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Your favorite scifi/fantasy books

Today MJ and I were downtown visiting the Shanghai exhibit at the Asian Art Museum. The museum closed at 5PM but the San Francisco Public Library right next door is open until 6PM! So after the museum we hopped over there and signed up for library cards and headed straight to the scifi section and quickly realized I had no idea what I wanted to read. With so many amazing books in the world I really don’t want to waste my time with something I picked up because it had a pretty cover.

I’ve read most of the classics (Foundation, Dune, Lord or the Rings), pretty much everything ever written by Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams, read plenty of Bradbury, Clarke, Asimov, Gibson and Neal Stephenson, have a bunch of Neil Gaiman, Anne McCaffrey and Harry Turtledove books.

So, what are your favorite scifi and fantasy books and authors? What book do I absolutely need to pick up on my next trip to the library?

Beer in Brussels!

I’ve wanted to visit Belgium ever since I had my first beer from Duvel back in 2001. The opportunity to go was unexpected this year, and as a result of the circumstances (attending the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Maverick Meerkat) I wasn’t able to spend my whole trip sampling beer and being a tourist, but I certainly wouldn’t let the primary purpose of my trip get in the way of some beer sampling while in the country where some of my favorite beers come from!

I mentioned a couple of beers I tried when I first arrived, in my first blog post about the summit I mentioned the Belle-Vue Kriek:

And that I had a Delirium Tremens:

I also mentioned the Waterloo Tripel 7 Blond and Mort Subite lambics in my second blog post about the summit – with pictures! I also snapped a picture of the back of the Tripel bottle:

But now on to beers I didn’t talk about! Wednesday night was a trip into Brussels where I committed the very strange act of ordering a belgian lager, a Piedboeuf Jupiler. It’s the most popular beer in Belgium and at the restaurant where we were at the choices were pretty limited, and I’d already had the Leffe varieties on the menu stateside. My take? I don’t much care for lagers, but it was one of the better ones I’ve ever had. Plus the glass was huge, and that was fun.

From Drug Opera Restaurant we walked over to the precious beer hall that is Delirium Cafe. I love Delirium Tremens, it’s one of my favorite beers in the world. Learning that there was a bar named after it which had over 2000 beers and was The Place for beers in that district of Brussels was so exciting.

Me at Delirium Cafe!

And inside, with my first beer!

And the Delirium bottle wall going to the downstairs bar!

I carefully selected this first beer from the menu in their upstairs bar:

It was a Chouffe Houblon IPA. Chouffe does IPAs? I’ve had their strong pale ales before, but the IPA was a new and wonderful experience. My love for IPAs and standard Belgian ales is about equal these days, I really really enjoyed this beer.

From there I went to the Mongozo Mango, which in spite of enjoying two of I didn’t get a picture of it. This was a really delicious beer! As far as lambics go it had a nice tart taste to it, while retaining an appropriate amount of sweetness, the same of which couldn’t be said for the banana lambic I had a taste of later in the evening – way too sweet! I also had more than my fair share of someone else’s Bourganel Bière à la Verveine Velay, which was just strange, green color aside it was can’t-put-my-finger-on-it mentholy-minty, or something. The strangeness of this beer kept me sampling it.

I wrapped up the evening with a good ole Delirium Tremens, you kinda have to at Delirium Cafe!

Thursday night we made our way back down to Brussels for some previously mentioned waffles and chocolate. Following that and some sightseeing we ended up back at Delirium Cafe (turns out it was a public holiday, so our choices were limited).

This night I started off with a Floris Cactus. Huyghe Brewery‘s (same brewery as Delirium Tremens and Mongozo) Floris isn’t actually all that hard to find in the US, but I hadn’t had either of the ones they had on tap and the ones that I’ve had stateside were pretty sweet – the apple was almost undrinkable because it was so overwhelmingly candy-like. I’m happy to report that the Cactus was a delight!

Then it was on to the Floris Mirabelle… which I haven’t been able to find information online about (help?). This was another delicious lambic.

Not to let lambics rule the night, I also wrapped up this evening with a beloved Delirum Tremens.

My last beer of the trip was on Saturday morning (hey, it was night in San Francisco! that means it’s ok, right?) at the airport when my flight was delayed and I had one last Belle-Vue Kriek.

I had to admit being pretty heavy on the lambics this trip, but as a “working trip” I needed to avoid beers which would land me with a nasty hangover the next morning and render me useless during the busy summit days. My next trip to Belgium I will be less delicate and more adventurous! But this was certainly a fun start.

UDS Maverick Day 5

Last day of UDS!

Community Roundtable

It was discussed that the LoCo Council will be formally deprecating the unmaintainable LoCo Team List wiki page in favor of loco directory. We also did some reviewing of good sessions throughout the week.

Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals

The Ubuntu Women team has a full RoadMap for the future over on the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Roadmap-M but in this session we focused on three major places:

Mentoring Program: We’ll be rewriting our documentation to reflect the real program as it stands now, and working to reference existing programs within the community that we can point women to who want to get involved. Penelope Stowe will be leading up the effort to rewrite this documentation and I volunteered to be the primary reviewer.

