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A Dragon and The Thinker, San Francisco style

On Labor Day I made my way over to the San Francisco Zoo to meet their latest resident: Big Daddy Bahasa, a 2 year old Komodo Dragon. His exhibit opened just days before so it was quite busy as I peered in to get my glimpse of the active little dragon.

Jillian the “baby” tiger continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I was able to visit the whale exhibit there before it closed. More photos from the day here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635349876249/

The Jewish High Holy Days have also come and gone. While I’ve never called myself a religious person, I certainly am appreciating the meaning of these holidays and the pause it causes us to take to reflect. I should probably write more extensively about this at some point, but having specific times to communally meditate on specific portions of ones life has been a very valuable experience for me. Secular living doesn’t do that much.

Rosh Hashanah also gave me an opportunity to experiment with a new Challah shape – round! I found a very helpful video on youtube on how to do 6-strand braiding for a round loaf (I did the first demonstrated in the video) and got to work. The result was round…ish:

Last weekend MJ and I took Sunday afternoon to go to the Legion of Honor to explore the Impressionists on the Water exhibit. It’s one that had been recommended to me by a friend and I have wanted to visit the museum since moving here for some of their other cultural items, so it was a treat to finally go. Impressionism isn’t really my style, but I do love the water theme and impressionism lends itself well to it. They had several Monets on display, but I found myself particularly drawn to those by Renoir. We were able to check out some of the regular exhibits as well, and of course visit the cast of The Thinker that they have at the entrance to the museum, making it my 2nd visit to a cast of The Thinker, the first being the one in Philadelphia.

More photos from outside the Legion of Honor on that oh so foggy day here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635499889555/

On Wednesday I hosted an Ubuntu Hour where my friend Grant Bowman brought along his Nexus 7 with Ubuntu Touch running on it for attendees to play with. The Touch was a hit with attendees as we got to explore the swipe gestures that really make Ubuntu Touch an exceptional interface. The build didn’t have camera support, which was pretty disappointing since the Nexus 7 was the device all the initial demos were done on last year at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen. Grant also blogged about getting the device installed here: Touch Demo Preparation

Over these past couple of weeks as MJ reworked our network I also worked to get a physical KVM setup at desk now that I have a work desktop, in addition to my personal desktop and my firewall/Nagios server/backups machine that I also have connected to a monitor. I now have a combination of physical KVM and Synergy connecting my 3 machines to 2 monitors and a single set of keyboard+mouse. And it all ended up being more complicated than I anticipated, with my insistence upon using my old IBM keyboard that is PS2 (rather than USB) with the USB-based KVM and needing an extension USB cable for the goofy physical KVM setup I wanted. I also took the opportunity while ordering parts to upgrade my personal desktop to 16G of RAM (changed my life!) and buy new speakers and headphones for use at my desk, and in the case of headphones, for travel too.

Finally, I have to admit that I’ve been quite tired lately and my schedule has been partially driven by unusually frequent headaches. I’m working to address this but it has caused me to be hyper-focused on my paid OpenStack work and less diligent with my volunteer Ubuntu work these past few weeks. Instead I’ve been sleeping more and doing more media consumption, which means a bit more television than usual and a lot more reading. I’m happy to say my stack of magazines is significantly smaller and I’ve enjoyed catching up on some fiction, but I do hope to get back to my productive self soon. Thankfully I work on great teams and am able to prioritize things so that I don’t think much is blocking on me at this point and I can get the rest I currently need.

Hosting a CodeChix OpenStack Workshop in Palo Alto

Several months ago I met Rupa Dachere, founder of CodeChix, “a CA non-profit public benefit organization dedicated to the Education, Promotion and Mentorship of female engineers and students.” Given my work with OpenStack, we chatted about the possibility of doing a workshop on OpenStack for CodeChix.


This has now come together! Ryan Lane of Wikimedia and my colleague Anita Kuno of HP will be joining me to present on key OpenStack components, get participants set up with DevStack in a VM on their own laptop and set up for contributing.

