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Painting, Partimus and Open Computing Showcase

I’ve been on call this weekend, which was one of the busier ones I’ve had, but I still had time for other things. Saturday was spent finishing the major painting work of the storage units, I’m so glad that’s almost done, we just need to do some touch up later this week. From there it’s time to start planning how we’re going to move everything from the storage unit down the street to these new in-building units… and finally getting these boxes that are all over the condo in to storage! I can’t wait, as much as my cats love living in box land, it’s getting a bit old for me.

Today I hopped on BART and went over to Berkeley for the Open Computing Showcase.

It was a great event, run by BerkeleyLUG to give people a chance to meet up, learn about open options. ZaReason hosted the event at their “shop” (they don’t sell anything there, but they allow folks to drop by and try devices if you contact them ahead of time) in Berkeley and provided the hardware doing all the demos – including a slim little atom box which was playing HD content without a hitch.

I put more photos over in a flickr album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157624268387948/

However, I was primarily there to meet up with the people behind Partimus, a local non-profit has been deploying Ubuntu machines at several local public schools. They’ve been doing amazing work (and were even featured in a recent Mercury News article) but they need more volunteers and donations to continue their mission. I’ll be helping them expand their online presence by working to document their existing deployments so that potential volunteers and donors have a better idea about the project, as well as seeing if we can start a blog to document events and successes that this very active project is having. I’ll also be spreading the word with the wider Ubuntu community, both locally and internationally. I’m excited, it’s so encouraging to see such a successful project like this and I feel very fortunate that I was invited to be a part of it and do my part to help.

Partimus meeting attendees

Now I’m going to curl up with a book and round out this weekend on a calm note.

Instructors Confirmed for Ubuntu User Day on July 10th

Ubuntu User Day

Last week we decided to postpone User Days until Saturday, July 10th so we could get more presenters and let more people know about it. Over this past week Nigel Babu, Chris Johnston and I worked hard to contact prospective instructors and get the schedule pinned down, which we finished yesterday afternoon.

The schedule for Saturday, July 10th is as follows (time in UTC):

Time Subject Presenter(s)
09:30 Introduction to User Day Nigel Babu,
Chris Johnston &
Elizabeth Krumbach
10:00 Basic Ubuntu Installation and Setup Zach Kriesse
11:00 Partitioning 101 Alan Bell
12:00 Using Ubuntu One Shrinivasan
13:00 Gnome-Do Caspar Clemens Mierau
14:00 Package Management Basics Sense Hofstede
15:00 Ubuntu Equivalent Programs Leandro Gómez
16:00 Getting involved in the Ubuntu Community Martin Owens
17:00 Finding Helpful Resources Jeremy Pallats
18:00 Command Line Basics Part 1 Brandon Holtsclaw
19:00 Command Line Basics Part 2 Mark Cox
20:00 What is a kernel, and why do i need it? Jeremy Foshee
21:00 Accessibility Features & Programs Penelope Stowe
22:00 Using IRC Mackenzie Morgan
23:00 Trusted Software, Where to find it, and why Paul Tagliamonte
00:00 Using Launchpad Draycen DeCator
01:00 Desktop Environments: Gnome, KDE, XFCE David Wonderly &
Elizabeth Krumbach
02:00 Choosing hardware that works with Ubuntu Mathieu Trudel

These classes will be taught in #ubuntu-classroom with questions being asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat on irc.freenode.net. Please visit http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays for the latest schedule (in case we have any changes from when I post this!) and for more information about the day. You may also be interested in the Ubuntu Learning Events Google Calendar which includes the schedule for this and other events, like Ubuntu Developer Week which is happening later in July.

Interested in helping out for our next User Days or getting involved in hosting other events in #ubuntu-classroom? Check out our resources on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom and join us for a chat in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage!

Ubuntu Lynx Stuffed Animal

On May 26th OMG! Ubuntu! published an article: Buy A Limited Edition Lynx Toy From Ubuntu & Help Save Real Lynx’s, Too! Neat!

From the store page:

Canonical will contribute a portion of each sale to the ‘SOS Lynx Foundation‘ as part of the Ubuntu One Music Store initiative up to a joint total of $1004.

I ordered one that day, it arrived in the mail today.

Shortly after taking this photo, my own resident Lynx Siamese came up on to my desk to investigate.