Redesign Logo: Vish is the driver for this one, working to make a new logo which is consistent with the Ubuntu branding guidelines (even if I am still quite fond of our current logo! Times change…).

Redesign Ubuntu-Women.org website: I’m leading up this project, handling most of the logistics and defining what portions of the site need to be worked on and Melissa Draper will be looking into the design direction. In the coming weeks I’ll also be moving much of the static content to the wiki.

I suspect we’ll tackle more of the goals in this cycle, but with the Leadership Election coming up and an evaluation of the success of our new IRC channel infrastructure we wanted to have really attainable goals.

Unity design

In this Unity session they discussed some common netbook problems, drag and drop is tricky, so are complex mouse gestures, single click launching is not great for netbooks since accidental clicking happens frequently for most users, but single click launching does make sense for touchscreens. The work to develop a theme that works well on both netbooks and touchscreen devices is a more complicated problem than I had anticipated as intuitively I think “they’re both small screens” but in reality there are differences in usage, including things like behavior of window “edges” and other expectations.

It was then off to lunch, followed by Lightning talks. There were several great little talks, but I particularly enjoyed learning about the the Chamilo E-Learning and Collaboration Software, which they claim isn’t a competitor to Moodle but does look like it is. Will be interesting to check out. I also enjoyed watching the presentation by Chris Johnston on ClassBot, which we tossed the slides together for just a couple hours prior to the presentation. I’ve been involved with Classroom for several years now, and ClassBot really marks a nice advance in how we handle sessions with all it’s automatic handling of things, it also gave us an opportunity to ask for folks to host classes in #ubuntu-classroom

Community Team Process Improvements

This session focused on consolidating the wide variety of community building documenation into a generic pool. Currently there multiple wiki pages which are similar and information is a quite spread out, making it challenging for teams to find the right, good documentation. I think this ties in well with the LoCo initiative to tie together best practices documentation, indeed, LoCo Council member Laura Czajkowski has volunteered for a number of action items on both projects.

Ubuntu News Team

Joey Stanford and Amber Graner lead this session to discuss some lingering issues with the structure of the news team and the future, including their current status of the 4 launchpad teams currently set up for the team. I found this session to be primarily valueable because it really gave me a clear look at the history, goals and intents of both the Ubuntu Weekly News and Fridge Editors teams (the latter of which I’m a contributing member of) and they were able to make decisions and look to what needed to be discussed within the community.

The day wrapped up with a presentation by Robbie Williamson of Canonical on the release schedule to meet Mark’s proposal of releasing on 10-10-10, he outlines this in a blog post: A Case for Modifying the Ubuntu Release Schedule. Then the team leads for each session gave some wrap-up information, including that they’ll be shooting for a 2.6.35 kernel and that they’re planning on moving to just i686 for 32bit (so, dropping i386-i586) for Maverick so they can take advantage of i686 optimizations, yay!

Once this wrapped up it was on to dinner and Allstars. I spent much of the evening outside chatting with people (sun sets so late there!) and enjoying the cool air, I was able to get to bed by 12:30 so I could be up for my flight the next morning.

Saturday it was finally sunny out, but we had to fly home! My flight was delayed by a couple hours which didn’t seem like a problem at the time since I naively thought that since my flight had the same number all along in spite of stopping in Chicago that the second portion of the flight would wait for the first – not so! The ash delay in Brussels caused me to miss my connection in Chicago so they booked me on a flight the following morning. Luckily they let me try to fly standby on a couple of overbooked flights that evening and I managed to catch a 5:30PM flight out of Chicago, phew! Good thing too, since I had already re-checked my bag after customs.

I finally got in to SFO around 8PM and MJ greeted me at the airport with flowers! My checked bag had fortunately (somewhat miraculously) made it on the same plane as me so I was able to get home pretty quickly, order some Chinese and finally relax after the fantastic whirlwind that was UDS!

UDS Maverick Day 4

And on to day 4…

Community Roundtable

First off, Laura Czajkowski explained the LoCo Council healthcheck, a series of monthly Q&A sessions on IRC where the LoCo Council is available to answer questions from the community. The rest of the session was spent on smaller topics, including calendars on fridge, the idea of documenting “what they should be doing” with regard to monthly reporting, team meetings and other things that Approved teams are expected to do.

Maverick LoCo Directory Plans

On the LoCo Directory currently it’s a bit difficult to find specific events near you since they are all just in a big list, so we discussed some soon to be released improvements and other mechanisms for handling this. Also discussed were ways to make the team information page richer, perhaps having photos/flickr feed and an easy way to visualize special events the team is participating in (release parties, global jams, etc). There are also a lot of loco-directory bugs out there which have great ideas. Jono also proposed having a map on the front page to quickly get people to a list of teams in their continent. I’m really looking forward to all of this, the loco directory has a lot of potential to make things considerably easier for teams and attendees.

Maverick Governance Changes And Needs

The session began with a quick generation of the list of expiring members during the Maverick cycle so we could schedule restaffing. There was also a lot of discussion about handling leadership mailing lists since it’s a tedious process to keep them updated after restaffing and the way in which voting is handled within the community, as launchpad voting is pretty basic and the current methods of extracting information from launchpad for use in 3rd party voting software are not easy for a typical user.