When: Sunday, September 22, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where: Groupon, 3101 Park Boulevard, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Following lunch and introductions, we plan to do the following:

  1. Presentation of basics of key OpenStack components.
  2. Basic VM setup so we can get the DevStack going.
  3. Demo of a system that is running DevStack
  4. Hands-on exercise – log into the OpenStack Horizon dashboard and walk through basic components, run a VM from Horizon, run a few commands at the command line for listing and manipulating VMs
  5. How to get involved and contribute code (thoroughness will depend upon time available).
  6. Signup for Launchpad/Gerrit and sign Contributor License Agreement
  7. Time allowing, have everyone add a simple feature and test it

Registration is required, along with a small donation ($5-20) to cover expenses. Registration, full details, pre-requisites and more here: OpenStack – What is it, How do I use it and What jobs can I get?

Day of Rest, 5 months later

Back in April I wrote the blog post “Day of Rest” about my intention to take a day off from “things that feel like work” once a week. Since I’m studying Judaism and have joined a synagogue with MJ the logical selection for the day was Saturday.

The following are some take-aways I’ve had since starting this.

It doesn’t work when I’m traveling

When I’m traveling it usually means that my working day is significantly longer than 8 hours when you take into account commuting, socializing and dinners out. I also rarely have access to the solid internet connection I have at home or the computing power there. In all this means I’m stuck with a laptop, a sub-optimal internet connection and limited time for actually working on it. While I do try to plan accordingly, I still highly value any down time I get and often find that moments I can sneak online even on Saturdays to get work done are important. Additionally, it’s quite common for me to be presenting or otherwise engaged in conference activities on the weekends I travel for work.

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid scheduling work on Saturday

I’m a systems administrator, and although I now work on a larger team there are times when we have to schedule work on weekends, sometimes that lands on Saturday. There are also times like in a couple weeks that I’m working to do final prep a workshop with an out of town colleague and our available window for that is between a business trip with return from on Friday and the workshop on Sunday. Local conferences and events sometimes land on Saturdays too.

I had to define for myself what is work and what is not

This was perhaps the hardest thing of all. Jewish teachings have lists and rulings and such that give guidelines, but it didn’t really work for me so I really played it all by ear. My strategy was “if it feels like work I won’t do it” and that seemed to serve me well. I quickly had to put all OpenStack and Ubuntu work into the off-limits category, as much as I enjoy it all, it was work. I tend to stay away from dishes and laundry, and things like cleaning up storage. I will sometimes bank on Saturday just because of logistical limitations, and we do shopping sometimes but I try to avoid things like grocery shopping and lean toward the more fun types of shopping (or at least which takes us somewhere interesting).

There is a lot I want to do in my life that is not work

I live in an amazing city and there are so many things I want to see and do! Saturdays have become my go to day for visiting museums and spending leisurely lunches with MJ. There’s also a lot I want to learn, so I’ve started using Saturday to catch up on reading personal and news blogs, magazines and books. This Saturday I also took some time to play with my electronics kit.

People understand

I was a bit worried that my work would suffer if I wasn’t hovering over my keyboard all day to work with those weekend community members, but it turns out that people understand more than I thought they would. After a few months in some of my communities it became accepted that I’m away on Saturdays and will be back in full swing on Sunday to help out. Today I even get messages from colleagues I work with that end with “but look at this tomorrow, I know it’s your day off!”

It gets easier

The first few weeks I did this it was really hard to let go. I made a lot of exceptions (“well I have to do Ubuntu Weekly News prep on Saturday morning”) and doing something as drastic as not checking email all day seemed completely unnecessary (“not all of my email is work”). But as I started cutting back in some areas, it naturally became easier to cut back in others. I never intended to stop checking email and obsessing over social media on Saturdays, but this Saturday I decided to do just that and found a comforting liberation in not checking my phone all the time, and every moment I reached for it I was able to become mindful of what I was doing and keep myself in the physical present instead of checking my phone.

It’s awesome

I work a lot because I truly enjoy what I do, but even I needed a break. I’ve noticed that not only do I enjoy my day off, but it brings me back to my work projects energized and excited to get on with work. I also get the satisfaction of having visited a museum for an exhibit I really wanted to see or finally finishing a book I’ve been enjoying because now these things aren’t just scattered among the “more important” work items. I had honestly feared that taking a day off would mean the lost of productivity, but it’s actually had the opposite effect since I’m more productive on the other 6 days and I’m happier and better rested in general.