Want one of your very own (or so your kiddo stops snuggling that Suse lizard)? Hop on over to Canonical’s store to order one: Canonical Store: Ubuntu Lynx

New monitor and LinuxChix meetups

I’ve been wandering up and down the peninsula quite a bit this week. First was Wednesday night when I finally met Terri Oda! We met at Shiva’s Indian Restaurant in Mountain View with John Hawley and BJ Wishinsky, both of whom are also locals but I hadn’t met yet. It was a really delightful dinner, great conversation, even if I’m now feeling that much worse about not being able to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing yet again this year (so many conferences, so little time and money! Plus my birthday is smack dab in the middle of it).

Last night I headed down to Mountain View again to have dinner with MJ and then head over to MicroCenter to pick up a X203H bd 20″ Widescreen LCD Acer monitor which was on sale for $129.99. I like watching shows, DVDs and streaming media while I’m working on projects, but it’s been a bit tricky with just one monitor, and neither my laptop nor my netbook has a DVD drive, and neither of them are fast enough to suitably play hulu videos, so I was confined to just playing what was in my downloaded and ripped media collection. I tried a few solutions, streaming DVD via vlc from my desktop, sharing over SAMBA, ripping and DVDs and then watching them but none of these solutions were great and didn’t solve my Hulu problem and the laptop and netbook screens are so small anyway. I eventually resigned that I’d just need to get a 2nd monitor, then had to decide how it would work. Would I replace my graphics card on my desktop with one that could do dual head? Or maybe hook the monitor up to my firewall/xen server, which already has xorg on it from when I had it hooked up to my television. I went with the latter, and it’s working out great. Plus I’m able to finally use some of the power of this p4 w/ 3G RAM instead of having it sit here as just a firewall and xen-based dev box!

Tonight hopped on Caltrain yet again to attend my first Bay Area LinuxChix meetup down in Menlo Park. It was the first meeting in quite some time for the group and we had 10 people show up. It was nice to see some of the folks I’ve already met out here, and a pleasure as always to see some new faces. Plus, in spite of having to squeeze 10 of us at a table not nearly big enough for 10 people, the closeness to Caltrain, the atmosphere and ability to order food and drinks throughout the evening by heading up to the counter and ordering made Cafe Borrone a really nice venue for this kind of social meetup. I really hope we do more of these in the future!

Looks like tomorrow we’ll be running a lot of errands (including dentist appointments, meh, dentists). Sunday will be painting day.


The installfest I talked about in my last post certainly took up much of my day on Sunday, but Saturday and Monday of this past holiday weekend had MJ and I busy with a project at home: starting to paint our storage units. We purchased three storage units in the building a couple months ago, all of them are unfinished concrete and drywall which makes for quite a dusty environment so we’ve been working to coordinate getting painters in and handling other tasks to prepare them. We also had some professional painters come by for some estimates on painting in the condo itself, which we’re looking to get repainted in a couple months.

We had a painter scheduled to come in over the weekend, but they canceled on Friday. Oh no! Not impressed and unwilling to wait longer to get a painter scheduled since we’re paying for off-site storage until this is completed, we decided to do it ourselves. The last time (and first time) I had painted was back in 2004 at the house in Schwenksville, where I learned that it’s not nearly as fun as it looks on TV, but a passable job can be done if you have the proper tools. Luckily the fellow in the paint department of our local Lowe’s was extremely helpful, and when I pulled out my mini9 to show him some photos he recognised Ubuntu and we had a nice long chat about it! Excellent! Ubuntu aside, he got us on the right track paint and supply-wise and we were on our way.

Some photos of the walls in the larger units, concrete and drywall:

The first task (and the one which took about 16 hours over 2 days) was cleaning, taping and then putting on the priming coat. It all took considerably longer than anticipated, the first day was spent priming the walls of the larger units, and the second day was spent doing the small unit walls and floors, and the floors of the large units.

In the course of painting I also managed to stick my foot in a can of paint. I’m almost glad, we had quite a good laugh over that.

Did I mention that it was very difficult work too? The large storage units are not rectangular, so there are some tricky corners, plus some pipes that need to be painted around. It also turns out that concrete is more tricky to paint than drywall, and takes more coats of paint because it’s more absorbent and the surface is much rougher.

This Saturday we’ll be picking up where we left off and starting the formal painting of the walls in the larger units. I’m hoping it’ll go more quickly than this past weekend now that we have the process down and we won’t need to do so much cleaning and prep work.

Wow, a whole post about painting storage units. See, my life these days isn’t all about traveling and Ubuntu parties!

Ubuntu California Installfest at Noisebridge

On Sunday MJ and I spent the day at Noisebridge for the Ubuntu California Lucid Installfest. Unfortunately our scheduling ended up to coincide with Carnaval San Francisco 2010, but aside from traffic woes in the area it made for some lively entertainment outside and quite the view for attendees.