Maverick IRC Council Plans

Jussi Schultink lead this session which began with a review of the Lucid RoadMap where he discussed the progress made in that cycle. I’ve been really impressed with the transformation of the council in this cycle and their willingness to tackle the tough problems out there, it was a pleasure to see every one of my questions regarding their status answered in a positive manner where they had either solved a problem or had plans in place. For Maverick they’ll be focusing on the issue tracker (they are asking for volunteers to help), working through the logistics of a “core ops” team and a policy on factoid changes. There was also a lot of discussion about bots, and the following were mentioned/proposed: Reminder that all Ubuntu bots should be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots (including LoCo bots – oops, this needs to be done for California!), a request to be issued that all approved LoCo teams have an official log bot, and a discussion to begin on the policy of having all #ubuntu-* logged (with case by case exceptions). In all, a very productive session.

After lunch I attended the Plenary talk by the new Debian Project Leader, Stefano Zacchiroli, titled “Collaboration with Ubuntu (from the Debina point of view)” (video). It was an excellent talk and he was really keen on seeing the collaboration issues pointed out, discussed and resolved. Hurrah Debian!

I then had to scoot out to be interviewed by Amber Graner, the video is now up up the blip.tv site: UDS-M Interview Elizabeth Krumbach Community.

After the interview I headed back to the auditorium for the group photo, a “quick version” of which has been posted here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kwwii/4610334160/.

Ubuntu LoCo Manual

A couple of really key things came out of this session which was led by Alan Pope and Laura Czajkowski. The first that quickly became clear was that the wiki has a wealth of information which even key members of the community have a tough time keeping track of, discussions would begin and then someone would pull up some old wiki page which would begin to outline the ideas being discussed. This information will have to be found and improved upon. The second important thing that came out of this session was the need for a “Best Practices for a LoCo” which would be a simple checklist outlining the expectations for teams who are approved or seeking approval, since a lot of teams end up getting stuck at a “We have our LoCo set up, now what are we supposed to do?” position.

Maverick LoCo Council Plans

This session covered some of the work the LoCo Council has been doing in the past cycle, including embarking upon reapproving teams (which is planned to be done every 2 years). They also discussed the way that news is delivered to LoCo teams, as currently the information is sent to loco-contacts to be shared with teams, but not all LoCo leaders are not sending along that information. Possible solutions were proposed including more direct engaging of LoCo contacts with direct mailing (a lot of work) or having a LoCo Council email address which can email all LoCo team lists (could be controversial). In all, the LoCo Council is doing very well, it’s not easy resolving issues within the community and getting folks to sit down together and talk through problems, but they have been quite successful in finding positive resolutions.

Ubuntu Manual, Docs Team and Learning project collaboration

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this session since we weren’t sure of the dynamics of the audience going in, and had a backup plan if the members of the Doc Team were unable to attend. To our pleasant surprise, not only was it a full room of folks interested, we had Doc Team representatives present! Currently there are three visible projects within the community seeking to write content for users, in three slightly different formats. It’s been difficult to sync these efforts and this session lead by Learning Materials Team member Martin Owens was a step in the right direction. Phil Bull from the Doc Team joined us via IRC and we discussed a proposal for a “content pool” which includes material from all projects written in the format the Doc Team releases in (currently DocBook, but Phil indicated that they’d probably be switching to Mallard, following Gnome). The Learning Materials project is seeking to continue development on tools for this content pool, primarily being Martin’s Ground control and a collaborative editor for materials, and I’ll be converting the current Learning Material documents to the new format once the Doc Team confirms their position on DocBook vs Mallard. The Manual project will be focusing on a content delivery system for the content they’re releasing in the form of the support and learning center that was discussed earlier in the week, this system will include infrastructure for easily accepting contributions. I have to say that I’m really excited about this collaboration, first because it’s so nice to see the teams starting to work together, and secondly because of the great potential these projects have to help each other.

The day wrapped up and we decided to head down to Brussels for waffles! We took one of the shuttles down into the city center and began our journey by stopping at a couple chocolate shops, yum! I was so close to buying to Duvel made out of chocolate (decided against it since it was unsealed and I wasn’t sure how I’d get such a thing home, darn!).

Then it was off for the actual Belgian Waffles! I ordered mine with strawberries and chocolate, but Martin Bogomolni ordered his with some liquor that was lit on fire when presented at the table, and two other guys followed his lead, and I took a video of it Wow, nice!

Afterwards, we too a walk through the Royal Galleries of Saint-Hubert, a long shopping arcade where everything was closed for the evening but the place was beautiful. Then I hit a local tourist shop for some little gifts and then headed over to get some frietes! I sure did look like a tourist at this point, much to the entertainment of my fellow travelers.

Where now? On our way to get beer I passed a shop window where they had a stuffed toy Delirium elephant, oh how cute! But the shop was closed! Martin gave me some tips on finding one in San Francisco, so we’ll see how that goes. We then got to see the Grand Place where I got some surprisingly good night photos from my trusty little pink handheld canon.

