while UDS really was all about people developing the pieces of Ubuntu (software, packaging, documentation, design), ODS is a summit for both developers and users. Then there is the size of the summit. I don’t believe UDS ever broke 1000, but the expanded scope of ODS means that there are a lot more people, I believe the number floating around is somewhere around 2500. The format is also slightly different, instead of every session being workshop-like where you all sit around working on a blueprint for something, there are also presentations. The topics for presentations do range a bit, many being user-focused but also developer-focused ones to entice development and feedback on new initiatives. It has made for a really interesting mix that I’m quite enjoying.

The first two sessions I attended were OpenStack-on-OpenStack Overview (or “TripleO”), which was a workshop session going through some of the general ideas and blueprints for TripleO plans this cycle and sessions at the summit. I was then off to Robert Collins’ standing-room-only presentation of OpenStack on OpenStack: deploying OpenStack via bare-metal.

Robert Collins on TripleO

Now I am quite familiar with the TripleO project, having worked on testing baremetal stuff in their incubator these past several weeks to work out how we’ll be eventually including it in the OpenStack continuous integration testing infrastructure. It was however nice to take a step back and look at the more broadly with the more long-term view.

In the afternoon I attended a couple documentation-related sessions, starting off with Translation management enhancement. The project has translations for documentation that have been chugging along, but it seems like these past several months and into this next cycle they’ll be working to expand upon this and make it more organized and streamlined for contributors. Then there was a session for Documentation for Newly Integrated Projects, where questions around when to integrate were raised (while they are in incubator? after? upon release where they are official?). I was happy to learn from this session that the docs in general were going through a bit of a reorganization that had been discussed early in the day, while I have found the existing ones to be an invaluable resource and am delighted that OpenStack has placed such a commitment on docs from an early point, there is always room for improvement and making things easier for everyone!

Toward the end of the day I got to my first testing-related session (which, strictly-speaking is most applicable to my job as someone on the team who runs the infrastructure for the CI-related testing), Reviewing OpenStack Networking Unit Tests. In this session they reviewed the current tests they are doing with OpenStack Networking, looking over types of tests, their effectiveness and current speed at which they run.

I also made it down to the expo hall. It was full of OpenStack!

It was pretty cool to see all these companies so invested in the project already.

And thanks to Benjamin Kerensa for taking my photo at the Ubuntu booth:

Monday evening I went out with a bunch of my colleagues to Montage for some fun conversation and delicious Louisiana-inspired food (I had spicy, cheesy macaroni with alligator).

Tuesday was a busy day. The opening of the day was an exciting one, Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director of the OpenStack Foundation, gave a talk where he discussed the progress of OpenStack and then introduced three major companies who are all using it in some capacity: Bloomberg, Best Buy and Comcast. It’s always super motivating to see major companies like these making this kind of serious investment in a technology you’re working on.

As far as sessions go, I started off by going to the Heat RefStack – A reference implementation of OpenStack talk by Monty Taylor of HP and Rob Hirschfeld of Dell (amusingly the computer they presented from was a Thinkpad). The core of their talk was really focused around interoperability between the public clouds running OpenStack so customers truly have options when it comes to selecting providers. To meet this they introduced RefStack, a plan for an OpenStack reference implementation.

I was then in testing mode for pretty much the rest of the day! Started off with Strategies for Gating in a growing project as discussions centered around how to best handle the number of tests increasing as more projects are added and existing ones get larger. After lunch it was in to Multi-node Openstack Testing, which began with an Openstack in Openstack (not to be confused with on) presentation by a group who has been working on their own OpenStack running on Openstack implementation for testing and more. Then it was on to discussing how the CI team may be using TripleO style testing for the baremetal testing, and since I’ve been working on this it was a chance for me to take a more active role in participating in a session. I even sat up front. From there it was on to FITS testing of public clouds, where some of the mechanisms and ideas for a testing mechanism for OpenStack deployments could be tested for inclusion of certain features, perhaps even implementing an eventual “certification” type program that tracks public clouds that are using enough OpenStack to be considered OpenStack-powered clouds.