Leif Ryge was our gracious Noisebridge host for this event and spent a lot of time helping to debug issues and putting iso images on flash drives as needed. Thanks also our other volunteers, Grant Bowman, who brought a whole pile of 10.04 CDs, Jesse Zbikowski, Michael Paoli and several others who were eager to jump in and help with installs. Thanks also to Christian Einfeldt who has been working with Al Stoll, a local attorney who has been using Ubuntu and provided pizza and drinks for the event and has offered to also print up CDs for the team, Christian took the time to organize the actual delivery of the pizza (which was no easy task with the Carnival happening outside!).

The event ended up having over 20 people, all told. We did 6 Ubuntu installs, and 1 Debian on an old PPC Mac and did some serious debugging of two other machines which were having problems, one of which ended up being a failing harddrive causing filesystem corruption that made Ubuntu 8.10 “act funny” and cause her to bring her machine in to us, and the caused a reinstall to fail completely with I/O errors. I ended up installing Ubuntu on my old Compaq Pentium 3 with only 384M of RAM, I won’t be watching flash or doing lots of photo editing, but it’s a really decent experience in general.

I think the most noteworthy of the installs was one which had a RAM problem. The woman who brought the machine explained the problems she was encountering when trying to install 64-bit Ubuntu, and the problems were duplicated by our volunteers. Early on RAM was ruled out after memtest passed, but by the end of the day there was a matrix on the white board of her 4G of ram being swapped around the 4 slots. The result? The 4th RAM slot on the board was bad, she was able to head home with a fully functioning 10.04 install of 64-bit Ubuntu and a computer which was much happier overall now that the 4th slot was empty.

Photo by Christian Einfeldt, CC-BY-SA, originally published in his Picasa gallery: Linux: Lucid Lynx Installfest 5-30-10

A few more photos can be found over on my flickr account:

Ubuntu California Lucid Installfest May 2010

It really ended up being quite a fun event, even if we ended up running a couple of hours over. As always it was also a pleasure to meet more people using Ubuntu and learning what they use it for. It’s really not just for geeks anymore, almost all the folks bringing in systems had expertise in fields outside of technology and were using Ubuntu for reasons like openness, flexibility and the reason we always hear: tired of dealing with security hassles (worms, viruses, etc) on Windows.

Art and Baseball

Yesterday MJ and I headed down to the San Francisco Fine Art Fair of Modern and Contemporary artwork over in Marina at the Festival Pavilion at Fort Mason Center. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with this fair, which we learned about via our membership at the Asian Art Museum, and I was pleasantly surprised at the very interesting mix of galleries they had showing artwork. The venue itself is an interesting one, as the name suggests it’s an old military establishment which has now been converted into a national recreation district. The Pavilion where the show was held is a building on a pier on the bay.

My favorite work of the show was by Jenn Shifflet whose art was being displayed by the Chandra Cerrito Contemporary Gallery over in Oakland. A quick snapshot of which I took:

The rest of the day was spent running errands! But it was all very much needed, I didn’t really get anything done when I got home from Belgium and then last week I ended up with a nasty cold (which apparently wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been, I hear a few folks from UDS ended up with respiratory infections that resulted in hospital visits, yikes!).

In spite of the cold, I was able to get out on Monday evening before the symptoms hit me Tuesday morning and joined Chris and Mark at an Oakland A’s game! It turns out that Mark’s grandmother has been a huge, season ticket holding fan for many years so he knows all kinds of people at the ballpark, and they were even at the recent perfect game pitched by Dallas Braden. As a result of this and it being a bit of a rainy game, we managed to get some amazing seats.

We arrived pretty early and were able to see them clearing off the field before the game.

Then we had the opportunity to get a ball that Mark brought along for me signed by 4 of the players and the team manager!

Photo from here in Mark Terranova’s photostream, “Lyz getting Kevin Kouzmanoff’s autograph”

My signed baseball:

Signed by Bob Geren (manager), Cliff Pennington, Kevin Kouzmanoff, Rajai Davis and Jake Fox

Photo from here in Mark Terranova’s photostream, “Me [Mark] & Lyz”

The game really was a blast, even with the intermittent rain. The A’s were playing the Mariners so I was able to see the famous Ken Griffey Jr. and Ichiro Suzuki play. Huge thanks to Mark for inviting me out and showing me such an amazing time. I can’t imagine ever snagging seats that good again, or having quite the experience as that first A’s game – and only my second Major League game ever! Next time I’ll bring the sandwiches.