Help out with the Saucy Ubuntu Docs!

Throughout this cycle I have been working with the Ubuntu Doc team in my capacity as a Community Council member to assist in building up the number of team administrators and work to improve the Getting Started documentation to get new contributors involved with the documentation that ships with Ubuntu. I’m happy to say that the actual amount of work I did was personally pretty minimal; administrators Doug Smythies, Kevin Godby, Benjamin Kerensa really worked hard this cycle to get things into shape, and there is a significant amount of activity on the mailing list today from other contributors.

Ubuntu Desktop Guide

Now that some of the major hurdles have been tackled, the team is slowly reaching out beyond the immediate community to get more contributors — that’s where you come in!

We need reviewers for the new Ubuntu Desktop Guide how-to: DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/UbuntuDesktopGuide

Does this guide make sense? Does it give you the introductory tools and information you need to start working on documentation? What is missing? Let us know on the Ubuntu Doc mailing list (if possible, sign up for the mailing list so your mail doesn’t get moderated, we want to make it easier on our new list admins!).

Not ready to dive into full documentation writing with Mallard? We also need folks to simply review the documentation. You have a couple options for reviewing the current documentation:

1. Review the 13.04 documentation on the web


This is the easiest way to quickly get involved.

Note: We have already updated some of this in the latest development version for 13.10, but there still may be errors to find so reviewing this is useful to us.

2. Build the current development documentation as html

This method is more complex and takes a little time, but you will be reviewing the actual development version of the documentation.

  • Install the following packages: bzr xsltproc libxml2-utils yelp-tools yelp-xsl
  • At the command line, type: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-docs (this took 10 minutes for me, be prepared to wait!)
  • Change to the new ubuntu-docs html directory: cd ubuntu-docs/html/
  • To build the HTML documentation, just type: make
  • View the resulting HTML documentation in the html/build/en/ directory. You can open file:///path/to/ubuntu-docs/html/build/en/index.html in your browser (where “/path/to/” is where you put the docs, like /home/elizabeth/)

Tip: When reviewing documentation built on your system keep an eye on the address bar to make sure the pages you are reviewing are still your local file:/// ones, there are some links in the documentation that take you to other sites

Reviewing instructions

To prevent everyone from reviewing the same few pages over and over again, we’ve created a spreadsheet to track which pages still need to be reviewed. Visit the spreadsheet and find a page that hasn’t been reviewed yet and add your name to the Reviewer column. It looks quite empty now, but don’t be shy :) If all the pages have been reviewed once, feel free to pick a page and review it a second time!

Keep in mind that the Ubuntu Documentation adheres to the style guide here: DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide. Of particular interest may be the Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling section. Also note that the Ubuntu documentation uses US English spelling and grammar rules.

If you find a bug, please report it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+filebug

If you have any questions or run into any problems, please feel free to email the Ubuntu Doc mailing list at ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com or chat with us in the #ubuntu-doc IRC channel on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to Kevin Godby for working with me on this post!

Miscellaneous life stuff from July and August

It’s been a crazy busy summer. Looking back through my blog, I see that for the past 2 months all my posts have somehow been event, open source or travel related. Crazy! I assure you, I have been doing normal life stuff as well, like…

Doing laundry.

Taking pictures of street cars as I wander around downtown.

Making raisin challah when I’m in town to do + enjoy it!

Getting a new bedroom set (the mattress came a day later).

Hosting Ubuntu Hours, during one of which a kid dropped by our table and asked the unforgettable “Who do you think would win in a fight, a salamander or a penguin?”

And enjoying oysters by the bay.

I love San Francisco.

We also managed to get out to the movie theater to see Iron Man 3 last month. I’ve been going down to Mountain View a couple times a month too in order to meet up with MJ and some Google folks for dinners, which has been fun and a nice distraction from being in the city all the time. Plus, train ride! Say what you will about Caltrain, it is fine for the occasional jaunt down the peninsula.

I also gave my Introduction to Ubuntu talk at ITT Tech in Concord again in July. It had been a year since I’d done so and it was pretty astonishing to see that the class this time was really interested in learning about Linux and Open Source in order to pursue a career in that direction. I was also interviewed during OpenStack’s 3rd birthday flurry of blog posts in July: OpenStack Blog: Open Mic Spotlight: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph which ended up causing a quote of mine about in production adoption being passed around a couple of articles. I had a chat with Rikki Endsley about the best advice I’ve gotten as a sysadmin, which ended up in her article Advice from sys admins, for sys admins.