Gating/Validation of OpenStack Deployments was next up. The QA team has many types of tests that they do, and there was some discussion about what should go into the CI infrastructure vs. what should be tested by developers and beyond, not necessarily being things that code commits depend upon. A fair amount of talk was around things like stress testing, which can be sometimes difficult to do in a virtual environment where results depend upon the cloud it was running on, but more on that in a moment. I then attended Upgrade testing and Grenade, Grenade is a tool which, using devstack, tests an upgrade from one OpenStack release to another and was deployed on the CI infrastructure this past cycle so this discussion was to discuss changes and improvements. Last session of the day was Beyond the API – End to End Testing of OpenStack, which is where the topic of resource performance testing came up again. The was consensus that while it’s tricky to do on hosted cloud VMs due to variability of environment, these more qualitative tests could be tracked based on averaging out tests through metrics that the CI team already produces (or could work toward producing more/better of). This way they don’t need specific details about how each individual test runs for some of this, but instead could rely upon over time metrics to show if there are any kinds of trends.

Tonight! Each night there are parties put on by sponsors, and tonight was the one by HP. Of all the conference parties I’ve been to, I have to say this was one of my favorites. They had people going around serving drinks and food, the food selection was enjoyable to me, the venue was spacious and it wasn’t too noisy – you could easily have conversations! And conversations I did have, mostly with the awesome Portland Debian folks who came by and various Ubuntu folks who I know through my Ubuntu work.

It was a great start to the week, looking forward to the next two days!

Day of Rest

In case it’s not obvious to those who read this, I work a lot. I have a day job which consumes at least 40 hours per week, more if I end up hacking on something really cool again and lose track of time, which happens a lot. Then I have volunteer work I do with Partimus and various projects and events within the Ubuntu and Xubuntu communities.

These past several months I’ve also had the added challenges of planning a wedding and adjusting to a new job. I’ve tried hard to handle this all in stride, reminding myself I’m young and don’t yet have children so I should really take advantage of all the free time I have now to get work done. It’s also been rewarding, I get to work with a lot of really smart and inspiring people and reap the benefits of being a prominent person in communities I represent.

If you asked me a year ago to consider any sort of weekly “day of rest” I would have written it off without a second thought, “I have things to do! More than 7 days worth of things! And you want me to drop that down to 6?”

What I didn’t realize is that I’m not a machine. As I continued to optimize my time to get everything done I realized how exhausted I was becoming. It wasn’t just daily tired either, I’ve been very tired for months. I started ending up with evenings where I’d just crash after work and spend all evening watching TV, exhausted with no breaks in sight. I also noticed that things were upsetting me more quickly than usual and I was letting more get to me, this is no good!

A couple months ago in my studies into Judaism I came upon an article about observance of the Shabbat, the weekly Jewish observation of the Sabbath. My first thought was “what an interesting observance, maybe we should do that” and my second thought was “What, am I crazy? I already have NO TIME!” But it’s stayed in the back of my mind. I’ve since learned that the “Day of Rest” is not something exclusive to Abrahamic religions, Buddhists have the Uposatha day of observance, which, while focused on observance is very similar to the tenants observed by many of the Abrahamic religions (the Sabbath is a day Christians go to Church, and many Jews go to the synagogue for study). I’ve also recently read some secular reports of the health benefits of taking a day off, primarily linked to calming down (lower stress) and being able to make healthier choices when we’re not running around all the time.

At the Intro to Judaism class I’m taking we learned about Shabbat a couple weeks ago, which is when MJ and I started talking more serious about some kind of observance of a day of rest. In the class it was recognized that many don’t observe it and there are a few initiatives out there to encourage more people to, like the Sabbath Manifesto which gives a bullet-point modern interpretation of observance. Going through this list was an interesting exercise, but not everything resonated with me. Even so, we decided to give it a try and work out the details as we go along, we bought some Shabbat candles a couple weeks ago and have now observed for two Saturdays.

So, how have those two Saturdays gone?

It’s not easy. Both days I ended up working on some Ubuntu stuff for a few hours because I haven’t adjusted my schedule enough to avoid some commitments that land on Saturday. This is particularly more acute since I work with other community members who have Monday-Friday day jobs not directly related to their work in Ubuntu, weekends are an important time for getting things done. I also noticed that it ended up making my Sunday pretty chaotic both weekends as I squeezed in a lot of things I didn’t do on Saturday.

But some of it is great! I was able to take time to continue my reading of the Hebrew Bible and take my time in doing the readings for our Intro to Judaism class (which is on Sundays). On the first Saturday MJ and I went to services at the synagogue and then spent a nice lunch together where we just enjoyed each other’s company and didn’t talk about work or wedding planning all that much. On the second Saturday I took public transit to the zoo and then spent some time reading on the beach. Finally finding some down time that’s not the 15 minutes before I fall asleep to read has been a huge win.

I wouldn’t say it has cured my exhaustion, part of that is certainly that I need a proper vacation (honeymoon in 3 weeks!), but I have noticed that it’s starting to help. Having a full 24 hours where I can spend time with MJ, do some reading, spend some time outside and not focus on work is quite a refreshing break.