Sufficient number of photos taken, we then made our way to Delirium Cafe – yep, the same place we had spent the last night at. I had a couple new lambics, including the Floris Cactus, but I’ll cover beers in their own post.

We got back at the hotel by shortly after midnight – quite a bit more reasonable than the previous night!

UDS Maverick Day 3

Day 3!

Community Roundtable

Once again started my day in the Community Roundtable discussion. Not much noteworthy to the outside world came of this, mostly just administrative loose ends that needed to be tied up, including touching base with Canonical about some things, changing some of the scheduled sessions (oh no, conflicts!), making sure the lists.ubuntu.com mailing list creation workflow was being handled properly (it’s still a bit slow – but it’s much better than it used to be!), and chatted a bit about loco events and meetings as far as calendaring goes.

Promoting LoCo Testing Teams

The core of this session began with a great presentation by Paolo Sammicheli discussing the test case of Italy as a team who got heavily involved in ISO testing during the last cycle. Details from the Italian team’s initaitve are outlined on their wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoTest, including results compiled from their big testing push in 10.04. Their main findings? It’s a good way to get new contributors, several of the people contributing in the Italian team test were new to contributing to Ubuntu. It seems that it gives just enough techincal work to keep new contributors engaged (bug filing and such), while also having a low enough barrier to entry that it’s not a problem for newcomers to give it a try. There were also suggestions from other folks in the room regarding how we motivate teams and individuals to do testing. Something like a 5-A-Day but for testing? Hooking Launchpad Karma into it (Karma is not a great metric, but people like it)? Perhaps being able to somehow tag tests with a loco team name so folks could see which locos are more active than others.

Aside from the basic ISO testing info, couple other links mentioned during the session for teams looking to do similar work may be helpful:



Looks like this could be a really valuable thing for more teams to take a part of.

Conference Planning

Ubuntu at Conferences! I really enjoyed this session. It turns out that the link I just referred to hasn’t been updated in 2 years, which means a couple of things: 1) Amber Graner and others in the community had some really great tips about how you can submit the best application for a ship-it request, like including additional information about the conference itself 2) The conference packs haven’t changed all that much in 2 years. The former was only the first of several ways that Amber has come up with teams doing better at conferences in general, all of which will be released as a document in a few weeks. The latter also sparked a great conversation about how the Conference Packs could be better, Jane Silber (CEO of Canonical) was in the room during this discussion and said she’d be happy to hear a proposal from the LoCo Council on this, excellent! The session also discussed the types of conferences that teams get involved with, and the consensus was that we really don’t want to isolate our booths to just tech events, we want to present at events at schools and universities, attend events like SciFi conventions, and the North Carolina team has really run with this idea by planning to promote Ubuntu at a goat festival, an idea which came up after somewhat unrelatedly working with an organization involved with it to get their systems switched to Ubuntu.

Community Maverick Mootbot

Writing meeting minutes is a tedious and often thankless job, so the Scribes Team wrote MootBot. Alan Bell and the UK team have done some really great work based on the current MootBot to develop one which makes friendlier-styled logs like this which is output as wiki syntax for immediate placement in the wiki. There were a lot of great ideas during this session, like requesting the ability to change the chair in the middle of a meeting, automatic posting to wiki following the meeting, ability to process old logs, and further automate chairing a meeting. The decision was also made to convert the bot from an eggdrop to a Supybot.

Plan for Moodle, schooltool and sugar in Edubuntu

This session was a really interesting one to catch up on the health of these packages in Ubuntu (and Debian). Moodle turned out to be a tricky one since the current version in the repository is getting old and the Moodle team is needing some help with packaging and patching for security and bug handling. SchoolTool‘s status was considerably better, they have a PPA and they’re shooting for getting it into Maverick. The final one discussed was Sugar, and they’ll be following up with the Ubuntu Sugar Remix team, which has an active PPA and mailing list discussions.

Community Track: Fridge and News Team

This was probably the most productive session of the day from my own workload perspective. The Fridge will be moving to WordPress from Drupal and in a couple months we’ll have a test instance up. The Design Team has some time set aside for theming and we had a volunteer in the session who said she’d help with mockups. Amber and I will be doing content review and we’ll all be playing with workflow and are planning to set up a trial for non-editors to submit news directly to the Fridge. The calendar was also discussed, as the project has grown so much that we now have several heavily populated community calendars and the team wants to somehow display and link these to /calendar. I’m really excited about this redevelopment, should be an excellent cycle for the news team.

Maverick Ubuntu Global Jam

In this session we primarily focused on best pratices for Global Jams where we all related stories about our own successful Jams. Then there was a lot of discussion about how to better spread the word to teams about jams. Some of the ideas tossed around was direct emailings to loco mailing lists (may be a bit spammy), better promotion of loco contacts mailing list, getting into direct contact with contacts, a facebook group.

Once the day finished up we all met up to head down to Brussels for the Ubuntu Women dinner at Drug Opera Restaurant. We took the bus to the Metro station which we took into the center of Brussels.

Dinner was enjoyable, but ended up taking quite some time and we had to change our plans to the evening since we couldn’t get back to the shuttle on time.

From there we headed to Delrium Cafe, which was amazing, but I’ll have to write about that later.