Throughout all my crazy travel I’ve been releasing the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter each week, worked with UnixStickers.com to get them to begin selling Xubuntu stickers and helped coordinate the XMir testing, which was a lot of fun because it engaged so many more users than our standard testing does, even if we didn’t end up defaulting to it in the end. These past couple weeks in Ubuntu Women land we launched both a Project Survey and a new competition in the form of a Fact Finding Scavenger Hunt.

Books! On the fiction side I’ve not read much, but after a recommendation I did pick up Everything Matters! Ron Currie Jr. which was great, even if it defied my moratorium on apocalypse books (and satisfied the reason why I imposed such law upon myself). For non-fiction I picked up Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan, which is turning out to be very good for me since my tech brain is very skeptical of all this meditation stuff, it’s nice to have an author who gets that and offers up studies backing up his claims. I also have been browsing a couple of time management books, so far Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think has been the most useful as far as perspective changes go, she reminds me that I really do need to start making time to go to the gym again. Travel time has also afforded me the ability to make a nice dent in my magazine stack.

It was really great to have our friend Danita in town last weekend. In addition to the penguin breakfast and our California reception, she joined us on our first visit to the new Exploratorium, now located at pier 15 on the Embarcadero. It was really crowded, so we may consider going on a calmer day some time, but I was really struck by how many adults without children were there – and not only were they there, they were right there along with the kids trying out the science exhibits! As an adult who did this but always felt a bit awkward at science museums back east, it was nice to see a science museum here that was so engaging to everyone. I’ve uploaded photos of our Exploratorium adventure here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635136622926/

Last Monday shifted my schedule up an hour so I could join MJ and Danita in Santa Cruz where we spent the evening riding on rides, including my favorite roller coaster, the Giant Dipper! We also played some mini golf and I ate too much salt water taffy.

Which brings us to this weekend! Our wifi router has been going bad. It completely fell over a couple weeks ago and we left it unplugged for about a week (no wifi at home at all!) and then plugged it back in while Danita was visiting and it magically worked for a few more days. MJ decided to take the opportunity of this failure to redo our entire network this weekend. It’s been a fun weekend of rewriting and reorganizing our computers and network. There is still more to do (like install a faster secondary NIC in my desktop, replace my speakers and add a KVM switch for my new work desktop) but things are coming along nicely as far as the network configuration goes, and we have wifi back. Hooray for a formally planned network strategy!

California Wedding Reception

Since we had our wedding on the east coast we decided to also host an event on the west coast for friends here, many of whom couldn’t make it across the country for the wedding itself.

It took some time to plan, but last Saturday we finally had our event! We ended up going with EPIC Roasthouse on the Embarcadero as the venue, as we’d been there several times ourselves and the location right next to the Bay Bridge made for a beautiful view during the day and at night. We scheduled the event to begin at 6PM so our guests could enjoy the bay in the sun and also as the evening wore on could see the Bay Lights display on the bridge. We also did a quick once through of our wedding photos and had a few books of photos printed up to place on the tables so people could see some of our wedding photos.

From my perspective, evening went beautifully. I was able to meet some more of MJ’s colleagues and it was great to see some of my friends I hadn’t seen in a while (particularly with this crazy year, wedding + new job has caused quite the busy schedule!). My cousin who lives here in San Francisco was also able to join us, which was a nice treat since he couldn’t make it to the wedding either.

I was curious as to whether the food for an event would be on par with what we got in the restaurant, but it absolutely was. We had a limited menu that we selected for the event that people were able to order from (plus a vegetarian option). We also ended up staying about an hour past the end time for the event when they stopped serving just to catch up with people.

And with the end of the event, we wrapped up our final formal celebration of our wedding. Huge thanks again to all our friends and family who were able to join us. Now to finish those thank you cards and get our wedding photos online!

More photos from the event here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635129113141/

Launched git.openstack.org

On of my projects these past couple months has been reviewing, testing and finally implementing an in-house git repository for the OpenStack project to satisfy the bug Create a git.openstack.org mirror system.