It’s also been interesting to explore what I define as “work” on this day. I began by making a quantitative list and then was struggling with some of the things I put on it, study of Judaism is fine, but writing is an important part of my learning process, can I still write? Should I put limitations on what I should write? Maybe I shouldn’t write for work or formal published articles, but how about a personal blog post that keeps getting put off because I have so much work? What about catching up on personal email? On one blog tackling the subject of secular day of rest the author simply claimed he would reflect on each thing and use the nebulous bar of “if it feels like work, it’s work.” During my second Saturday this ended up being a good measurement, if I realized that stress or strong sense of obligation was driving my activity, I’d stop and leave it for a Sunday.

It’s hard to say how this will turn out in the long term, but for now it’s been a fascinating experiment that has given me the pause I’ve needed these past few months.

OpenStack Grizzly Stats

I went to the San Francisco Zoo a couple weeks ago, among the critters I saw was their grizzly bears.

But this post is about a different kind of grizzly. OpenStack’s 7th release, Grizzly, was released today. It was the first release I was involved with and with my increased work lately with testing around DevStack it’s been an interesting experience.

Today Monty Taylor published some stats about the release, comparing to the previous two (Essex and Folsom):

  Essex Folsom Grizzly
Patches Uploaded 11036 17986 29308
Changes Created 5137 5990 12721
Changes Landed 4235 4978 10561
Avg patches per Change 2.6 3.6 2.7
Landing Percentage 82% 83% 83%

Or if you prefer, patches uploaded, changes created and changes landed in pretty chart form:

Mark McLoughlin also shared some stats from a couple other sources.

Congratulations to everyone on the release!

Catching up and a tiger cub

I’ve had a busy month, but not in the “exciting adventures” way, more in the “doing lots of grown up stuff” way that is less blog-worthy. I’m still spending a ton of time learning new things at my new job, MJ and I have been spending a majority of our time together lately working on wedding planning related tasks and while they have finally tapered off, I spent a considerable amount of time this month talking with other members of the Ubuntu community to see how the Ubuntu Community Council could be more effective and to strengthen the bonds I have with folks inside Canonical to help get news out in a more effective manner.

This month of lots of work at home and no travel I’ve also been perfecting the art of staying on top of news I care about and email. With the demise of Google Reader I’ve joined the bandwagon of those moving to self-hosted RSS reader with the installation of Tiny Tiny RSS on one of my servers and during the move I removed a bunch of feeds. With the help of my tablet (comfy read email everywhere) and a painful culling of email lists I really don’t read (it’s time to be honest, I’ll never learn anything from the exim-users mailing list!) I’ve managed to stay on top of email these past several weeks. Throughout this all I’ve also realized that I don’t physically have enough time to do everything I want to, it wasn’t a matter of just focusing and optimizing and avoiding TV. I’ve also been seeking to find better, more effective ways of relaxing, but that’s the topic for another post.

It’s hasn’t been all work though. On March 16th MJ and I spent a little time over at City Hall for the St. Patrick’s day festival there, before heading back home to work on more wedding stuff.

Dressed in green and drinking Guinness

On the 19th I headed over to Chinatown for an OpenStack presentation by Stefano Maffulli, the Technical Community Manager of the OpenStack project. I’d “met” him on IRC before, but it was fun to meet in person and attend the presentation. Out of this meeting came some ideas for pursing a more local OpenStack-specific meetup, since the current “Bay Area” ones are in the south bay, which is pretty far for those of us living and working in the city.

I also bought the $99 Fitbit device in an attempt to motivate more activity day to day. Working from home it’s very difficult to even get to the level of normal, healthy activity, particularly when living in a city where everything can be delivered. And motivation is a funny thing, it turns out this silly little device does actually make me more likely to take the slightly longer route or forgo escalators for stairs more often. We’ll see how long it lasts. On the technical side, it was an unusual purchase for me. It’s a closed source device which is essentially useless without the cloud-based tracking software, and I learned after buying it that there is no current solution for syncing with Linux – oops! Fortunately we have the Mac Book Pro that MJ uses for image processing available and there is a Fitbit version for Mac.

Last weekend MJ and I took Saturday off and headed up to the San Francisco Zoo to “meet” their new tiger cub. Unfortunately the little critter sleeps 20 hours per day and they had a camera set up so we could see her sleeping, but we didn’t actually get to see her come out of her box. We did get a glimpse of her mother as she came out to stretch her legs before returning to the cub for some nursing, aww!