On to UDS day 4!

UDS Maverick Day 2

Tuesday morning we were up bright and early for breakfast and the beginning of day 2 of UDS! As usual, the day for me started out over at the Community Roundtable.

Community Roundtable

In addition to being a general overview of the upcoming day, this roundtable really focused on the perception the community in general has of Canonical. In this last cycle the Canonical Design team really came under fire for making design decisions without keeping the community up to speed on the moving of window control buttons, and the now infamous bug report related to it. The rationale for this eventually came out in Mark’s blog and is generally supported by the community but it was felt that much of the community uproar could have been prevented by having some of the design team’s work be more accessible to the community. In response to this the Design Team over at Canonical have launched a really great blog over at design.canonical.com to work harder to engage the community and keep them up to speed with their ideas and projects. The design team was not the only team focused on in this discussion, it also expanded to other roles within Canonical, including those of developers. It turns out that it’s not well-know that for a Canonical employee to become an Ubuntu developer (or even an Ubuntu member) they need to go through the same process as anyone in the community seeking to fill the same roles, and indeed, there have been times when Canonical employees were asked to reapply for positions within the community when the governing membership boards felt they didn’t have enough solid involvement. The result of this session? Communication has to improve on all fronts to keep the relationship between the Ubuntu community and Canonical a healthy one.

Ubuntu NGO Team plans for Maverick

This was probably the most productive session of the day for me. The NGO Team has some really great folks involved who are really inspired to reach out to more non-profits and get them the help they need with documents, software packages and general tips for using Ubuntu and other open source applications within their organization. The result of this was several tasks defined for this next cycle, including some for me regarding php pear packages required for some of the webapps that the NGOs are keen to use.

Ubuntu Support and Learning Center

In this session Benjamin Humphrey introduced ideas for a Support and Learning Center website. The rationale behind this is outlined in the introductory paragraph of their wiki page:

The Ubuntu Support and Learning Center (USLC) will be an awesome, quality, dynamic website that acts as an online learning and support center for Ubuntu users to both solve their problems or work through tasks, and also to learn more about Ubuntu and how to contribute to it. The final site would involve material from the manual project, docs team, learning project and third party articles, split into well organized, topic based help using cutting edge web technologies like HTML5. The website would also collect information and feedback from the users on the usefulness of articles or individual paragraphs, so that we can constantly improve our material to make it the best quality we can.

It is primarily a portal for content that is easily accessible to users. Much of the discussion on this centered around making sure the team was going to work with the existing teams to develop content, and the hope is that initially this really would be a portal to existing content instead of a lot of content developed by the team itself. However, the grand vision was that of a moderated wiki where contributors would have an interface for quick edits to content that could be submitted via the web interface into the bug tracking system, as well as a full translations system that would be easy to use. As with many documentation initiatives lately the focus is really on working toward high quality documentation while maintaining a low barrier to entry and making translations as easy as possible. Just like the manual project I really hope to see some of the tools used in this project used throughout the community.

Development Workflow Overview

This was the second such session of the week (I didn’t attend the first), and focused mostly on how upstream developers and others could most effectively submit patches, including starting from a base of “how would a developer know where to begin?” and discussing whether attaching patches to bugs really is the most effective strategy. There are currently over a thousand bug reports in launchpad against Ubuntu projects which have patches haven’t been thoroughly reviewed and applied, so while the review team is now working hard to get through this backlog (and doing an amazing job!) the session was seeking to make this job easier by defining a set of simple steps that could be completed in bzr itself so that a patch and merge request could be made directly, hopefully moving the patch that much further along in the development workflow. The patch discussion will continue in some patch-focused sessions later this week.

Open Week and Developer Week

I really enjoyed this session a lot. Focused on Classroom events (Open Week, Developer Week, Opportunistic Developer Week, User Days), and general sessions), this session covered some of the strengths and weaknesses and best practices for all these. We also discussed timing of these events and how we can do a better job at promotion, as it was agreed that we could have done better for this latest Open Week and at getting our news out to non-techies in general. Out of this session I’ll also be modifying the Classroom docs somewhat to make it clear that anyone with a project within the community is welcome to use the channel, get their events added to the calendar and take advantage of the features of ClassBot.

Create a localized help.ubuntu.com

I don’t know a lot about translations (easy when you only speak one language, and that language is English!) but I do understand their vital importance to a project like Ubuntu, and see the value they present when proprietary and closed source software alternatives lack the international support that open source can provide. The translations of official help docs is an ongoing project that allows for documentation with each release to be shipped with installs, but the help on actual help.ubuntu.com is only published in English. Currently it’s the job of loco teams to maintain their own (like help.ubuntu-it.org) and Matthew East brings up some interesting points about the challenges of maintaining translations sites in his email to the docs list on Sunday. It was an interesting discussion, diving in to the resources the locos have and whether they should really be responsible for handling publishing localized documentation. Since I’m not involved with translations I don’t see myself being involved in this discussion after UDS, but I am certainly going to follow it as it develops.