Full rationale, from the bug report by Jeremy Stanley:

Right now our Gerrit server (review.openstack.org) replicates its Git repositories into /var/lib/git/ and serves them from a local Apache instance as https://review.openstack.org/p/projectname, but it also replicates the same projects to Github. Most of our developer documentation suggests cloning these from Github, but this could be misconstrued as the OpenStack Project endorsing use of Github (which is not itself free/libre software).

While developers can and do set their origin to the replica on review.openstack.org, this is a single point of failure and hosted on a server already doing quite a lot of other work. Github on the other hand is a distributed/redundant service with a lot of available bandwidth, so any solution to this should probably at least involve some minimal amount of redundancy and not add further traffic load on review.openstack.org. As a bonus, any automation which we currently point at the Gerrit server but which only requires access to officially merged change history could be repointed at git.openstack.org instead to take advantage of the additional stability and redundancy.

We finally launched the new git.openstack.org this week! And we quickly scaled up to having multiple servers as the load from the tests alone quickly overtook a single instance, so we’re now using HAProxy to load balance between several nodes.

For human-readable access, we went with cgit which is also used by kernel.org and the Fedora project. Visit it at: http://git.openstack.org/cgit


There are many options for cgit, Anita Kuno is looking into getting .rst files rendered in the interface and there are syntax highlighting options we can look into. If you’re interested in these or any other options, let us know. Or better yet, submit a patch for us to review. Documentation on this new git infrastructure, including links to configuration files is up at: http://ci.openstack.org/git.html

We’re also running git-daemon for access via git:// and made git-http-backend available for cloning over http(s).

Breakfast with the Penguins at the San Francisco Zoo

This past weekend our friend Danita was in town visiting. To kick things off I dragged her and MJ out of bed at 7AM to head to the San Francisco Zoo!

This year we missed the annual March of the Penguins where the new baby penguins of the year are introduced to the colony on penguin island at the zoo (we went in 2011). So when the opportunity to do Breakfast with the Penguins came up on a weekend I’m not travelling I couldn’t resist.

The event kicked off at 8:30 with check in and hot breakfast in the main hall, a building I hadn’t been in before. As we finished eating there was a short presentation by the head penguin keeper about the history of the penguin colony at the zoo and the work they’re doing now. Plus, lots of pictures of baby penguins!

Then the really fun part began – seeing the penguins! There were over 100 people attending the event, so we were split up into 2 classrooms in the building for our penguin visit. Inside the classroom we sat in a large circle as the keepers brought in 2 penguins to run around the room!

The first two were 5 month olds who favored one corner of the room (not ours!) so they swapped penguins with the other room and that seemed to work out better, we got another 5 month old and a baby from last year named Eduardo who stole the show with his hyperactivity and how social he was.

Here’s Eduardo and my knee! Naturally when a penguin is right there next to me I am taking bad photos :)

You could tell which was the 5 month old penguin, she has her first year coloring:

And Eduardo didn’t jump on us, but he did come by to visit Danita a few times, I managed to get this picture:

In all, a memorable event and totally worth waking up early for. We’ll have to go again next year!

While we were at the zoo we also did some visiting with some of the other animals in the zoo, getting to see the baby tiger Jillian, who is looking less and less like a baby…

And Erin the giraffe, who was never small, and is only getting bigger!

More photos from the penguin encounter and the rest of the zoo here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635135525958/

Fosscon 2013 Wrap-up

This past weekend MJ and I traveled to our old home city of Philadelphia to attend Fosscon. It was great to see that this year attendance doubled over the previous year and topped out over 300.

The keynote was given by Jordan Miller who works on bioengineering at Rice University. He spoke on how he was drawn to the open source community through hardware projects that could help with the work he was doing, specifically work with the RepRap maker community to use the inexpensive 3D printer to start printing sugar-based scaffolding for the creation of skin and veins and eventually more complex organs! It was really exciting to hear about this work and I think everyone wanted to go home and print some livers afterwards. I think most rewarding for me though was his commitment to Doing Open Source Right and stressing that it’s “not a checkbox but a philosophy.” He wrapped up by discussing the newly launched AMRI: Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute (see blog post about it here) where they seek to “provide breakthrough mentorship, infrastructure, and research funding for promising young makers to pursue their interests using the scientific method.” Cool.