More photos from the zoo visit here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157633093698350/

After the zoo visit we had a late lunch (early dinner?) at nearby Boulevard Cafe before going back out to do some shopping, where I finally found shoes to wear at the wedding, hooray! Just in time too, since this week I had to go for my final dress fitting and needed the accompanying shoes to make sure the length was correct. Fortunately the dress still fits great and the only alteration I need is the addition of bustling button and loop for the train. Also, I’m still in love with the dress, which was a satisfying realization.

This week I did a fair amount of spring cleaning and Passover began. This is my third year observing the no-bread dietary restrictions of this time, and it’s not easy, I love bread (and cake, and muffins and cookies…). It does help diversify my diet a bit though which isn’t a bad thing. We went to the Passover dinner at the synagogue on Tuesday night, unfortunately I wasn’t feeling very well and couldn’t eat a whole lot, but I’m glad I attended, every event helps as I continue to learn more about Jewish customs and culture.

As for this weekend? More wedding stuff! The wedding is less than a month away, we still have far too many things to pin down, including some more details for our honeymoon in Mexico. I am finally starting to feel more excited than stressed though, hooray!

On the Ubuntu Community (reprise)

A couple weeks ago I wrote my blog post On the Ubuntu Community. It was an unusual move for me, as I’ve tended to steer clear of making public comments in major community discussions like this in the past. This time felt different to me. I think it was the timing and speed of surprising announcements that was so hard for the community to absorb, and it caused such sweeping disruption across the whole project (not just the Ubuntu Desktop flavor). I watched as several community members, and friends of mine, threw their hands up and said “that’s it, I quit.” It was hard to watch, and speaking up was my method of showing solidarity. I’m aware of what’s going on, I’m feeling it too, we’re working on how to solve this.

Since writing I’ve had dozens of conversations with fellow community members and leaders to tease out precisely where things went wrong. Instead of repeating any of those conversations, a couple of public comments on Jono’s Recent Ubuntu Community Refinements blog post reflect the concerns. Sam Spilsbury very clearly writes of the frustration that occurred when the project he was working on (compiz) was abruptly dropped after he put a significant amount of time into it:

One of the things which caused me so much concern which has effectively put my Ubuntu involvement on-hold at this point is the fact that there seems to be very little stability within the Canonical-run projects which means that you don’t know if you’re going to get pushed back over some internal thing that you don’t know about.

If those working on these projects were told that they were soon to be deprecated, or that Ubuntu didn’t want any more changes to them, then I wouldn’t have spent all that time fruitlessly doing something which turned out to be a waste of my time.

Jef Spaleta echos these concerns in his comment:

Late breaking announcements, esp. “game changers”, makes community contributors feel like they are wasting their time working on things that no longer relevant to the direction Canonical is pushing. If the community can’t know 6 months out what technology Ubuntu is going to be using, then you can’t really expect community to plan their invaluable volunteer hours doing support tasks associated with that tech.

You have to find a way to deal with the tada announcements in a different way that how its been handled if you want people to continue to contribute in technical areas. Because as it stands its not balanced, its pretty one sided. If you can’t build technology roadmaps in a way that includes your volunteer contributors, then you aren’t making optimal use of that resource and it will whither.

This extends beyond just the core technical contributions to those that surround many aspects of contributing to Ubuntu. Translations, documentation, accessibility and more have to be equipped to handle changes so they can build their roadmaps accordingly and not waste time working on things that are later deprecated or make plans based on a schedule which is being changed.

So I absolutely recognize that these are the things that need to be fixed.

That said, I’m currently pleased with the plans outlined in Jono’s blog post that came out of some of these recent discussions, and with buy in from stakeholders on the points he outlined I feel if we can make progress in these areas we’ll be going a long way to satisfying many of the community concerns. I also want to make clear that I believe Canonical places a high value on the importance and value of the Ubuntu community.

Today we started the series of “Regular leadership problem solving meetings” which are Q&A style Google hangouts which we hope will further make the councils more accessible.

I really need to clean my office

The video is available on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b1ysB16pvU

Finally, while I had a lot of people approaching me personally to chat, this has shaken out a lot of long-term concerns the Community Council hasn’t been able to address because they weren’t really brought to our attention (contrary to popular belief, I’m not actually omnipresent). So here’s the reminder that the Community Council meets twice a month, the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in #ubuntu-meeting on freenode. Anyone is welcome to add items to our agenda. We’re also open to doing quick chats (IRC or verbal) with community members as needed if you reach out to us. And as always, you can also send us email at community-council@lists.ubuntu.com. We’re a friendly bunch :)

You can help the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter!