Live IRC Support In Apps

This session covered a proposal (and live implementation with an app written in Python) for a “live help” client for the desktop which has an IRC back end. The initial stab at implementation is clever but probably won’t end up being workable because of the constraints of the IRC medium, since it creates a whole new channel for each support request, an idea which probably won’t scale (and might upset freenode). I was also somewhat concerned about handling quality of support, citing that when people use an app from their desktop itself they tend to think the person on the other end is a professional, but my doubts were mostly laid to rest when the discussion went in the direction of making it clear that it was free, community support, and perhaps they’d even add a link to paid support options. A very interesting session in all, it’s always exciting to see how people are innovating to improve the user experience.

Once sessions wrapped up several of us decided to take one of the evening buses in to Waterloo for dinner. It was raining so not the most beautiful night in town, but we were able to find a charming little restaurant, Restaurant L’Amusoir. Only a couple folks really knew French, so we were dependent upon them (this is steak with frites, right?) but it actually wasn’t too difficult, and the waiter helpfully knew enough english so that we were able to get by. So we ordered a round of beers and some amazing steaks.

First up was the Waterloo Triple 7 Blond, which was really nicely balanced, if a bit strong for a first beer of the evening. Then it was on to the Mort Subite, a lambic made by Alken-Maes Brewery. I ended up with a Kriek (in spite of the photo above being of a bottle of Framboise, the glass itself has Kriek!), which was quite sweet. Dinner itself was a generous portion of steak with creamy mushroom sauce, salad and frites, and was nothing short of spectacular, if a bit filling!

Around 10PM we caught the bus back to the hotel and settled down in the hotel bar where I picked up a Delirium Tremens. Now, Delirium Tremens is one of my favorite beers in the world, and it isn’t particularly hard to find in the US, but all of the beers server here at the hotel are familiar so I figured I might as well go with a favorite since new wasn’t an option. I ended up having some great chats about beer with Jan Claeys, continuing the dozens we’d had online previously, it was really a pleasure to be able to finally enjoy some beers and talk in person. I headed to bed shortly after midnight.

Now off to start day 3! Tonight Ubuntu Women is having a team dinner down at Drug Opera Restaurant, if you’re at UDS and reading this and would like to join us (no, you don’t have to be a woman, just be supportive), check out the signup section on the LocalParticipation page so we can get an accurate count for our reservations. Afterwards we’ll be heading over to the famous Delirium Cafe.

Travel and UDS Maverick Day 1

Saturday morning I woke up early to get to the airport on time and caught my flight out of San Francisco. The flight was slightly tense since I had to gate check my carry on (argh!) and further ash cloud problems were cancelling several flights out of the US that morning. I landed in Chicago to learn that my flight to Brussels had a 2 hour delay. In the end this didn’t end up being a big deal, I had a really tight connection in O’Hare planned so I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it anyway.

For some reason I couldn’t fall asleep at all on the flight to Brussels, so I got to zone out to terrible on flight movies, listened to some podcasts and played on my Nintendo DS for 8.5 hours. Finally around noon on Sunday Brussels time our plane landed and we were off!

I bought a local prepaid BASE SIM at the airport for 15 euros, 10 of which immediately went to data, the rest I’m saving for the unlikely emergencies when I may need voice. And quickly met up with some other Ubuntu folks, to catch a cab to the Hotel (turns out there was a shuttle we could have taken, oops). Once at the hotel I immediately bumped into Laura Czajkowski and Martin Owens.

Penelope Stowe’s flight arrived a couple hours after mine and Laura and I enjoyed a nice (if pricey!) hotel bar late lunch and enjoyed a couple Belle-Vue Kriek Extras (yum!). After food we headed back to Laura and Pen’s room to watch the latest episode of Doctor who, along with enjoying our Krieks, some gummy penguins and I got to enjoy my first Curly Wurly candy bar. It was around 6:30PM when I left their room to go to my own – and boy was I exhausted from not having slept the night before. I forced myself to stay up until 8PM before finally crashing, but it wasn’t easy!

Monday morning UDS began! The day started off with an Introduction by Jono Bacon.

Then a keynote by Mark Shuttleworth (video), where Mark discussed the “chasm” that Ubuntu still needs to cross to make it to the mainstream and talked a lot about Ubuntu on netbooks and other internet-ready devices where screen real estate, which he posted about in his blog today: Unity, and Ubuntu Light. He also announced that he wants us to shoot for a 10/10/10 release date of Maverick, because 101010 in is binary for 42, and there is a trend among us Ubuntu folks of having read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (guilty here!).

From there we headed off to sessions.

Community Roundtable

I started out the session day in the Community Team Roundtable where we reviewed the plans for the week and discussed potential sessions, I’m looking forward to seeing the Community Learning Project Materials workflow session some Ground Control sessions scheduled.

Configuration management tools and conffiles

This was a really fascinating look at the current state of config file management via dpkg and the conflicts that come up during upgrades when using a config management tool like Puppet. A couple comments about config file management itself were made (dpkg’s config options leave much to be desired – it might be nice to have a better/smarter tool for merging config file versions between versions), but the core of this discussion focused on how and if a team should work with Debian to look into a way to selectively (you can already have dpkg not prompt for any config file changes, but not per package) take config file management away from dpkg itself for certain packages and tell the system that something like Puppet is handling it. I really do hope this happens.