Your favorite scifi/fantasy books

Today MJ and I were downtown visiting the Shanghai exhibit at the Asian Art Museum. The museum closed at 5PM but the San Francisco Public Library right next door is open until 6PM! So after the museum we hopped over there and signed up for library cards and headed straight to the scifi section and quickly realized I had no idea what I wanted to read. With so many amazing books in the world I really don’t want to waste my time with something I picked up because it had a pretty cover.

I’ve read most of the classics (Foundation, Dune, Lord or the Rings), pretty much everything ever written by Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams, read plenty of Bradbury, Clarke, Asimov, Gibson and Neal Stephenson, have a bunch of Neil Gaiman, Anne McCaffrey and Harry Turtledove books.

So, what are your favorite scifi and fantasy books and authors? What book do I absolutely need to pick up on my next trip to the library?

Beer in Brussels!

I’ve wanted to visit Belgium ever since I had my first beer from Duvel back in 2001. The opportunity to go was unexpected this year, and as a result of the circumstances (attending the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Maverick Meerkat) I wasn’t able to spend my whole trip sampling beer and being a tourist, but I certainly wouldn’t let the primary purpose of my trip get in the way of some beer sampling while in the country where some of my favorite beers come from!

I mentioned a couple of beers I tried when I first arrived, in my first blog post about the summit I mentioned the Belle-Vue Kriek:

And that I had a Delirium Tremens:

I also mentioned the Waterloo Tripel 7 Blond and Mort Subite lambics in my second blog post about the summit – with pictures! I also snapped a picture of the back of the Tripel bottle:

But now on to beers I didn’t talk about! Wednesday night was a trip into Brussels where I committed the very strange act of ordering a belgian lager, a Piedboeuf Jupiler. It’s the most popular beer in Belgium and at the restaurant where we were at the choices were pretty limited, and I’d already had the Leffe varieties on the menu stateside. My take? I don’t much care for lagers, but it was one of the better ones I’ve ever had. Plus the glass was huge, and that was fun.

From Drug Opera Restaurant we walked over to the precious beer hall that is Delirium Cafe. I love Delirium Tremens, it’s one of my favorite beers in the world. Learning that there was a bar named after it which had over 2000 beers and was The Place for beers in that district of Brussels was so exciting.

Me at Delirium Cafe!

And inside, with my first beer!

And the Delirium bottle wall going to the downstairs bar!

I carefully selected this first beer from the menu in their upstairs bar:

It was a Chouffe Houblon IPA. Chouffe does IPAs? I’ve had their strong pale ales before, but the IPA was a new and wonderful experience. My love for IPAs and standard Belgian ales is about equal these days, I really really enjoyed this beer.

From there I went to the Mongozo Mango, which in spite of enjoying two of I didn’t get a picture of it. This was a really delicious beer! As far as lambics go it had a nice tart taste to it, while retaining an appropriate amount of sweetness, the same of which couldn’t be said for the banana lambic I had a taste of later in the evening – way too sweet! I also had more than my fair share of someone else’s Bourganel Bière à la Verveine Velay, which was just strange, green color aside it was can’t-put-my-finger-on-it mentholy-minty, or something. The strangeness of this beer kept me sampling it.

I wrapped up the evening with a good ole Delirium Tremens, you kinda have to at Delirium Cafe!

Thursday night we made our way back down to Brussels for some previously mentioned waffles and chocolate. Following that and some sightseeing we ended up back at Delirium Cafe (turns out it was a public holiday, so our choices were limited).

This night I started off with a Floris Cactus. Huyghe Brewery‘s (same brewery as Delirium Tremens and Mongozo) Floris isn’t actually all that hard to find in the US, but I hadn’t had either of the ones they had on tap and the ones that I’ve had stateside were pretty sweet – the apple was almost undrinkable because it was so overwhelmingly candy-like. I’m happy to report that the Cactus was a delight!

Then it was on to the Floris Mirabelle… which I haven’t been able to find information online about (help?). This was another delicious lambic.

Not to let lambics rule the night, I also wrapped up this evening with a beloved Delirum Tremens.

My last beer of the trip was on Saturday morning (hey, it was night in San Francisco! that means it’s ok, right?) at the airport when my flight was delayed and I had one last Belle-Vue Kriek.

I had to admit being pretty heavy on the lambics this trip, but as a “working trip” I needed to avoid beers which would land me with a nasty hangover the next morning and render me useless during the busy summit days. My next trip to Belgium I will be less delicate and more adventurous! But this was certainly a fun start.