Back in January, the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter celebrated the 300th Issue! While an exceptional milestone for the team, we’re forever conscious that we have a very small volunteer staff to keep it running, and we always need more volunteers to help us out.

What do we need help with?

Summary writers. Summary writers receive an email every Saturday (sometimes Sunday if we’re running late) with a link to the collaborative news links document for the past week which lists everything that needs summarizing. These people are vitally important to the newsletter. The time commitment is limited and it is easy to get started with from the first weekend you volunteer. No need to be shy about your writing skills, all summaries are reviewed before publishing so it’s easy to improve as you go on. We also provide Style Guidelines to help you out (and you can always look at past issues!).

Note: You may have noticed in the past couple of issues that we bullet-pointed the list of articles in a few sections where we usually had summaries – this is due to lack of summary writers!

Editors. Our editors receive an email every Sunday (or Monday morning, depending on our timing and your time zone) with a link to the wiki page ready to be reviewed. Editors check for grammar, spelling, formatting and other consistency issues. Good written English skills, attention to detail and willingness to adhere to our style guidelines required.

Interested in either of these? Email editor.ubuntu.news@ubuntu.com and we’ll get you added to the list of folks who are emailed each week and you can help as you have time. Please specify whether you are interested in summary writing or editing when you contact us. You can always be removed from the list of people contacted each week, just ask :)

Nexus 10, various meetings and life things

I’ve had a very catch-up couple of weeks. MJ had a friend in town last week, so most nights they were out leaving me to my own devices. And devices are what I had! Last Wednesday I received my Nexus 10.

This is my first tablet (welcome to 2012!). Aside from the expense, my reluctance to buy one has largely been because I couldn’t figure out a use for it. My Mini9 is roughly the same size and is more useful, I can watch Netflix on my Chromebook, what use is a tablet? I bought the Nexus 10 in a moment of “ooh new shiiiiny” weakness and still wasn’t sure what I’d do with it. I also got this Blurex Ultra Slim Case for Google Nexus 10 inch Tablet — With built in Multi-Angle Stand for it.

So, what have I used it for? It’s an amazing email reader. No joke. I get a lot of email from a lot of mailing lists and I have a tough time keeping up. Once I had the tablet I realized that on a normal computer I am far too distracted by everything else to focus on catching up on lists, so I don’t, and my time away from my computer is spent reading paper magazines or on my Nook so my attention is very focused. So this new tablet is a very expensive solution to my lack of discipline. It’s also super nice to be able to curl up on the couch with my email (easier than with a laptop).

Last Saturday I ended up having lunch near Ferry Building where I was able to… tether my tablet through my phone to check email as I enjoyed lunch!

View of of Ferry Building at lunch

A podcast I was interviewed for was released last week, Ubuntu UK Podcast: S06E02 – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ubuntu. They brought me on to talk about Xubuntu and it was a fun interview to participate in, they’re great hosts.

I managed to get in some social time last week too, meeting up with a friend for lunch, a trio of friends/colleagues for coffee one afternoon and another for a burrito-riffic evening in the Mission. I really should go out with people more often, I spend far too much time alone working and with MJ working more I’m noticing loneliness creep in more than it has in the past.

But MJ and I have made time this week to work on honeymoon plans! We got our flights booked on Sunday, going from San Francisco to Philly for the wedding, and then directly to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico for our honeymoon. Our schedule has us in a mix of resort and Mayan ruin exploring, I’m super excited.

I also met up with some folks at the Noisebridge hackerspace on Monday about some plans they have for an electronics recycling initiative here in the city. The groups Partimus currently works with to handle computer recycling and parts are both outside of the city, so it may be useful to have something local. I spent the rest of Monday evening testing the Xubuntu Beta1 ISO, which was released today. I’ve been quite remiss on ISO testing this cycle, which I’m hoping to start making up for by being more active in the coming weeks and running the 13.04 development version on my personal laptop now until release.

On Wednesday it was the monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour!

And I didn’t host this month, but we had someone else call a Debian Dinner, over near 25th and Mission, so most of the Ubuntu Hour attendees came over to enjoy some Middle Eastern dinner at Old Jerusalem Restaurant. Enjoy we did, the food was excellent!

This weekend I hope to nail down some more wedding stuff. I have a whole list of things that came up during our last call with the coordinator at the venue. Thankfully the honeymoon is almost completely booked. Also hoping to finally sort out my sleep schedule. It’s almost 1AM again. I do not enjoy DST time changes.