At lunch I got to hang out with Bert Desmet, a local Fedora Ambassador who is attending the summit for a couple days. And we got a picture! …even if Martin Owens is giving him bunny ears (that’s how we treat Fedora folk. Wait, no it’s not! GUYS!!)

After lunch there was a series of Plenaries, starting with Ivanka Majic presenting for The Design Team (video) where she discussed some of their user testing of Ubuntu 10.04 which they’ll be posting on the design blog soon. Next up was Thiago Macieira presenting on QT Roadmap / Overview (video) and then Rick Spencer on Application Developers and Maverick (video).

Team Project Planning Workshop

This session ended up being a really great one that focused on the use of Launchpad blueprints in community projects. I’ll be honest – I don’t really use them. We were able to discuss how to make them better (and boy did I have a lot of ideas based on my own reluctance!). The idea ended up being to mostly do away with our traditional wiki-based RoadMaps and instead go with the launchpad-based blueprints so team members could more easily subscribe and keep up with changes – plus regular burndown charts which track progress can be generated easily from them. The end result of the brainstorming was looking into some launchpad-end changes, and some folks assigned to writing documentation for doing blueprints so it’s easier.

Heuristic evaluation and bug tagging

This was a session put on by the design team, and while my interests don’t typically lean toward user experience, after the Plenary by Ivanka Plenary I found myself interested in how the team worked. This session focused on discussions they’d had with the Mozilla team about having a common “language” to discuss usability issues and using similar tags on bugs to describe certain things. One thing I was really pleased to see was discussion about error messages sent to users. While I certainly appreciate the frequently easily Googleable, tech-nature of error messages that programs give, this is certainly not universal, and most of the newcomers to Linux these days will be put off by them. In all, a great session.

After that I decided to take a walk. This Hotel is in the middle of a beautiful Belgian forest and I had quite the nice walk down a couple of the trails on the property.

Last night was spent in the hotel bar enjoying some beers (I ended up with a mug of Stella Artois thanks to Benjamin Humphrey) and good conversation with Amber Graner, and several others throughout the evening. I turned in around midnight, my body still isn’t adjusted to the time zone difference but I am feeling much better this morning than I was yesterday morning!

Now off to grab some breakfast and start day 2 :)

Nexus One, Ubuntu and leaving for Belgium

Sunday was a pretty low-key day, which I really needed after all the release parties and events. MJ and I headed over to Kate O’Briens for lunch, turns out they have this *great* Corned Beef Quesadilla (yes, really).

Kate O'Briens

I then moved the SIM from my G1 to my new Nexus One. I had been reluctant to do it because a physical keyboard is something that was so high on my requirements list when I got my G1, and it continues to be. I am still not convinced by the on-screen keyboard of the Nexus One, but the phone itself is so much faster than the G1 and after playing with the N1 some I couldn’t resist switching the SIM. We’ll see how I do with the on-screen keyboard, at least it’s better than the G1 (slightly larger screen means bigger keyboard, seems slightly more responsive too).

This week I’ve spent cycling back to cleaning up a bunch of little Ubuntu things before UDS. The Community Council announced the new membership boards earlier this week and I’ll be serving another two years on the Americas Board (I abstained from voting on the Americas board, so thanks to my fellow CC members who once again have supported me in this position!). Today I posted the latest Ubuntu US article, an interview conducted by Amber Graner, LoCos, Leaders, and Lessons Learned: Florida Team. Today the elections for Ubuntu Women Leader began and I added myself as a candidate. My todo list still has some Debian work on it, as well as a pile of home sysadmin stuff (I really need to get better backups going!) but things are at an alright stopping point for my trip to Brussels.

Trip to Brussels! I’m very fortunate to be sponsored for this event, with Canonical handling arrangements for flights, hotels and meals. At this time tomorrow I’ll be flying over the Atlantic for the second time in my life, and visiting mainland Europe for the first time. I’ve got most of my stuff ready to be packed on the table in front of me – clothes, gadgets, adapters, euros, bottle of Advil (for the mornings after all those Belgian ales, you see!). I sort of wish I had extended my trip a couple days to see the sights in the city, since the place we’re staying at is actually in La Hulpe at Dolce La Hulpe Hotel and Resort, which is outside the city. But it will give me a nice taste of Europe so when we come back for a real vacation it’ll really be something.

Now I think I’ll start packing my piles of stuff and triple-check my list so I don’t forget anything. My flight leaves tomorrow morning local time stops on O’Hare in the early evening where there is only 40 minutes between touchdown and takeoff, that’s going to be fun. Sunday morning I’ll be landing in Brussels. Here’s hoping I can catch some sleep on the plane! If not, I’ve spent the early portion of my evening loading up my mp3 player with music and podcasts.

Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition

Last month Melissa Draper announced the Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition.

“A pivotal issue within computing cultures of today is the overemphasis on boys and men as the primary consumers of technology. Children learn by example and since the majority of media images consist of boys playing computer type games and girls playing with stereotypical princess type dolls; this contributes to the lack of involvement in science and technology by our young women.