My talk directly followed Jordan’s in the main room. It was very similar to the one I gave at OSCON but modified slightly to stress the Open Source way in which we do Systems Administration rather than focusing too much on code review. The audience was delightfully engaging and I had some great chats about OpenStack and the specific tools we use after I finished the talk. Slides are up here: Open Source Systems Administration.

I then attended Dru Lavigne’s talk on the features of FreeNAS 9.1. We’ll be building a couple of file servers at home in the near future and FreeNAS is a contender for what system we use to manage it. She did a quick overview of the coolness of ZFS and I was delighted to hear about some of the UI improvements to help users use more resilient disk array setups.

For lunch I met up with LaMaia who contacted me several weeks ago about PhillyChix (which we may revive!) and several other women we snagged in the lobby to do a women in FOSS lunch. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity to meet up with Leslie Birch for this lunch, but we managed to meet up later in the day for a discussion she mentions in her FOSSCON Field Notes!

Lunch ran a bit late and I came in late to John Ashmead’s fun and interesting talk on Invisibility Theory & Practice. I enjoyed the vanishing cat. I stuck around that room for Chris Nehren’s talk Devs and Admins Sitting in a Tree but the talk was really directed toward developers hoping to make their sysadmins happier, with the only real advice for systems folks being to learn some coding and make sure you monitor things.

I quickly stopped for the essential Oreo Cake (thanks again, jedijf!) before heading off to Brent Saner’s talk on the mesh networking project he’s working on in Philadelphia called Project.Phree. They have lofty goals that include recycling of hardware and community building so it will be interesting to see where it goes as he reaches out to more geek-types to get support and contributors.

My day wrapped up by going to a talk by my friend and Fosscon co-founder Christina Simmons on Starting, Building, and Managing Your Open Source Event/Project. The work put in to event and project management in FOSS absolutely deserves more attention and she put together an excellent presentation drawing from her extensive experience in event planning and then applying it to the work they’ve done with Fosscon. This stuff isn’t as easy as intuitive as you might think, and in my early days of planning one-off events I sure would have liked to have known more! Plus, how awesome is it that I was at a FOSS conference sitting next to my Maid of Honor while one of my Bridesmaids gave a presentation? We are some seriously awesome chix.

After event party was hosted by Github at a nearby pub where we enjoyed drinks and good company.

Huge thanks to the Fosscon organizers for putting together such an enjoyable conference. It was a lot of fun and always great to visit so many of my Philly friends again!

More photos from the event here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157635045154436/

Fosscon on August 10th

Next week we’ll be heading back east to Philadelphia for the 4th annual Fosscon on Saturday, August 10th.

I gave the keynote at this conference in 2011 and this year that honor goes to Jordan Miller of UPenn who will be talking about AMRI: Building Open Source Infrastructures for Science.

I’m coming back to give a presentation on Open Source Systems Administration, drawing upon my work at HP with the OpenStack Infrastructure team.

Abstract: The infrastructure for the OpenStack project is managed in public by a distributed team of systems administrators from several companies all over the world collaborating online. You will get a whirlwind tour through the tools we use to accomplish this and some of the benefits, trade-offs and challenges that the team encounters.

My talk will be at 10:35AM in Linode Hall.

It will also be great to visit with my old friends from the Pennsylvania LoCo who are running the “Hacker Hall” along with folks from Hive76. From their announcement:

Interested in trying Linux? Now’s the time. A convention full of computer and Free Software enthusiasts.

Running linux on a usb drive and ready to move it to your device? Take the plunge. We’ll be here to help you install.

Already installed but need a hand with the basics. Stop by and we’ll guide you.

What’s this command line stuff I keep hearing about? Come by, and we’ll have a Command line Boot Camp.

Have old equipment lying around that you don’t know what to do with? Stop by and we’ll help you repurpose the old into something new and wonderful.

All distributions of Linux are welcome. All levels of interest are welcome.

Demo machines will be available to try.

Bring your laptop or desktop(only), we’ll have all the other peripherals (Keyboards, monitors, etc) to install Linux on almost anything.

Sounds like it’ll be a great conference!