UDS Maverick Day 5

Last day of UDS!

Community Roundtable

It was discussed that the LoCo Council will be formally deprecating the unmaintainable LoCo Team List wiki page in favor of loco directory. We also did some reviewing of good sessions throughout the week.

Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals

The Ubuntu Women team has a full RoadMap for the future over on the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Roadmap-M but in this session we focused on three major places:

Mentoring Program: We’ll be rewriting our documentation to reflect the real program as it stands now, and working to reference existing programs within the community that we can point women to who want to get involved. Penelope Stowe will be leading up the effort to rewrite this documentation and I volunteered to be the primary reviewer.

Redesign Logo: Vish is the driver for this one, working to make a new logo which is consistent with the Ubuntu branding guidelines (even if I am still quite fond of our current logo! Times change…).

Redesign Ubuntu-Women.org website: I’m leading up this project, handling most of the logistics and defining what portions of the site need to be worked on and Melissa Draper will be looking into the design direction. In the coming weeks I’ll also be moving much of the static content to the wiki.

I suspect we’ll tackle more of the goals in this cycle, but with the Leadership Election coming up and an evaluation of the success of our new IRC channel infrastructure we wanted to have really attainable goals.

Unity design

In this Unity session they discussed some common netbook problems, drag and drop is tricky, so are complex mouse gestures, single click launching is not great for netbooks since accidental clicking happens frequently for most users, but single click launching does make sense for touchscreens. The work to develop a theme that works well on both netbooks and touchscreen devices is a more complicated problem than I had anticipated as intuitively I think “they’re both small screens” but in reality there are differences in usage, including things like behavior of window “edges” and other expectations.

It was then off to lunch, followed by Lightning talks. There were several great little talks, but I particularly enjoyed learning about the the Chamilo E-Learning and Collaboration Software, which they claim isn’t a competitor to Moodle but does look like it is. Will be interesting to check out. I also enjoyed watching the presentation by Chris Johnston on ClassBot, which we tossed the slides together for just a couple hours prior to the presentation. I’ve been involved with Classroom for several years now, and ClassBot really marks a nice advance in how we handle sessions with all it’s automatic handling of things, it also gave us an opportunity to ask for folks to host classes in #ubuntu-classroom

Community Team Process Improvements

This session focused on consolidating the wide variety of community building documenation into a generic pool. Currently there multiple wiki pages which are similar and information is a quite spread out, making it challenging for teams to find the right, good documentation. I think this ties in well with the LoCo initiative to tie together best practices documentation, indeed, LoCo Council member Laura Czajkowski has volunteered for a number of action items on both projects.

Ubuntu News Team

Joey Stanford and Amber Graner lead this session to discuss some lingering issues with the structure of the news team and the future, including their current status of the 4 launchpad teams currently set up for the team. I found this session to be primarily valueable because it really gave me a clear look at the history, goals and intents of both the Ubuntu Weekly News and Fridge Editors teams (the latter of which I’m a contributing member of) and they were able to make decisions and look to what needed to be discussed within the community.

The day wrapped up with a presentation by Robbie Williamson of Canonical on the release schedule to meet Mark’s proposal of releasing on 10-10-10, he outlines this in a blog post: A Case for Modifying the Ubuntu Release Schedule. Then the team leads for each session gave some wrap-up information, including that they’ll be shooting for a 2.6.35 kernel and that they’re planning on moving to just i686 for 32bit (so, dropping i386-i586) for Maverick so they can take advantage of i686 optimizations, yay!

Once this wrapped up it was on to dinner and Allstars. I spent much of the evening outside chatting with people (sun sets so late there!) and enjoying the cool air, I was able to get to bed by 12:30 so I could be up for my flight the next morning.

Saturday it was finally sunny out, but we had to fly home! My flight was delayed by a couple hours which didn’t seem like a problem at the time since I naively thought that since my flight had the same number all along in spite of stopping in Chicago that the second portion of the flight would wait for the first – not so! The ash delay in Brussels caused me to miss my connection in Chicago so they booked me on a flight the following morning. Luckily they let me try to fly standby on a couple of overbooked flights that evening and I managed to catch a 5:30PM flight out of Chicago, phew! Good thing too, since I had already re-checked my bag after customs.

I finally got in to SFO around 8PM and MJ greeted me at the airport with flowers! My checked bag had fortunately (somewhat miraculously) made it on the same plane as me so I was able to get home pretty quickly, order some Chinese and finally relax after the fantastic whirlwind that was UDS!