It hurts us all to have this subconscious of pigeonholing of our children, and to help counter this for Ubuntu’s community, we would love to have a collection of examples of young girls (toddlers through to 12 years old) playing with — and loving, and being encouraged to pursue — Ubuntu. This would allow parents of girls to demonstrate that it really is ok to be intrigued by the shiny screens, blinking lights, tappity-tap of keyboards, and faint whirs of computer fans.”

I’m pretty excited about this competition, a picture is worth a thousand words! Plus the team is offering three exciting prizes donated by companies sponsoring the project and contest, Melissa discusses the prizes in a recent blog post:

This means that the competition can now offer 3 prizes! Not only that, after contacting Canonical CEO Jane Silber, we can confirm that she would be honoured to choose the second netbook prize!

The prizes are now as follows:

Community Choice: A Terra A20 netbook with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Jane’s Choice: A Dell 10n with Ubuntu Moblin Remix

Random Draw: A prize pack of random goodies from The Ubuntu Shop and a gold USB necklace from ZaReason

All winning entries also come with a subscription to their choice of either Ubuntu User Magazine or Linux Pro Magazine.

We now have only a week left for submissions, so if you didn’t know about it and wish to submit a picture, now is your chance!

The team has developed 4 easy steps:

1. Take Photos!

Take a photo of your girl (toddler-12yrs) using Ubuntu/Kubuntu/etc!

Natural candid photos are best.

(Photos you already have are also ok!)

2. Sign the Model Release Waiver form!

We are collecting these because we are dealing with photos of children.

Print the form out fill it in, and sign it.

Then either scan or take a clear photo of it.

3. Email us!

Attach both photo(s) and a signed form to an email.

Send the email to ubuntuwomen.competition@gmail.com before 2359UTC May 14th.

4. Wait for voting!

Voting will open on or after May 15th, announcement will be made on May 28th.

Good luck everyone! We’ve had some great submissions so far and I’m really looking forward to seeing more come in.

While I’m on the topic of Ubuntu Women, if you want an update on all the work the project is doing check out the logs (and slides!) Amber Graner’s great Ubuntu Open Week Session on the Ubuntu Women project.

Bay Area Lucid Release Parties and Bay Area Geeknic #1

What an exciting few days!

Thursday night over 60 (maybe more, the RSVP list was longer and it was difficult to count!) Ubuntu fans poured into Thirsty Bear for a Lucid release party! This turnout was unexpectedly large (maybe reserve the room upstairs next time?) and wonderfully exciting! I was able to meet a whole bunch of interesting people, catch up with others, and a few people from out of town even dropped by to mingle and take part in some Ubuntu partying.

Mark Terranova posted several photos in the West Coast Ubuntu Flickr Group:


I forgot to bring my camera, but luckily Sameer Verma had one that he passed around and got lots of great shots, which he posted here: Facebook.com: Sameer Verma’s Photos – Ubuntu Lucid release party

And I shamelessly borrowed a few for this post (thanks Sameer!):

It was also really fun to be able to give out some Ubuntu California T-Shirts (Jono is sporting one in the photo above) to some of our more active team members. Thanks again to Neal Bussett down in SoCal for sending the boxes of shirts up north, I’ll be shipping out several in the coming weeks.

Friday evening was the Diablo Valley Linux Users Group Lucid release party – plus celebration of Grant Bowman‘s birthday (and apparently celebrating the ascension to the throne of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands? Grant wore orange). So I took a BART train out to Walnut Creek and walked down to Caffe La Scala to meet up with a few people for the DVLUG release itself. Compared to the night before it was very, very low key, but it was nice meeting up with some folks over in the East Bay and La Scala makes a mean white mocha. From there we headed over to meet up with some more folks at The Cheesecake Factory, where this photo was taken out front by Mark:


Dinner was great, the food, the company, the atmosphere. Once it was wrapped up I was even fortunate enough to get a ride home back to SF so I didn’t need to wait for a train (thanks again Daniel!).

Saturday was the first Bay Area Geeknic! We tossed this one together within just a few weeks and didn’t publicize it as well as we could have – figured this would be a trial one to events we’d have throughout the coming months, get a feel for what worked and what didn’t, get some idea of how we could do better next time. In reality? It turned out to be quite a successful event, I counted about 30 attendees at the height of it, we weren’t wanting for any necessities (and there was a grocery store pretty close when we did need to run out for a few things), there was plenty of food, beautiful weather, awesome geeky conversations, volleyball, frisbees! All I actually learned from this is that I need to wear sunscreen in the sun, I got a little toasted.

I put more of my photos over in a Flickr set: May 1st 2010 Bay Area Geeknic

And there are also Mark Terranova’s Geeknic Photos

It really was amazing how well everything came together for this. I can’t wait for the next one! Which we’re already planning (ok, we’re also planning a third, in July!).

Unfortunately today I’m missing the SF-LUG release event where Grant is presenting on the new release (just like he did at Felton LUG yesterday!) in favor of boring things like running errands and getting prepared for the trip to Brussels for UDS next week. OK, I’m pretty excited for Brussels so even getting prepared for the trip isn’t that boring. Passport? Check. Power converters? Check…